Контрольная Does guinness book know everything?


Упражнение 1
1. Cinema also has its own records fixed in Guinness Book.
2. A lot of cinema records were fixed Guinness Book.
5. The greatest number of costumes designed was for the film “Quo Vadis?” shot in 1951.
6. All the costumes for this film which was shot in 1992 were designed by a well-known stylist.
9. Katherine Hapburn born in 1909 was awarded 4 Oscars for playing the main parts in 4 films.
10. The main prize awarded to the best film-makers is called “Oscar”.
11. The biggest net profit received from the distribution of a film is $228 million.
12. The film has been warmly received by the film-goers.
15. The most well-paid star of the world cinema is Sylvester Stallone.
16. He was paid $12 million for his participation in “Cobra”.

Упражнение 2
Переведите предложения на русский язык, укажите в каком грамматическом времени стоят формы пассивного залога. Встретив незнакомую форму, обратитесь к справочному пособию.
1. The film was screened since the 26th of June 1974 till the 26th of February 1985 in one cinema house in Paris.
2. The part of Sherlock Holmes has been played by 70 actors in 197 films since 1900.
3. The person who has been awarded the greatest number of prizes (32 ones) given by the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since 1929 is Walt Disney.
4. The main prize of the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is called “Oscar”.
5. The first statuettes given to the best film-makers were exhibited in a large hall at the Academy of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences.
6. The sum of about $69 million was spent on the shooting of “Rambo III” in 1988.
7. The biggest net profit was brought by the release of “The Extra-Terrestrial”.
8. The films “Commissar” and “Asya Klyachkina" were given international awards after they had been shelved for 20 years.

Упражнение 6

Does guinness book know everything?

Guinness Book of World Records is an encyclopedia of various facts, names and events that have only one thing in common: each of them is a record. (Present Indefinite, active) It can be a record of weight or height, speed or strength, the sum of money paid on the auction or stolen from a bank.
Cinema also has its own records fixed in Guinness Book. (Present Indefinite, active)
The longest film running 85 hours of screen time is “The Cure of Insomnia” (1987) directed by John Henry Timmis.
The film that became a screen-life-champion was “Emmanuelle”. It was screened since the 26th of June 1974 till the 26th of February 1985 in one cinema house in Paris.
The :most popular screen character is Sherlock Holmes. This part has been played by 70 actors in 197 films since 1900. The most popular screen character of horror films is Dracula played 155 times.
The greatest number of costumes designed was for the film “Quo Vadis?” (1951). You just cannot imagine it! There were 32 thousand costumes used. (Past Indefinite, active) But the record number of costumes changed in one film by one actress (65 ones) belongs to Elizabeth Taylor in “Cleopatra”
The most cruel film (23 murders and 245 acts of violence during 109 minutes of screen time) is "Rambo III".
The person who has been awarded the greatest number of prizes (32 ones) given by the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since 1929 is Walt Disney. Katherine Hapburn (born in 1909) was awarded 4 Oscars for playing the main parts in 4 films: “Morning Glory” shot in 1933; “Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner” shot in 1967; “The Lion in Winter” shot in 1968; “On golden Pond” shot in 1981.
The youngest Oscar nominee was Shirley Temple born in 1929. (Past Indefinite, active) She was awarded this prize in 1934 when she was a five-year-old girl.
The greatest number of Oscars (11) was given to the film “Ben Hur” shot in 1959.
By the way, do you know why the prize itself is called “Oscar”?
The origin of this most prestigious prize is very curious. When the first statuettes given to the best film-makers were exhibited at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences the executive secretary of this institution exclaimed in great surprise: “Fantastic! It looks exactly like my uncle Oscar.” So the prize was given the name of Oscar Pierce from Texas.
But cinema is not only an art, it is also a kind of business. And taken as business it has its own records.
The record sum invested into a film is $69million.
It was spent on the shooting of “Rambo III” in 1988.
The biggest net profit received from the distribution of a film is $228 million. (Present Indefinite, active) Such a sum was brought by the release of “The Extra- Terrestrial”.
The record of the box-office return was set by the film “Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom” on the 27th of May 1984. Only one day of its domestic release brought $9.324.760.
The most well-paid star of the world cinema is Sylvester Stallone.
He got $12 million for his participation in “Cobra” and the same sum for “Over the Top” $16 million for “Rocky IV” and $19,5 million for “Rambo III”.
The fees of actresses are a bit less. The record belongs to Meryl Streep bom in 1949. The films “Out of Africa” and “Heartburn” brought her $4 million each. The second is Barbara Streisand with the fee running $5 million paid for her participation in “Nuts”.
Who knows may be Russian cinema can also get into Guinness Book of World Records. For instance the number of pirated videos circulating in Russia is about 10 thousand films. There can be one more record: the films “Cormrfissar” and “Asya Klyachkina” were given International awards after they had been shelved for 20 years.

