Контрольная работа Managerial Job types


I. Translate the text.

Managerial job types

Managerial jobs do vary somewhat on the basis of two important dimensions. One is a vertical dimension, focusing on different hierarchical levels in the organization. The other is a horizontal dimension, addressing variations according to the area for which managers have major responsibility.
Vertical Dimension: Hierarchical Levels. Along the vertical dimension, managerial jobs in organizations fall into three categories: first-line, middle, and top management. These categories can be viewed as vertical differentiation among managers because they involve three different levels of the organization.
First-Line Managers. First-Line Managers (or first-line supervisors) are managers at the lowest level in the hierarchy who are directly responsible for the work of operating (nonmanagerial) employees. They often have titles that include the word «supervisor». First-line managers are extremely important to the success of an organization because they have the major responsibility of seeing that day-to-day operations run smoothly in pursuit of organizational goals.
Because they operate at the interface between management and the rest of the work force, first-line supervisors can easily find themselves in the middle of conflicting demands. At the same time, the power of first-line supervisors has been gradually eroding because of such factors as union influence and the increasing educational level of workers.
According to one recent review of research literature on first-line supervisors, the autonomy and influence of first-line managers is likely to ebb still further in the future. One reason is the increasing attempts by organizations to emulate the Japanese emphasis on worker participation in managing the work-place. Another is the trend toward work teams.
Still another is the use of computers to keep track of many activities formerly regulated by first-line managers. Finally, a growing number of specialists, particularly in fields involving sophisticated technology, provide advice and direction to work areas. One implication of these developments is that the job of the first-line supervisor is likely to change toward a greater emphasis on dealing with internal human relations and on representing the unit externally.


II. Answer the questions.

What do a vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension differ in?

What are first-line managers directly responsible for?

Why can first-line supervisors easily find themselves in the middle of conflicting demands?


III. Translate the sentences, ask questions.

Project managers are frequently used in aerospace and other high-technology firms to coordinate projects, such as airplane or computer project development. (3)

They also are used in some consumer-oriented companies to launch or stay on top of market development for specific products such as cookies or margarine. (3)


IV. Fill in necessary words, translate.
long-term goals; a competitive advantage; strategies; innovation; new ideas; environmental elements; relevant organizational factors.

Most well-run organizations attempt to develop and follow _.

This definition recognizes that strategic management is oriented toward reaching _.

Strategic management weighs important _.

The strategic management process also includes analyzing the competitive situation, taking into consideration both the external environment and _.

_ is a significant edge over the competition in dealing with competitive forces.

Strategic management can help highlight the need for _.

Strategic management can provide an organized approach for encouraging _ related to strategies.


V. Match the words and make five your own sentences using the words.


strategic management

large-scale action


long-term goals

strategic goals

environmental conditions

internal conditions

strategic management process

competitive situation

условия окружения


стратегическое руководство, менеджмент

стратегические цели

процесс стратегического управления; руководства

окружение; окружающая среда

крупномасштабная акция, операция

конкурирующая обстановка

долгосрочные цели

внутренние условия

VI. Using your text give the examples of

sentences with Degrees of Comparison:

sentences with Participle I, II.

VII. Write the figures in words.
- 25.12.1998 (date)
- 22.01.2005 (date)
- 15000 $
- 2500 ?
- 17,5 %


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