Modern prisons


I. Here are some English verbs connected with crime and law. Match the expressions with their definitions:

1. to commit a crime or an offence 
2. to accuse someone of a crime
3. to charge someone with (murder)
4. to plead guilty or not guilty
5. to defend/prosecute someone in court
6. to pass a verdict on an accused person
7. to sentence someone to a punishment
8. to acquit an accused person of a charge
9. to convict someone
10. to fine someone a sum of money  
11. to send someone to prison 
12. to release someone from prison/jail
13. to be tried

II. Fill in the blanks with one of the verbs from Task 1:

One of the two accused men _1__________ at yesterday’s trial. Although his lawyer _2_________ him very
well, he was still found guilty by the jury. The judge _3_________ him to two years in prison. He’ll probably
_4______ after eighteen months. The other accused man was luckier. He _5________ and left the courtroom
smiling broadly.

III. Match these terms with their definitions:
1. Deterrence
2. Legislator
3. Convict
4. Arsonist
5. Thief
6. Smuggler
7. Bigamist
8. Accomplice

1. Retribution c) something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment;
2. Сase study
3. Rehabilitation
4. Spy
5. Assassin
6. Hijacker
7. Robber
8. Shop-lifter

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following expressions and sentences:

1. Law-abiding
2. Short-term imprisonment
3. Driving in excess of the speed limit
4. Murdering a policeman during a robbery
5. Stealing $1,000 from a bank by fraud
6. Grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)
7. Punishment is an ancient practice whose presence in modern cultures may appear to be out of place because it purposefully inflicts pain. In the minds of most people, however, it continues to find justification.
8. Causing death by dangerous driving
9. Long-term imprisonment
10. Stealing $1,000 from a bank by threatening someone with a gun
11. Malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight)
12. Possession of a gun without a licence
13. Selling drugs
14. For the most history punishment has been both painful and public in order to act as deterrent to others.
Corporal punishments and public humiliations were social events and carried out in most accessible parts of towns.

V. Give the English equivalents for the following expressions:
a) телесные наказания
b) смертная казнь
c) пожизненное тюремное заключение
d) непредумышленное убийство
e) отбыть срок в тюрьме;
f) мошенничество;
g) смягчить приговор;
h) приговаривать к смерти

VI. Read and translate the text.
Modern prisons are quite diverse, but it is possible to make some generalizations about them. In all but minimum-security prisons, the task of maintaining physical custody of the prisoners is usually given the highest priority and likely to dominate all other concerns. Barred cells and locked doors, periodic checking of cells, searches for contraband, and detailed regulation of inmates’ movements about the prison are all undertaken to prevent escapes. In order to forestall thievery, drug and alcohol use, violent assaults, rapes, and other types of prison crime, the inmates are subjected to rules governing every aspect of life; these do much to give the social structure of the prison its authoritarian character.
The need to maintain security within prison has prompted many countries to separate their penal institutions into categories of maximum, medium and minimum security. Convicted offenders are assigned to a particular category on the basis of the seriousness or violent nature of their offence, the length of their sentence, their proneness to escape, and other considerations. Within a prison, the inmates are often classified into several categories and housed in corresponding cellblocks according to the security risk posed by each individual.
Younger offenders are usually held in separate penal institutions that provide a stronger emphasis on treatment and correction.
Prisons generally succeed in the twin purposes of isolating the criminal from society and punishing him for his crime, but the higher goal of rehabilitation is not as easily attained. An offender’s time in prison is usually reduced as a reward for good behavior and conscientious performance at work. The privilege of receiving visits from family members and friends from the world exists in almost all penal systems.

VII Choose the word or phrase that is closet in meaning to the underlined part

1. Kevin was charged with assault and battery.
a) Walking on private land
b) Attacking and hurting someone
c) Killing someone

2. Many criminals offend again when they leave jail.
a) Commit a crime
b) Get put on probation
c) Are punished heavily

3. When someone commits a crime, they need to be punished.
a) Attacks and hurts another person
b) Causes someone to suffer for their bad behavior
c) Does something which is against the law

4. The man was accused of committing murder.
a) Killing someone
b) Escaping from jail
c) Going on someone’s land without permission

5. Mr.Robbins was sent to jail but says he did not commit the crime.
a) A room where trials take place
b) A building where criminals are kept
c) A place where punishment are given out

VIII . Find the appropriate answers for the questions
1. Did Hannah receive a fine?
a) – Yes, she has to go to jail for three months
b) – Yes, she has to pay $300.
2. Does the judge agree with capital punishment?
a) – Yes, he sent the criminal to jail for two years
b) - No, he thinks it is wrong to kill people who commit crimes
3. Why did Mr. Thomas trespass on Mrs.Kennedy’s property?
a) - His dog got loose and ran into her yard.
b) - She asked him to help her move some furniture.
4. How do criminals get punished for crimes?
a) - It depends on what crime they committed.
b) - They are arrested by the police.
5. Did the judge put Denise on probation?
a) - No, Denise wasn’t there when the crime happened.

b) - Yes, but next time she gets in trouble, she is going to jail


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Modern prisons. Контрольная по английскому.



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