Контрольная по английскому History of food


Task 1. Translate this text. Переведите этот текст.
History of food.
It is impossible to study the history of food without taking into account the history of cooking. It is necessary to pay attentions to basic facts of geography. The types of food differ considerably from one part of the world to another. In Arctic region, for example, starch and sugar are almost unthinkable, while in the tropics it is difficult to produce edible meat.
International trade of food was practised in the ancient world. Trade with the Far East – for spice crops such as cinnamon and pepper, and later for tea – was the most important trade of the 16th – 17th centuries. Lately the demand for cocoa and for vegetable oils with which to make margarine has been of equal importance.
Despite the growth of international trade in food, local and national differences still persist, both in the types of food and in styles of cookery. England and Germany have bread and potatoes as their staple food and fat as their distinctive cooking base. France consumes less potatoes per person than England and still uses butter as its distinctive cooking base. Italy relies chiefly upon such foodstuff as macaroni, and oil is its distinctive cooking base. For China and most of the Far East, rice is the staple food and oil – the cooking base.
Certain peoples have certain food taboos, that is, foods which are not eaten usually because of religious law. Many tribes in Africa and America do not eat pork, Hindus do not eat beef. The Chinese, by tradition, have not been milk-drinkers, and their recipes for cooking have remained unchanged for thousands of years. Chinese eat soybeans, poultry and fish, pickles and drink green tea. And they don't like coffee and cocoa, no cream and butter. They serve tea at the beginning of a meal where as Englishmen end the meal with black coffee. So, tastes in food differ and we must respect local traditions in food and style of cooking.

Task 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of an adjective. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях нужной формой прилагательного.

1. Fresh food is ... than tinned food.
1.) good; 2.) better; 3.) best
2. Rice is one of the ... sources of vitamins.
1.) Poor; 2.) poorer; 3.) poorest
3. Glucose is the ... form of sugar.
1.) Simple; 2.) simpler; 3.) simplest
4. The animal proteins are ... for the body than the vegetable proteins.
1.) Essential; 2.) more essential; 3.) most essential
5. Some people eat mainly vegetables as they think that they are ... than animal foods.
1.) Healthy; 2.) more healthy; 3.) most healthy

Task 3. Write 8 special questions about the text. Напишите не менее 8 специальных вопросов по содержанию текста.

Task 4. Match the words. Translate them. Обращая внимание на суффиксы и префиксы, подберите к русским словам соответствующие английские слова. Переведите остальные слова и укажите какой частью речи они являются.

1. съедобный: 1.) eat 2.) edible 3.) eating
2. немыслимый: 1.) unthinkable 2.) think 3.) thinkable
3. возможность: 1.) impossible 2.) possible 3.) possibility
4. необходимый: 1.) necessary 2.) necessity 3.) unnecessary
5. расти: 1.) growth 2.) grow 3.) growing
6. использовать: 1.) user 2.) use 3.) usage
7. разнообразие: 1.) different 2.) differ 3.) difference

Task 5. Fill in the blanks with the information about national cuisine. Используя текст и дополнительную информацию, заполните пропуски в предложениях, характеризующие особенности той или иной кухни народов мира.

1. English people like _for breakfast.
2. France uses _ as its distinctive cooking base.
3. Italy relies upon such foodstuff as_.
4. For China _ is the staple food.
5. Americans have many _ restaurants, where they serve hamburgers, cheeseburgers, big Macs, cola and milk shakes.
6. Buffet service called _ came to us from Sweden.

Task 6. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:

«Шведский стол»
макаронные изделия
соевые бобы
растительное масло
вкусы в еде
стиль приготовления
основная еда
национальная религия


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History of food. Английский язык.


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