Контрольная Legal Protection for Injured Party in Criminal Procedure


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Legal Protection for Injured Party in Criminal Procedure

Russian legislation while ensuring the accused broad right to defense, protects the right of the injured party; namely, the person on whom the crime has inflicted moral, physical or material injury.
The injury party in a criminal case is called the victim. The victim is guaranteed broad rights. He is not only a witness but an active participant of the trial. He has the right to give testimony in the case. He may acquaint himself with the material of the case from the moment the preliminary investigation is over. He may lodge complaints against acts of persons conducting inquiry and he may also appeal against the sentence of the court.
Where the victim of the crime has suffered material loss, he should bring a civil suit against the accused for reparation of the loss. The injured party in a civil suit is called the plaintiff. Then the court will be able to examine the civil case simultaneously with the criminal one. The plaintiff has the possibility to use all the evidence collected in the criminal case. He will have to prove that the loss has been inflicted by the crime in question. The investigator and the procurator are obliged to help the civil plaintiff to prove his case.
Even where a civil suit has not been brought, while passing a sentence, the court is to decide on the question of reparation for the material loss inflicted by the crime on its own initiative.

1. Can the injured party act as a witness in a criminal case?
2. What advantages has the plaintiff when the civil suit is examined simultaneously with the criminal case?

II. Напишите русские и английские следующим юридическим терминам из текста и выучите их:

1. to protect the right
2. the injured party
3. to inflict (moral, physical or material) injury
4. to give testimony
5. preliminary investigation
6. to appeal against the sentence of the court
7. to suffer material loss
8. подать жалобу на кого-либо
9. возбудить гражданский иск
10. вынести приговор
11. вынести решение по вопросу (о возмещении материального ущерба)
12. возмещение ущерба (убытка)

III. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам и выражениям:

1. inquiry
2. defence
3. to ensure (the right)
4. injury
5. a case
6. to lodge a complaint against

IV. Выпишите и переведите названия сторон в судебном деле:

V. Найдите и выпишите из текста сказуемые: 

VI. Из 3 и 4 абзацев выпишите сказуемые с эквивалентами модальных глаголов. Укажите, эквивалентами каких модальных глаголов они являются. Отразите оттенки их значения в переводе.


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Legal Protection for Injured Party in Criminal Procedure


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