Упражнение 7. Выполните письменно Задание 4 Блока V.

Трансформируйте приведенные ниже предложения в действительном залоге (Active Voice) в страдательный залог (Passive Voice), сохраняя при этом грамматическое время исходного предложения:

The famous film director shot this film in 1995.
This film was shot in 1995 by the famous film director.

1. One cinema house in Paris screened “Emmanuelle” during 10 years.
2. 70 actors have played the part of Sherlock Holmes since 1900.
3. The film director used 32 thousand costumes in his film “Quo Vadis?”.
4. Everybody calls the most prestigious prize “Oscar”.
5. The film jury gave some Russian films international awards after they had been shelved for 20 years.

Упражнение 8. Выполните письменно Задание 5 Блока V.

Укажите, чем является в следующих предложениях:
a) Participle II (определением, частью сказуемого в активном залоге,
частью сказуемого в пассивном залоге):

1. The movie "Jaws" is based on the novel of the same name.
2. The movie based on the novel "Jaws" by Peter Benchly was a success.
3. This film has become a box-office champion.
4. Sometimes the shooting was held up for days because of the weather.
5. Each American has seen this movie.
6. The imprint of the shark could be seen on shirts, post-cards and towels.
7. The electronic shark which was operated by 15 men cost very much.
8. The staff of 15 men has operated the electronic shark.
9. The designer Bob Mattey had worked at Walt Disney when he was asked to build the electronic shark.
10. It was the most expensive movie ever made.

b) Participle I (определением; частью сказуемого; обстоятельством, выраженным в русском языке деепричастием):

1. When you are shooting at the sea you have weather problems.
2. The cost of the electronic shark was higher than the fee of a living superstar.
3. The designer Bob Mattey had been working for years at Walt Disney. 4. The film "Jaws" is about a cannibal shark terrorizing the shores of Florida.
5. This film has become one of the box-office champi¬ons leaving other films far behind.
6. It seemed as if “Jaws” was going to be a catastrophe.

Упражнение 9. Выполните письменно Задание 6 Блока V.

Поставьте данные в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени предложения в пассивном залоге в 2 недостающих времени:

The film is finished now.
The film was finished last year.
The film will be finished in a month.

1. The movie "Jaws" is based on the novel of the same name.
2. Sometimes the shooting will be held up for days because of the weather.
3. The imprint of the shark was seen on shirts, post-cards and towels.
4. The electronic shark is operated by 15 men.
5. The designer Bob Mattey was asked to build the electronic shark.
6. The film is screened in many cinema houses in Paris.
7. The part of Sherlock Holmes was played by 70 actors in 197 films.
8. The person who was awarded the greatest number of prizes (32 ones) was Walt Disney.
9. The main prize of the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is called “Oscar”.
10. The first statuettes given to the best filmmakers were exhibited in a large hall.

Упражнение 10. Выполните письменно Задание 7 Блока V.

Напишите данные предложения в пассивном залоге, используя модальные глаголы: can, must, may. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык:

This part is played by many actors all over the world. (can)
This part can be played by many actors all over the world.

1. This actor is invited to play the part of Hamlet. (must)
2. More than 20 movies a year are produced at this film studio. (can)
3. This prize is given to the youngest actor taking part in the festival. (may)
4. The title of the film is often changed when the post-production is over. (can)
5. The shooting schedule is worked out at the beginning of the pre-production period. (must)
6. Films of poor artistic quality are not presented at the festival. (can)

