Контрольная Managers


I. Translate the text.


Middle Managers. Middle managers are managers beneath the top levels of the hierarchy who are directly responsible for the work of other managers below them. The managers for whom they have direct responsibility may be other middle managers or first - line managers. Middle managers also sometimes supervise operating personnel, such as administrative assistants and several specialists (such as engineers or financial analysts). Many different titles are used for middle managers. Some typical titles include such words as «manager», «director of», «chief», «department head», and «division head». Middle managers are mainly responsible for implementing overall organizational plans so that organizational goals are achieved as expected.
Organizations, particularly very large ones, often have several layers of middle managers. For example, in recent years, giant General Motors has generally had about 14 or 15 management levels. That number reflects a post-World War II trend aimed at adding layers of middle management to help coordinate expanding activities. By the early 1980s, however, that trend began to reverse. At that point, many companies began cutting the number of levels of management hierarchy in an attempt to lower costs, reduce the layers involved in decision making, and facilitate communication.
One common result of having fewer layers is that the remaining middle-management levels gain greater autonomy and responsibility.
Top managers. Top managers are managers at the very top levels of the hierarchy who are ultimately responsible for the entire organization. Top-level managers are few in number; their typical titles include «chief executive officer» (CEO), «president», «executive vice president», «executive director», «senior vice president» and sometimes «vice president». Top-level managers are often referred to as executives, although the term «executive» also is sometimes used to include the upper layers of middle managers as well. Top managers have direct responsibility for the upper layer of middle managers. They typically oversee the overall planning for the organization, work to some degree with middle managers in implementing that planning, and maintain overall control over the progress of the organization.

II. Answer the questions.
1. What titles are used for middle managers?
2. Why did many companies begin cutting the number of levels of management hierarchy by the early 1980s?
3. What managers typically oversee the overall planning for the organization?
Top managers typically oversee the overall planning for the organization.

III. Translate the sentences, ask questions.
1. At the same time, the power of first-line supervisors has been gradually eroding because of such factors as union influence and the unceasing educational level of workers. (3)
2. Middle managers also sometimes supervise operating personnel, such as administrative assistants and several specialists (such as engineers or financial analysts). (3)


IV. Fill in necessary words, translate.
the organizing function, a manager's working knowledge, compare the results, key ingredients, not-for-profit organizations, to perform, change and innovation
1. Management is an ongoing activity, entails reaching important goals, and involves knowing how _ the four major functions of management.
2. The function of planning also includes considering what must be done to encourage necessary levels of _.
3. Staffing jobs with individuals who can successfully carry out plans is also part of _.
4. To do the necessary regulating, managers need to monitor ongoing activities, _ with expected standards or progress toward goals, and take corrective action as needed.
5. Although the four major functions of management form the basis for the managerial process, several additional elements are considered _ of this process as well.
6. _ and key management skills also are important factors that contribute to high performance (achieving goals).
7. It is useful to keep in mind that the management process applies not only to profit - making organizations but also to _.

V. Match the words and make five your own sentences using the words.
external environment - конкурентное преимущество; преимущество перед конкурентами
strategy formulation - упаковка
strategy implementation - товарный ряд, ассортимент
competitive advantage - формулировка стратегии
competition - осуществление стратегии
competitor - нововведение, новшество
product line - внешнее окружение
packaging - совместимость; сочетаемость
innovation - конкурент
strategic planning group - группа стратегического планирования
compatibility - конкуренция


VI. Using your text give the examples of
- sentences with Passive Voice;
- sentences with Past Indefinite.

- sentences with Passive Voice:

- sentences with Past Indefinite:

VII. Write the figures in words.
-08.03.1999 (date)
-13.02.2002 (date)
- 2500 ?
- 3,4 %

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