Контрольная по английскому языку Marketing 2


1 Раскройте скобки употребив глаголы в соответствующем времени, лице, и числе. Переведите предложения.

1) She ( to finish ) already her research work and is going to publish the results soon.
2) The students ( to learn ) a lot about the latest discoveries in psychology, because they ( to read ) lots of books.
3) Chronic bronchitis ( to represent ) the single largest cause of absence from work in Britain now.
4) Since 1900 there ( to be ) great changes in woman's position in Britain.
5) In 1900 for example, women ( to spend ) almost all of their adult lives in taking care of the children.
6) By this time tomorrow he ( to complete ) his work.
7) He ( to read ) a book at five o'clock yesterday.
8) - You ( to go ) for a walk with me? - I ( to be ) sorry, I can't. I ( to do ) my homework. I ( not to write ) the English exercise yet. If you ( to wait ) for me, I ( to go ) with you in half an hour.
9) What you ( to do ) while I ( to explain ) the rule?
10) We ( to learn ) English for the next five years.

2 Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или эквивалентами модальных глаголов в соответствующем времени (can/could, may, should, must, have to, to be to ).

1) We + learn at least ten English words every day.
2) + I ask you to explain the rule once more.
3) You + take the book. I don't need it.
4) The children + to stay indoors, as it was raining.
5) He + not join the party. He was busy.
6) You + not make notes in the book.
7) You + to do that work the day before yesterday.

3 Переведите предложения.

1) Мы обязательно должны переписывать текст?
2) Мой брат плохо успевает по математике, мне приходится ему помогать.
3) " Мне прямо сейчас отправить телеграмму? " - " Да, пожалуйста "
4) Я вынуждена носить очки.
5) " Где тут можно купить цветы? "
6) Не беспокойте его, он должно быть устал.
7) Ты сможешь отремонтировать этот автомобиль?
8) Тебе следует бросить курить.
9) Не могли бы вы сказать, как пройти к банку?

4 Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в одну из степеней сравнения.

1) My brother is much ( young ) than me.
2) The Drama Theatre is on of the ( beautiful ) buildings in the city.
3) Monday is ( busy ) day of the week for me.
4) Yesterday my son came home ( late ) than me.
5) I like this film ( good ) of all.
6) The sound grew ( loud ) and ( loud ).
7) You live very far. I wish you live ( near ).
8) The coat is small. I need a ( large ) size.

5 Замените в предложениях действительный залог страдательным, затем переведите предложение.

1) We can define finance as the art and science of managing money.
2) An individual uses credit cards for buying such things as clothing or food.
3) Economies have experienced a situation known as stagflation.
4) The young executive paid the penalty for spending too much time on business.
5) We learned the firm hadn't obtained visas for our engineers.
6) The partners are signing the contract now.

6 Письменно переведите текст.

The manager
The Lombard Bank
Lombard Street
London, E.C.3.
2nd November 2007
Dear Sir,
We shall be opening a London branch of our business at premises which are being prepared for us at 982 Cheapside, London, E.C.1.
We wish to open an account with you for the use of the manager of this branch. The manager's name is Mr. Gore Edward Wilson, and he will be authorized to sign cheques on our behalf. These cheques will also carry the signature of the branch cashier, Mr. John Gordon. Will you please make an appointment for these two gentlemen to visit the bank in order to complete the necessary formalities and provide specimens of their signatures? This appointment can be directly with Mr. Wilson, who is already at the Cheapside address.
We refer you to the British Clydeside Bank, Glasgow, who will be pleased to answer any inquires you wish to make. We take it that you will not require any further references.
As soon as we hear from you we open the account with a cash deposit of GBP 5000.

Yours faithfully,
John Baker,
Managing Director.

7 Переведите текст. Задайте 8 вопросов к тексту.


Marketing is the complex process by which products and services are directed from
producers to consumers. It begins with marketing research, which strives to identify conditions in the market place, and to interpret and forecast these trends in terms of a specific products or service, to develop demand for the product. Subsequent steps make the strategy reality: advertising and promoting; pricing; identifying effective ways of selling through agents, wholesalers, and retailers.
Finally, the product or service reaches its market.


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Небольшая контрольная работа по английскому, которая по силам любому студенту. В контрольную входит экономический текст, который нужно перевести с английского на русский. Контрольная работа будет интересна не только будущим экономистам, но и широкому кругу тех, кто изучает английский язык.


Marketing 2


Контрольные работы по английскому языку

Контрольные работы созданы для всех, кто изучает английский язык. Контрольные обычно включают текст, который нужно перевести с английского на русский. Чтобы выполнить перевод, необходимо хорошо знать английский язык.