Контрольная работа по английскому Only the sons

Текст № 1. (для самостоятельной работы)
Only the sons of nobles attended the first Egyptian schools. They learned reading, good behaviour and got physical education there. In ancient China education consisted of learning the scriptures by heart. Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans, hard and warlike people, got military education. At the age of 7 all boys of noble families left their homes and lived in groups under a very strict discipline. The Spartans learned to use weapons. The Athenians had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature. A special teacher known as the "grammatist" taught them. Common people didn't get education. Greek ideas of what education should include influenced European education, especially secondary and university education.
The Romans had schools free of charge. These schools provided three stages of education. At 6 or 7 boys (and some girls) went to the primary schools where they learned reading, writing and arithmetic. At 12 or 13 boys of the rich families went on to the "grammar" school to study the Greek and Latin languages and literature. At 16 young nobles who wanted to go into politics went to schools of rhetoric. These schools trained public speakers. In Great Britain the first teachers were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write, count and cook. The Monitorial system was the main system of teaching in Great Britain at the beginning of the 19th century. The teacher had a class of 100 pupils and older pupils or "monitors" helped him.

Текст № 2. (для самостоятельной работы)
In 1836 the University of London was created to conduct the examination and to grant degrees upon the students from any institution situated anywhere in the British Empire.
Up until 1900 the University of London was only an examining and degree-awarding body, but in that year an Act of Parliament permitted to provide lecture rooms, museums, laboratories, work shops, etc. for both teaching and research. Today the University of London is a federation of colleges, each largely independent. There are faculties of Theology, of Arts, of Medicine, of Science, etc.
The University of London grants degrees to all who satisfy its examinations, with the exceptions of engineering and medical degrees (for which the study at an approved institution is required). The London external degree has been of great importance in the development of the university system.
Many of the new independent universities were at first university colleges (i.e university institutions which could not award their own degrees) and for them the University of London became the degree-awarding body. The London external degree is very important to students in technical colleges and some teacher-training colleges, as well as for private students working on their own, away from educational centres.
The development of new qualifications (e.g. the new Diploma in Technology) and increasing enrolments in regular university courses have made the external degree less important.



I. Составить предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания:
1. hydrogen, water, and, of, is, oxygen, composed.
2. are, minerals, by the body, needed, also.
3. work, energy, for, required, is.
4. stopped, because of, growth, inadequate food, is.

II. Поставить глагол-сказуемое в соответствующее время:
1. Energy and building material of a body are supplied by many kinds of food.
2. Much attention must be paid to the nutritious value of foods in our country.
3. Bottling and canning are widely being used now to preserve vegetables and fruit.
4. Various effects of foods were studied by ancient Greek philosophers.
5. A great contribution to the food chemistry has already been made by our chemists.

III. Определить, где страдательное причастие прошедшего времени является
1. частью простого глагольного сказуемого
2. определением
1. Organic acids are frequently considered together with carbohydrates. 
2. Carbohydrates are the substances utilized by the body for energy.
3. The excess of sugar and starch is always stored in the body as fat. 
4. Sugar and starch are common carbohydrates found in the diet of a man.



I.Указать, выражает ли глагол-сказуемое:
1-долженствование, предназначение,
2- разрешение, вероятность, возможность,
3- способность:

1. Any plant is able to build starch.
2. Carbohydrates must be used by the body for energy.
3. You will have to analyse this substance again.
4. Calcium and phosphorus in our body are to make bones and teeth.
5. You may buy carbonated water in any grocery of our city.
6. Certain amino acids can't be built by our body.
7. Children must have high-caloric diet.

П. Указать соответствующий русский эквивалент подчеркнутых слов:
1. Our diet has to contain different kinds of nutrients.
1. должна была 2. может З. должна
2. Starches and sugars are to produce energy for a body.
1. могут 2. должны З. должны были
3. Cellulose is to provide minerals for certain regulatory processes.
1. должна 2. могли З. должны будут
4. Both animal and plant bodies are able to synthesize carbohydrates from sugar.
1. смогут 2. должны З. могут
5. Scientists were to determine the nutritive value of many substances.
1. могли 2. должны были 3. должны
6. The students will be able to analyze the complex compound. 
1. должны будут 2. разрешат 3. смогут 
7. She was allowed to change her research programme. 
1. должны были 2. разрешили 3. смогли


I. Определить функцию: "it"
1. It is known that proteins contain different minerals. 
2. It is a complete protein that supports normal growth of a body. 
3. A human body needs much energy and it is supplied by different foods.
4. What substance is dissolved in the juice of the plant? It is a sugar.
5. Studying the properties of proteins made it possible to classify them into three groups. 

II. Определить функцию: "one (ones)"
1. One must remember that foods are complex substances.
2. Certain amino acids are known as essential ones.
3. Many kinds of food contain more than one protein. 
4. Vitamin A is one that is stable to heat. 

III. Определить функцию: "that (those)"
1. That proteins are classified into three groups is explained by their variation in the quality.
2. Foods that are good sources of proteins are cereals, meat, fish, milk and some others.
3. The value of this substance is much lower than that of its derivatives.
4. That protein is a complex one.
5. It is known that sugar is the purest carbohydrate.
6. The fact is that the role of some vitamins in nutrition has not been determined yet.

IV. Определить функцию: "as"
1. The regulation of body processes is regarded as the function of main
constituents of food.
2. As vitamin A is fat-soluble it does not dissolve in water.
3. As vitamin К is being exposed to sunlight it is destroyed.

V. Определитьфункцию: "for"
1. Vitamin D is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth.
2. It is necessary to consume fruits and vegetables for they are rich in vitamins.
3. A man must consume water for the body to function properly.
4. A human being can live without food for some time but not without H2O.

