Контрольная Mechanism and a Machine


Задание 1. Перепишите предложения. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную видо-временную форму активного и пассивного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The local newspaper (to publish) colour photos of the phenomenon three days ago.
2. The demand (потребность) for paper (to increase) throughout this period.
3. The new public library (to open) for the public this month.
4. Independence Day (to celebrate) by Americans on July 4.
5. The Levinson Prize (to award – присуждать) annually for an original essay in the history of technology.
6. By that time Hulme (to replace – заменить) by a new professor with the name of Lynn White.
7. Little (to know) about high-speed diesel engines at that time.
8. Earthquakes (to occur – происходить) deep in Earth.
9. They (not to discuss) pilot training and weapons storage.
10. Science (to improve – улучшать) the quality of our lives.

Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, выделите глаголы to be/ to have/ to do и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The potential market for diesel engines had increased in France by the 1920s.
2. The potential market for diesel engines had to increase as (так как) their production was growing.
3. Germany is to hand over (передать) part of its aircraft fleet to a private (частный) Anglo-German Company.
4. The scientists’ only obligation (долг) is to make the results of research known to the public (общественность).
5. How did he and his colleagues acquire (приобретать) their scientific knowledge?
6. These volumes (книги) do provide some additional information on aerospace industries.
7. How do we guarantee the safety (безопасность) of those who handle nuclear materials?

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения. Выделите служебные слова it, that, one, определите их функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык. Распознайте усилительную конструкцию It is/ was … who/ that – именно…; It was no before/ until … when – только после…
1. Our results show that H2O is in talk-bearing rocks.
2. One of the most interesting rooms in British museum is the one devoted to Egypt.
3. In the West End of London one can see the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral.
4. It was steam engines that fascinated the public of the exhibition.
5. It was not before the year 1940 that a commercial electron microscope had been produced.
6. It was not before April when the equipment was delivered to the laboratory.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения. Заполните пропуски одним из союзных слов (who, that, what, which, where, when, whose), укажите, в каких предложениях союз можно не употреблять). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The chip is covered by an anti-reflection coating (оболочка) … minimizes the reflectivity.
2. The greatest difficulties arise … complicated zircons are analyzed.
3. Radical Party leader said … his party was leaving the government.
4. We want people … are proud to be part of our team (коллектив).
5. There are good reasons … digital displays are widely used in the aviation industry.
6. We produce one panel … replaces up to 30 traditional analogue dials (шкала).
7. The first signs of danger appeared in Belgium … almost 50 people were admitted to hospital.

Задание 5. Перепишите предложения. Выделите инфинитив, герундий и причастие и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Recognizing that there was a great future for jet engines, he concentrated on making products of his own design.
2. It takes only 150 litres of fuel per (на каждого) passenger to fly across the USA.
3. The two companies are competing for a contract to be settled by the end of the year.
4. Almost 50 people were admitted to hospital suffering from nausea (тошнота) after drinking Coke products.
5. A Trent 500 engine will start testing later this month.
6. The problem of finding long-term (долгосрочный) financing for the air-craft remained.

Задание 6. Перепишите предложения, распознайте и выделите инфинитивные обороты – объектный, субъектный, определительный и обстоятельственный.
1. To improve space weather forecasting researchers are studying the Sun.
2. The deal (сделка) is expected to be concluded later this year.
3. The technology will enable Delt-air company to provide employees and customers with the information they require.
4. We are making every effort to restore services to normal as fast as possible.
5. Air Force will put new instruments on weather satellites to provide better predictions.
6. The industry is likely (вероятно) to lose money in 2010.
7. Each production requires an engineer to make repairs.
8. Photonic crystals are designed to block a given wavelength.

Задание 7. Перепишите предложения, выделите причастные обороты – определительный, дополнительный, обстоятельственный и независимый.
1. In the same year, 30000 trucks were produced in France, one –fourth of them being delivered to the Army.
2. The organizers attracted around 400 exhibitors (участник выставки) including around 50 aircraft manufacturers.
3. More than 100 million Lee Plugs (переключатель) have been installed in aircraft flying all over the world.
4. Using optical fibers we will be able to restore balance to our communication networks.
5. The plasma having been heated to temperature of about 100 million degrees Celsius, nuclei fuse and give off neutrons.
6. No one liked the machinery being tested without any preliminary agreement.
7. The consortium has developed most of the electronics, optics, and lasers needed for working systems.

Задание 8. Сослагательное наклонение. Перепишите предложения. Определите тип условного предложения, переведите предложение на русский язык.
1. If anyone had known about this small discrepancy (несоответствие), he or she might have ascribed (приписать) it to flattening (уплощение).
2. If we have a significant problem, we will discuss it with our partner.
3. If a couple of satellites went off-line, we could miss the big match on satellite TV.
4. If they have been part of the development phase, they will not necessarily (обязательно) be part of the production phase.
5. Snowmobiles would be accused of (считаться) being too noisy if you had them running through your back yard (по двору) all the time.