Упражнение 11
Прочтите статью о Тегеранском международном кинофестивале. Вставьте в текст пропущенные формы пассивного залога и необходимые формы причастий. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Tehran International Film Festival
Tehran International Film Festival (to organize) more than 20 years ago by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Art. It (to approve) by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations.
The aim of the festival was to present and to point out films of high quality from the West and the East. Asian film-makers (to give) the chance to discuss different problems (existing / existed) in filmmaking and to exchange films on an international level.
The official programme of the festival and its sections haven’t (change) for these 20 years.
1. Competition.
Not more than 23 features and 28 shorts (to admit) for competition of each festival. They must not (to present) in competition in other international festivals. Besides they shouldn’t (to release) in Iran before the festival. As for short films, their participation at non-Asian international film festivals will not disqualify them from taking part in competition.
2. Festival of Festivals.
Entries in this section will (to choose) by the festival’s Selection Committee from the films of high quality (presenting/ presented) in other international film festivals.
3. Cinema has Eyes and Ears.
Feature-length documentaries or films (revealing/revealed) through their contents or form important aspects of contemporary (to present) in this non-competitive section.
4. Retrospectives and Panoramas
These programmes (to organize) by the festival in order to draw attention of the audience to a talented artist, a group or an organization (using/used) some unusual film language. Films (emphasizing/emphasized) the importance of a school, a style or a new genre of film-making in the history of cinema (to include) in this section.
5. Film Market.
The film market (to organize) to give an opportunity to exchange and distribute films in the different territories of the world. A separate set of regulations (to publish) for film market. Film market is open to all producers, exporters, importers and distributors.
The Selection Committee, whose members (choose) by the festival, establishes the list of films (participating/participated), in the Competition section.
More than 3 features and 3 shorts (to accept) from any country.
If entries (proposing/proposed) by a country (to reject) for competition, the country has the right to submit a new proposal within time limits (setting/ set) by the festival.
Films (offending/offended) the national feelings of any country can (to accept) for presentation in the festival.
The order in which the films (to show) in the different sections of the festival (to decide) by festival’s Secretary General.
After the festival programme (to establish), no film can (to take out) of the programme.
All the films in the festival are screened (to screen) in their original versions. The prints (to provide) with English or Persian subtitles.
Films in competition (to judge) by an international jury whose members and president (to select) by the festival.
No personality (connecting/connected) with the production or the distribution of any feature or short film in competition can be the member of the jury.
The following prizes (to award) by the international jury:
a) Feature films:
1. Grand Prix (giving/given) for the best film.
2. Special Jury Prize (awarding/awarded) for the artistic qualities of the film.
3. Three Golden Prizes:
The prize (giving/given) for the best direction.
The prize (awarding/awarded) to the best actor.
The prize (awarding/awarded) to the best actress.
b) Short films:
Grand Prix and Special Jury Prize (to give) to the best short film.
Films (presenting/presented) to the festival may be in black and white and in colour, in 70 or 35 mm, and of any (running/run) time. For short films the (running/run) time should be less than 60 minutes, but prints may be in 16 mm format.

Упражнение 12. Выполните письменно Задание 11 Блока V.

Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

1. a horror film 2. a bestselling novel 3. a cannibal shark terrorizing the shores of Florida 4. an all-time box-office champion 5. to leave other films far behind 6. a box-office record 7. an adventure film 8. to go 100 per cent over the original budget 9. an all-time classic nightmare 10. studio executives 11. giant location special effects spectaculars 12. to go far above the average budget – превысить средний бюджет 13. the most expensive hand-held movie ever made 14. weather problems 15. under-water sequences 16. a 70- year-old designer 17. a head special effects man 18. to be higher than the fee of a living superstar 19. to husband the shark shots 20. the nationwide popularity 21. an extensive advance publicity 22. the huge box-office return

Упражнение 13. Распределите слова Задания 13 данного блока по частям речи, отметив их суффиксы.
various, character, prestigious, distribution, domestic, criticize, educational, identify, artistic, announcement, creative, exactly, participate, development, year, film-maker, impressive, lively, performance, professionally, popularity, curious, participation, horror, longest, only, success, successful.
существительные глаголы наречия прилагательные

Упражнение 14. Выполните письменно Задание 14 Блока V.

Все представленные ниже слова являются парами синонимов. Выпишите их попарно и переведите на русский язык:

Упражнение 15. Выполните письменно Задание 15 Блока V.

Составьте утвердительные предложения из приведенных ниже слов:

1. is, the, on, movie, novel, best-selling, this, based.
2. beaten, all, records, box, time, has, “Jaws”, office.
3. on, few, very, are, exactly, budget, made, pictures.
4. Australia, the, done, near, of, shooting, the, was, shores.
5. operated, many, shark, the, was, by, people, electronic.
6. of, the USA, cinemas, was, this, in, screened, 664, film.

