Контрольная по английскому языку Capital


Часть I
I. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из низ глагол - сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.      Every businessman hopes to achieve his goal.
2.      have called this meeting to discuss three important issues.
3.      The government will provide many kind of help to business and individuals.
4.      The market economy has been highly successful in most industrial countries.
5.      Petrochemical projects are looking to new partnerships, processes and markets.
6.      He analyzed the desirable size of the economic zone.
7.      Recent years have seen substantial changes in the occupational distribution of the labour force.
8.      The MD reported that the company had had a good year.
9.      Carol had been working very hard, so her doctor told her to take a vacation.
10.    On Christmas Eve our family will have been living in Chicago for 20 years.
11.    I will have finished all this typing by 5 p.m.
12.    Have you chosen an advertising agency yet?

II. Из английских грамматических форм времен Simple, Continuous, Perfect и Perfect Continuous действительного залога в правой колонке выберите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих предложений.
1.      Они уже решили эту проблему.    a)      solved
b)      will have solved
c)       are solving
d)      has solved
2.      Вчера решали эту проблему с 5 до 6                     a) have solved
вечера.                                                                            b)solved
c)       were solving
d)      will solve
3.      Когда я вышла в приемную, управ-                      a) explains
ляющий объяснял новый проект расши-                    b) was explaining
рения производства.                                                    с) have explained
d) explained
4.      Экономические   условия   все   время                a) Changed
изменяются.                                                                  b) will change
c)       are changing
d)      had chenged

III. Прочитайте следующий текст и письменно его переведите. Перепишите 2 и 3 абзацы (вариант для МБ и МФ
Вариант для МБ и МФ
1. Capital is a man-made resource. Any product of labour and land which is reserved for use in the further production is capital. Capital was created when people began to make simple tools and implements to assist them in the production of food, the hunting of animals, and in the transportation of their possessions.
2. It might be helpful at this stage to deal with the confusion which  commonly arises over the meanings of three important terms: capital, money, and wealth. Capital, as already indicated, means any produced means of production.
3. Wealth is quite simply the stock of all those goods which have a money value. Capital, therefore, is an important part of the community's wealth. Money is a claim to wealth. From the standpoint of the community as a whole, money is not wealth, since we can not count both the value of real assets and the value of the money claims to those assets. From the point of view of the individual citizen, however, money represents  part of his personal wealth since he sees it as a claim on assets held by other people. To the individual business person, therefore, any money he possesses he regards as capital since it gives him a claim on resources now possessed by others. We must be quite clear, however, that money is not part of the national wealth.
4.      Capital is usually divided into two types: that which is used up in the course of production and that which is not.

Часть 2
I.       Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них глагол - сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог.
1.      The joint stock company is controlled by a board of directors.
2.      In more recent years many new cooperatives have been formed.
3.      Theories are developed in an attempt to answer the question "Why?"
4.      Countries are often described as underpopulated or overpopulated.
5.      The stock of capital is being increased relative to the stocks of the other factors of production.
6.      Various statutory documents have been submitted in time.
7.      This question was raised at the last meeting.
8.      The ordinary share capital of a company is usually referred to as the equity of the company.
9.      Units of production will be officially defined as establishments.
10.   They knew what prices were being asked for the commodity in every part of the market.

 II.     Из английских грамматических форм времен Simple, Continuous и Perfect страдательного залога в правой колонке выбе¬рите ту, которую Вы употребили бы при переводе следующих предложений.


1. Много предприятий было от-    а)      is being opened
крыто  в  нашем  городе  в  этом   Ь)      will open
году. с)       have been opened
d)      were opened
2. В прошлом год в нашем городе         а)      were opened
было   открыто   много   предпри-         Ь)      were being opened
ятий. с)       had been opened
d)      has opened
3. Когда я приехал, в этом город  а)      were opened
открывались    многие    предпри- Ь)      is being opened
ятия. с)       were being opened
d)      will be opened


III. Прочитайте следующий текст и письменно  его переведите. Перепишите 1,2 и 3 абзацы (вариант для       МБ    и МФ)

Вариант для МБ и МФ

1. There are several ways of defining inflation. In some contexts it refers to a steady increase in the supply of money. In others it is seen as a situation where demand persistently exceeds supply. It seems best, however, to define inflation in terms of its basic symptom-rising prices. Inflation is a situation in which the general price level is persistently moving upwards.
2.      In the extreme form of inflation, prices rise at a phenomenal rate and terms such as hyperinflation, runaway inflation, or galloping inflation have been used to explain the situation. Germany experienced this kind of inflation in 1923 and by the end of that year prices were one million times greater than their pre-war level. Towards the end of 1923, paper money was losing half or more of its value one hour, and wages were fixed and paid daily.
3.      Under conditions of hyperinflation people lose confidence in the currency's ability to carry out its functions. It becomes unacceptable as a medium of exchange and other commodities, such as cigarettes, are used as money. When things have become as bad as this the only possible course of action is to withdraw the currency and issue new monetary units. So great was the loss of confidence in Hungary that the new currency had to be given a new name, the Forint replacing the Pengo.


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Контрольная по английскому языку создана для тех, кто изучает экономические дисциплины в вузе. Контрольная состоит из множества заданий и двух текстов для перевода с английского на русский язык.

В данной контрольной есть задание по письменному переводу текста.


Capital. Английский язык.

Английский язык - главный инструмент межкультурной коммуникации.


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