Контрольная по английскому No Adult Left Behind


I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов, предложения переведите.

1. After the age of 16 a growing number of school students are staying on at school.
2. The cost of education depends on the college or university and speciality.
3. When he was fifteen years old he left school.
4. When William finishes the course of studies, he will have a good job.
5. She had learned to type at school, so she decided to get a job in an office.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. Computers _________ more and more efficient.
a) are becoming
b) become
c) is becoming
d) becomes
Компьютеры становятся все более и более продуктивными.
2. Paul __________ to Tina when I saw him.
a) is talking
b) was talking
c) talks
d) talked
Пол разговаривал с Тиной, когда я увидел его.
3. They __________ in that house for five years.
a) have lived
b) are living
c) live
d) had lived
Они жили в том доме 5 лет.
4. Every student ___________ how the computer operates.
a) must be known
b) shouldn’t be known
c) should know
d) know
Каждому студенту следует знать, как работает компьютер.
5. Mary __________ to Singapore at 3:00 tomorrow morning.
a) flies
b) was flying
c) will have been flying
d) is flying
Мэри летит в Сингапур в 3 часа утра завтра.

III. Задайте вопросы к предложению «They introduce new methods of teaching.», начиная вопросы со следующих слов: a) Who … …?; б) Do … …?; в) What … …?; г) What … …of? и сделайте исходное предложение отрицательным.

IV. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных и наречий:

V. Переведите письменно следующий текст:
No Adult Left Behind: 5 Big Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Today lifelong learning opportunities are plentiful. Five bright benefits come to mind. First is the prospect of a fatter paycheck. Job promotions go to smart people who keep up with the latest information and technology. New careers are created all the time.
Second is the enhanced self-esteem when you reach for new horizons, accept tough challenges and arrive at a whole new level. New learning is not a picnic but the joys of accomplishment are real. Your children are proud. Your neighbors are surprised and maybe just jealous enough to go out and do likewise.
Third is the freedom given to adult learners. The teacher is more facilitator than dictator. Adult students, unlike young kids, may be just as experienced as the person at the front of the room. Adult classmates share ideas and teach each other.
Fourth is the shift of schooling to a 24/7 model and long-distance or online methods. Trade the classroom for your computer. Stay home and study in your bathrobe. Earn a degree without ever stepping on campus. Leave an email message for the professor at 3 a.m. Further, some class enrollments are open with start dates at your convenience.
Number five is making scholarship a habit. Education becomes second nature; it's who you are as much as what you do. People live longer now and their health stays robust. Folks dread the thought of 15 or 20 years after retirement with idle hands and minds. Luckily, such waste is out of fashion. Grandmothers get their master's degree.
Invest in yourself. Knowing these five benefits can wipe out all excuses.

Free Adult Education information booklet at http://adultslearnmore.com


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No Adult Left Behind. Английский.



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