Mechanism and a Machine
Mechanisms are combinations of moving members such as links, gears, cams, belts, chains, and springs held in a rigid frame. In general a mechanism is defined as an apparatus for mechanically directing and transforming motions and energies of any kind.
A mechanism may be designed primarily for one or two purposes: 1) to transmit power greatly in excess of that required to overcome the frictional and dynamic requirements of the mechanism itself, or 2) to produce a desired movement of its parts. An example of the first is the slider crank mechanism in a reciprocating internal combustion engine. An example of the second is the mechanism, consisting of a link, gear sector, and pinion, that converts the movement of a pressure sensitive tube in a pressure gage to rotation of a pointer (стрелка) before the dial of the gage.
A machine is an assemblage of one or more mechanisms whose primary purpose is to transform, transmit, and control energy, that is, to do work. Another definition of a machine would be a combination of bodies so arranged as to constrain the forces of nature to produce prescribed effects in response to prescribed inputs.
Before constructing a machine to fulfil the need, the engineer must thoroughly understand the application, and mentally modify and old machine or devise a new machine as required. He estimates a certain cost for the machine and a probable time for its construction. He envisions the materials required the equipment necessary for its manufacture and testing, and the final operation in meeting the original need. The engineer converts his thoughts into drawings and materials and follows through to its fabrication.

Questions to be answered in writing:
1. What is a mechanism?
2. What are the purposes for designing a mechanism?
3. What is a machine?
4. What should an engineer take into consideration before constructing a machine?


Metallurgy is the technology and science of metallic materials. Metallurgy as a branch of engineering is concerned with the production of metals and alloys, and their performance in service. Metallurgy has played an important role in the history of civilization. Metals were first produced more than 6000 years ago. Because only a few metals, principally gold, silver, copper, and meteoric iron, occur in the uncombined state in nature, and then only in small quantities, primitive metallurgists had to discover ways of extracting metals from their ores. Quite large-scale production of some metal was carried out in the Middle Ages in central and Northern Europe. Basic metallurgical skills were also developed in other parts of the world.
The scale of metalworking developed with the growth of industrial organizations. Today’s metallurgical plants supply metals and alloys to the manufacturing and construction industries in many forms, such as beams, plates, sheets, bars, wire, and castings. Rapidly developing technologies such as communications, nuclear power, and space exploration demand new techniques of metal production and processing.
The field of metallurgy may be divided into process metallurgy (production metallurgy, extractive metallurgy) and physical metallurgy. According to another system of classification, metallurgy comprises chemical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy (metal processing and mechanical behavior in service), and physical metallurgy.
Metallurgy occupies a position of the juncture of physics, chemistry, mechanical and chemical engineering. It also borders electrical, civil, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering.

Questions to be answered in writing:
1. What is metallurgy?
Metallurgy is the technology and science of metallic materials.
2. How did metalworking develop?
Metals were first produced more than 6000 years ago. Primitive metallurgists had to discover ways of extracting metals from ores of gold, silver, copper, and meteoric iron their. Quite large-scale production of some metal was carried out in the Middle Ages in central and Northern Europe. Basic metallurgical skills were also developed in other parts of the world.
3. What are the subdivisions of the metallurgy field?
The field of metallurgy may be divided into process metallurgy (production metallurgy, extractive metallurgy) and physical metallurgy.
According to another classification, metallurgy comprises chemical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy and physical metallurgy.
4. What other fields and subjects does metallurgy border?
Metallurgy occupies a position of the juncture of physics, chemistry, mechanical and chemical engineering. It also borders electrical, civil, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering.
Wind energy
The use of wind energy is growing faster than any other type of renewable energy because of improvements in wind turbine technology over the past 20 years. The best locations for wind as an energy source are coasts, mountains, and plains. Like solar rays, wind is also a form of intermittent renewable energy, available only about 30 percent of the time. Often, when the sun isn’t shining, the wind is blowing; so many users rely on wind turbines to complement solar panels.
Most of the world’s wind generation capacity is located in the United States, Denmark (the pioneer in wind generation), the Netherlands (famous for its use of windmills), Germany, and India. While wind generation of electricity is clean, some disadvantages include the noise of the blades of windmills and the appearance. A large wind farm on a hillside is clearly visible, in the same way that large arrays of solar panels are. People who rely on wind-generated electricity, however, may not mind the view of clean energy being created.
Questions to be answered in writing:
1. Why is the use of wind energy growing faster than other types of renewable energy?
2. What are the best locations for its using?
3. Where are most wind generation capacities located (in the world)?
4. What are the disadvantages of using the wind energy?


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Mechanism and a Machine. Английский язык.