Контрольная по английскому London


1.Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) I often see (they, them) in the bus.
2) She lives near (we, us).
3) (We, us) always walk to office together.
4) He teaches (we, us) English.
5) I often see (them, they)
6) She wants to talk with (he, him)
7) What is the matter with (he, him) today?
8) He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.
9) There are some letters here for you and (I, me).
10) I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

2. Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках, соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями:
1) I have some notebooks and pens in (I) bag.
2) (He) composition is very interesting.
3) Is this (you) child? Yes, it is (we) child.
4) I saw (you) brother in the cafe.
5) (We) table is in front of the window.
6) (They) knowledge of English is very poor.
7) (She) friends often visit her.

3. Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:
1) You take care of (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of (my, mine).
2) (Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours).
3) (Their, theirs) home is good but (our, ours) is better.
4) She likes (her, hers) work.

4. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1) This is a book.
2) That is a table.
3) This pencil is red.
4) That is a green apple.
5) This is our office.
6) That work is difficult.

5. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных
с помощью суффикса -s (-es):
1) bag, dog, bird, verb, spoon, room, ring, thing, apple, song.
2) tree, pie, lady, teacher, letter, play, city, toy, berry, table.
3) cake, fork, map, lamp, hat, clock, coat, skirt, plant.
4) shelf, leaf, knife, wife.
5) bus, class, glass, dress, piece, horse, house, box, fox, match, bench, brush, bridge, cottage, bush, nose, rose, blouse.
6) Man, woman, child, foot, tooth, goose, mouse, sheep.
6. Поставьте выделенное существительное во множественное число и
сделайте все необходимые изменения:
1) I see a man and a woman in the park.
2) The map is on the shelf.
3) She has a good friend at school.
4) A yellow leaf has fallen to the ground.
5) He has a new suit.
6) This metal is the best conductor of heat.

7. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже:
1) the title of the book
2) the toys of my children
3) the hobby of my wife
4) the handbags of these women
5) the life of animals
6) the voice of this girl
7) the letter of Peter
8) the questions of my child
9) the newspaper of last Saturday
10) the photo of her boyfriend
11) the economy of the country.

8. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж.
1) письмо моего друга
2) рассказы этого писателя
3) библиотека института
4) дочь моей младшей сестры
5) стены этого старого дома

9. Употребите глагол to be в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) The new film____ at our cinema next week.
2) The door ___ open.
3) They __busy yesterday.
4) Sentence 5 ___ on page 15.
5) It ___six o’clock. He ___ at home at this time.
6) Sunday __ my day off.
7) He ___ at home in the evening.
8) The house ___new.
9) They ___ at the college tomorrow.
10) The students ___in that room.
10. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:
Large, short, difficult, good, interesting, nice, busy, happy, little, famous, bad, beautiful, young, quick, remarkable, high, comfortable, popular, great, hot, special, late, fast, cold, low, pleasant, attentive, warm, strong .

11. Употребите прилагательные, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) The opera theatre is one of … buildings in the city. (beautiful)
2) Your English is … now. (good)
3) Which is … day of the year? (long)
4) The Earth is … than the Moon. (big)
5) What are … news? (late)
6) He was the … son of the family. (old)
7) My brother is much … than myself. (young)
8) The … house is 15 miles away. (near)

12. Раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) He (to return) to Moscow two days ago.
2) The train (to arrive) at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
3) My sister plays tennis but she (to prefer) to play basketball.
4) This week we (to take) part in a conference.
5) All the events (to go) on long ago.
6) Summer session (to begin) next week.
7) They (to read) the newspaper every day
8) He always (to prepare) his homework carefully.
9) She (to speak) several foreign languages.
10) The children (to play) in the park every afternoon.
11) They always ( to travel) by car.
12) He (to know) French very good.
13) She (to make) mistakes in spelling.
14) She always (to come) to lectures late.
15) He (to arrive) home tomorrow.
16) They (to work) in our garden yesterday.
17 ) He (to want) to learn English.
18) They (to talk) over the telephone yesterday.
19) She (to study) in our group last semester.
20) He (to work) in that Institute next year.
21) They (to see) us tomorrow.
22) She (to finish) the work in April.
23) They (to arrive) tomorrow.
24) She (to tell) you all about it tomorrow.
25) They (to spend) two months in the South.
26) The meeting (to begin) tomorrow.

13. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


London is the capital of Great Britain. It lies in the South East of England on both banks of the river Themes. London is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest port and industrial town in England. London is more than twenty centuries old.
The heart of the capital is the City. The territory of the City is only about one square mile, but it is the financial and business center of the country. It contains almost all important English banks and offices.
The West End of London is famous for its beautiful monuments and palaces, fine parks, fashionable shops and big hotels. The East End is quite different from the West End. It is the district of factories, plants and docks. The narrow streets and poor houses of the East End present a contrast to the homes of the rich people in the West End.
There are many places of interest in London. One of them is Trafalgar Square with the Nelson monument 185 feet high. Buckingham Palace is the royal residence. Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. It contains the memorials of many famous citizens of Britain.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British government.
The Tower of London is one of the most interesting places in London. It was a fortress, a royal residence, a prison, now it is a museum.
London is famous for its green parks. Hyde Park is the most popular of them. It is the greatest park in London as well.
London is the center of the country’s cultural life. There are many picture galleries and museums there. The National Gallery houses a priceless collection of paintings. The famous British Museum is one of the best museums in the world.

14. Выпишите соответствующие содержанию текста предложения и письменно переведите их.
1) London lies in the North-East of England.
2) The capital of England is more than twenty centuries old.
3) The City is the financial and business center of the country.
4) The Nelson monument is one of the numerous places of interest in London.
5) The territory of the City is more than one square mile.
6) The seat of the British government is the Houses of Parliament.
7) The British museum has a priceless collection of paintings.
8) Hyde Park is the greatest park in London.
9) Westminster Abbey is the place where you can see the memorials of many famous citizens of Britain.
10) There are factories, plants and docks in the East End.


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London. Английский.

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