Lorella Braglia


Вариант № 2
1. Напишите транскрипцию гласных звуков следующих слов:
bus, thus, luck, cut , son, country, blood, sorry, story, warm, word, door, all, taught, talk, her, term , bird , firm, burn, turn, fur, learn, tie, lie, my, pie, die, life, time, five, nine, smile, man, bad, hat, lamp, glad, fat, cat, black, sack, day, late, tale, main, pain, rain, male, fail, park, mark, arm, are , car, farm, large
h) air, chair, care, fair, rare, parent
i) here, near, mere, clear, fear, bear
j) hire, fire, tyre, buyer, flyer
k) our, flour, power, flower, down, town
1) bed, pen, ten, tell, set, let, met
m) it, is, in, ill, sit, fill, live, win, till, mill
n) be, feel, we, me, see, meet, deed, feet, need

2. Напишите транскрипцию согласных звуков следующих слов:
sing , song, bang, long, something, going, hung , wrong
ship, shop, she , clash, sharp, shine, shame, shape
chess , chop, chamber, charm, charity, future
phone, photo, phenomenon, phantom, pharos, philharmonic, phase
knife, know, knock, knit, knight, knee, knack
think, thing, thin, thought, death, threat
what, where , when, wheel, whiff, whig, whip
h) this, that, those, the, these, there, other, another

3. Составьте предложения из данных наборов слов:
the, where, taxi, is?
is, to, tomorrow, flying, he, London.
plane, leave, doesn't, the, time, on.
doesn't, Mr. Harding, to, go, airport, the.

4. Составьте четыре вида вопросов к каждому предложению:
We met Mr. Snow at the airport.
He's going to Australia.
Our office is in Moscow.

5. Перепишите предложения, вставляя неопределённый или определённый артикли там, где это необходимо:
We are in _ Madrid now.
Are you _ businessman?
Do you live in_ England?
He works in _ office 10.
He is on _ business in Belgium.
_ businessman is French.
It is difficult to understand _ Portuguese.

6. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме :
1. Their offices _ in Bern, Switzerland. 2. Where _ the tickets? They _ on the desk. 3.She ¬_an engineer. 4. There _ a chair in the comer. 5. I _not a businessman. 6. _you busy? 7. _ the windows open?

7. Образуйте множественное число существительных:
Piece, bag, tie, stewardess, child, problem, country, cheque, businesswoman, solution, page, knife, goose, category, datum, sheep, toy.

8. Перепишите текст, вставляя предлоги:
Mr. Brown is British. He speaks _ English. He is_ the office now. Today he's flying _ Italy. He is flying _ Rome. It is a businesstrip. He often goes _ business _ Italy and France. His ticket and passport are _ the briefcase. The taxi is waiting _ the street.

9. Перепишите существительные в два столбика: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые.
Luggage, firm, coffee, water, trip, news, book, executive, university, health, office, chair, knowledge, letter, rain, information, place, holiday, apple, chalk, sugar.

11. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. There are nine planets in our solar system.
2 There is a cheque on the desk.
3. There isn't a ticket in the briefcase.
4. There are several approaches to this problem.
5. There aren't any mistakes in your essay.
6. How many students are there in the group?

11. Заполните пропуски:
а. личными местоимениями:
1. John comes home late.... is a part-time student.
2. Peter, come here, please! Could ... help us?
3. ... am always glad to see Mary.... are old friends.
4. Students have a lot of work to do at the University.... can't waste time.
б. притяжательными местоимениями:
1. I have ... own way of doing things.
2. She took off... coat and began to work.
3. I don't know this word. Can you explain ... meaning to me?
They introduce new methods of research ... methods are very efficient.
Listen, it's not... problem, it's mine.
в. объектными местоимениями:
1. Here's the cheque, sign please.
2. Listen to .... They are speaking German.
3 The driver takes our luggage and puts ... on the ground.
4. You've got some diagrams in front of.... Look at....

12. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные, заменяя местоимение some и его производные:
1. There is someone in the room.
2. They've got some money.
3. He lives somewhere near here.

13. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на наречия little/a little, few/ a few:
1. There are few mistakes in his translation.
2. Nearly everybody has a job. There is little unemployment.
3. People realized the significance of this discovery a few years ago.
4. I have very little time for reading.
5. He knows a little of everything.
6. He's very lazy. He does little work.
7. I can't decide now. I need a little time to think about it.
8. The TV service is not very good. There are few good programmes.

14. Выберите правильный вариант:
1. We often (fly/are flying) when we go on business.
2. Mr. Smith (leaves/ is leaving) Moscow today.
3. Who (is waiting/ waits) for Mr. Brown?
4. It's five o'clock. He (works/ is working) at his office now.
5. I am a businessman and I (live and work/ am living and working) in Madrid.
6. You always (discuss/are dicussing) these problems with engineers?
7. How often do you have (have/are having) your English lessons?
8. What language are they speaking (speak/are speaking) now?
9. The children (don't play/aren't playing) tennis now.
10. I usually (don't go/are going) to work in my car.

15. Раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимую по смыслу форму прилагательного:
I am (old) than you are.
Alice is the (pretty) girl in our group.
The third question is the (difficult).
My telephone is good but yours is much (good).
I need a (big) size.
This house isn't modern. I prefer (modern) house.
It was a very bad mistake. It was the (bad) mistake I've ever made.
Tom is (tall) than Kate.

16. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в The Present Simple tense:
She (plan) to go to Britain next month.
The Prime Minister always (live) in 10 Downing Street.
We (have) our lunch at noon.
I (read) newspapers everyday.
Mr. Smith (arrive) home late.
What time your classes (begin)?
We (not to test) new machines at the factory.
You (answer) a lot of letter?

17. Переделайте предложения, употребив глаголы в the Past Simple tense:
The department gives a party every year.
Mr. Brown knows his job very well.
Who knows the answer?
You have a gift for the stage, I think.
It takes him 3 minutes to look through the text.
He finishes work very late?
We don't translate texts at the our English lessons
Where do you go for your holiday?

18. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Simple или the Present Perfect Tense:
1. She already (air) the room?
2. We (not to clean) the classroom yesterday morning.
3. They already (not to open) the shop.
4. We (go) to the museum last week?
5. She just (fly) to New York.
6. They (wait) for their friends last Sunday.
7. (Be) you late this morning?
8. Mr. Flynn (send) them a fax the day before yesterday.
9. When you (leave) home for work yesterday?
10. This little boy never (see) a crocodile.

19. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:
1. She will come this evening.
2. We shall do this work next month.
3. They will see her tomorrow afternoon.

20. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must, have to, should, needn't:
1. ...I see the menu, please?
2....we help you?
3. You ... fill in this form.
4. She likes the house but she ... not decide, yet. Her husband ... see it first.
5.... you go so early? It's only nine o'clock.
6. they take a taxi? -No, they .... It's not far, so they ... go on foot.

21. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными ниже, и переведите текст:
make produce designs emplo present eat plays
s s travel ys s
live uses works are do play is

Lorella Braglia _ the founder of Dielle, and also the main designer. Her husband, Danilo, _ for the company as Marketing Director. Lorella _ two collections every year and_ them at fashion shows in London, Paris, and New York. Dielle _ everything in Italy, and _ very modern equipment in its workshops. The company _ the services of seventy workshops in and around Reggio Emilia. It _ 100,000 units per year. Lorella and her husband _ in a house in the centre of Reggio Emilia, not far from the office. They _not often there, because they both _ a lot. How do they relax? "I _yoga and Danilo _ golf," says Lorella. At the weekends they _ golf together and _ out at local restaurants with their children.


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Lorella Braglia. Контрольная по английскому.


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