Упражнение 16. Выполните письменно Задание 16 Блока V
Подберите к следующим словам слова, наиболее близкие по значению:
1. regulations a) publication b) rules с) showcases d) proposals
2. to emphasize a) to point out b) to reveal c) to award d) to pro vide
3. to select a) to accept b) to choose c) to submit d) to award
4. to establish a) to carry off b) to aim c) to confirm d) to set
5. to propose a) to host b) to offer c) to amount to d) to husband
6. to connect a) to link b) to run c) to note d) to enter
7. running time a) high time b) no time c) screen time d)prime time
8. above a) behind b) under c) before d) more than
9. to husband a) to manage b) to display c) to exchange d)to project
10. a box- office return a) a pay off b) a gross c) a fee d) a net profit
11. a circuit a) a space b) a trend c) a net d) a sequence
12. to allow a) to make b) to restrict c) to educate d) to let

Упражнение 17. Выполните письменно Задание 17 Блока V
Выберите антонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:
1. to exist a) to exchange b) to disappear c) to point out
2. to admit a) to reject b) to participate c) to provide
3. to reveal a) to establish b) to be satisfied c) to conceal
4. to accept a) to propose b) to reject c) to confirm
5. far behind a) far away b) far-sighted c) far ahead
6. to cut a) to increase b) to propose c) to practice
7. to buy a) to purchase b) to install c) to sell
8. to enter a) to come b) to exit c) to arrive
9. rigid a) flexible b) stable c) quick
10. to remember a) to submit b) to intend c) to forget
11. relative a) absolute b) fiction c) interested

Упражнение 18. Выполните письменно Задание 18 Блока V
Укажите по одному лишнему слову, не относящемуся к данной тематической группе:
1. a) unusual b) extraordinary с) fantastic d) strange е) ordinary
2. a) publicity b) advertisement c) popularity d) spectacular e) fame
3. a) annually b) monthly c) accurately d) daily e) weekly
4. a) vast b) narrow c) large d) enormous e) spacious
5. a) to display b) to demonstrate c) to exhibit d) to hide e) to show play
6. a) to be delighted b) to be glad c) to be unhappy d) to be satisfied e) to be pleased
7. a) an education film b) a feature film c) a documentary film d) a modern film e) a science-popular film

Ответьте по-русски на следующие вопросы:
1. Who is the director of "Jaws" and what is the story of the film about?
2. What job did Marchall Green do for “Jaws” and what questions did the correspondent ask him?
3. What did Marchall Green say about the financial difficulties and the main expenses during the production of “Jaws"?
4. What did Marchall Green tell the correspondent about the mechanical shark and the people who operated it?
5. Why did Marchal Green call "Jaws" a box-office champion?
6. What did he say about the shark boom which grew beyond movie business?
7. What did he say about the advance publicity?

Упражнение 20. Найдите окончание каждого предложения в Задании 20 данного блока. Перепишите полученный текст и переведите его на русский язык.

Найдите в правой колонке подходящее окончание для каждого начала
предложения из левой колонки. Напишите 16 полученных предложений.

1. American film director Steven Spielberg. ... than a fee of a living superstar.
2. The film is ... ... been covered by a huge box-office return.
3. This movie is ... ... gone 100 per cent above the original budget.
4. “Jaws” has ... ... jump out of water, smash boats and eat people.
5. Very few pictures are... ... seen the movie
6. This film has ... ... called “Jaws”.
7. The studio had ... …made his first film in 1975.
8. The shooting was ... …operated by the staff of 15 people.
9. The mechanical shark could… …worked with Disney for years.
10. The 70-year-old designer Bob Mattey has ... …become one of the box- office champions
11. The cost of the shark was higher … …made exactly on budget.
12. The shark was ... ... be seen on shirts, post-cards and towels.
13. The success of the film was ... ... based on the best-selling novel by Peter Benchly.
14. Practically each American has ... …invested about $3.5 million before the shooting started.
15. The imprint of the shark could… …unique and nationwide.
16.All the expenses of the studio have .. ..done near the shores of Australia.

Упражнение 21. Напишите реферат статьи “Rio То Host Film/TV Festival” (TEXT С).

Упражнение 22. Напишите аннотацию к той же статье.


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Данная контрольная работа состоит из 22 упражнений. Контрольная работа по английскому языку будет полезна тем, кто изучает английский язык в гуманитарных вузах. В данной контрольной работе включены задания по следующим темам: действительный залог (Active Voice) и страдательный залог (Passive Voice). Также в данной контрольной работе нужно составить к английскому тексту аннотацию.


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