VI. Определитьфункцию: "since"
1. Since the end of the 19th century scientists have studied the role of different vitamins.
2. The child developed slowly since his food was inadequate.
3. Milling began in ancient times and it has been used since.
4. Since people discovered vitamins they have learnt to prepare them in the form of concentrates.


Текст для самостоятельной работы № 3

There are more than 20 different minerals in the body. The human body contains 65 per cent oxygen, 18 per cent carbon, 10 per cent hydrogen, 3 per cent nitrogen, about 2 per cent calcium and 1 per cent phosphorus. Then there are small quantities of sulphur, chlorine, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, zink and others.
Three of the most important minerals are calcium, phosphorus and iron. Calcium and phosphorus work together. The bones and teeth have 99 per cent of the calcium in the body, in the form of calcium phosphate. If people have enough calcium and phosphorus their bones and teeth will be strong and hard. In addition, their muscles, nerves and heart will work correctly. Milk and hard cheeses are the best sources of calcium. Calcium compounds are present in fruits, vegetables and fish, phosphates - in eggs, meat and fish. In general, if one gets enough protein and calcium he will also get enough phosphorus.
The red colour of the blood is the colour of the hemoglobin, which contains one atom of iron among its ten thousand atoms. As iron carries oxygen, people who do not have enough iron do not get enough oxygen for their normal activities. Iron is found in kidney, liver, other meat products, some vegetables, dried fruits and bread.
A small quantity of iodine is also necessary for good nutrition - probably less than one ten-thousandth of a gramme daily. Deficiency of iodine results in an overgrowth of the thyroid gland. Sea foods are rich in this element.
Fluorine is a constituent of the enamel of the teeth but it is absent from most foods. So many cities now add traces of fluorine to the water supply, besides small amounts of fluorine are added to various toothpastes.

Текст для самостоятельной работы № 4

The animal fats are important by-products of slaughtered live-stock and the manufacture of meat products.
Heat treatment or rendering separates the fat from the fatty tissue on which it is found in the animal. Rendering methods include low-temperature dry rendering, high-temperature dry rendering, and steam rendering.
In the manufacture of lard a number of processes follow rendering. These include decolorization or bleaching, deodorization, chilling, plasticizing, and packaging.
Rendered beef or mutton fats are termed tallows or oleo stocks. Tallow is processed similar to lard.
Refined lard has great demand as a shortening. Both lard and oleo products are used in the manufacture of margarine.
Olive oil has an excallent natural flavour and is used as a salad or cooking oil without processing. Corn oil, produced from corn germ, is a product of corn-milling industry.
Soybean oil is used mostly in shortening, margarine, and salad oil.
Cocoa butter is the fat pressed or extracted from cocoa beans. It is used in medicine and as coating fat for confections and other foods. Coconut oil is used principally as a cooking oil, for confectionery fats and in margarine.
Cotton seed oil is processed for salad oil, shortening and for use in margarine.
Sunflower seeds oil is a high quality edible oil. It is used in cooking salad dressing, margarine and soap, and as a drying oil in paints.


Грамматический тест № 3

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1) The body processes are regulated by means of the chief constituents.
2) Food constituents have been classified as fats, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins and water.
3) The body tissues will be always repaired by proper nutrition.
4) Fruit and vegetables must be included into our diet.
5) Many new foods are being produced in our country now.

6) Carbon and oxygen are usually taken by plants by means of their chlorophyll.
7) Chlorophyll is the substance found in the leaves of the plant.
8) The green colour of the plant is closely connected with chlorophyll found in the leaves.
9) The sugars, starches and cellulose are the substances known as carbohydrates.
10) Organic acids are often found in fruits and vegetables.
11) Food quality is affected by long storage.

12) Pyridoxine is often referred to as vitamin B 6.
13) The study of the constituents of this product was followed by the analysis of its nutritive value.
14) Variation in the quality of proteins is based on their classification. 
15) Riboflavin is little influenced by heat but easily destroyed by baking soda.

16) The nutritive value of this food was much spoken about. 

17) The substances which are being experimented upon now are complex biopolymers.

18) The discoveries in the study of digestion have been affected by the union of chemistry and biology.

2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы:

1) Body's food must be high in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

2) A human body is able to transform carotene into vitamin A.

3) We may say that protein content of different parts of the animal body is varied.

4) The tissues of the body have to be built and repaired.

5) Any living body can grow and develop if its food is adequate.

6) All these nutrients are able to meet more than one of the body's needs.

7) He might use these instruments for his research.

8) Food is converted into soluble forms so that is can be digested and pass through the wall of the intestine and so into the blood.

9) You are to dissolve this substance in water.

10) In order to keep the body working efficiently a process of digestion must take place.


Контрольный перевод № 3


Nutritionists think there are 13 vitamins that humans need. Vitamins are important because they prevent diseases and help to control body processes. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and eyes. People who do not have enough vitamin A may have night blindness. Some automobile accidents happen in the evening because people who lack vitamin A do not see the road well after they look at the bright headlights of a car. Vitamin A in the diet comes from deep yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, dark green leafy vegetables and milk, liver, cod-liver oil.
When people have enough В vitamins, their appetite is good and their nerves are calm. В vitamins come from meat and vegetables, milk, cheese and whole grain. When grain is processed it loses vitamins.
Vitamin С helps skin tissues to recover from cuts and burns. Vitamin С is supplied by tomatoes, citrus fruits like lemons and oranges, by cabbage and green peppers. Rose-hip syrup and blackcurrants also supply it.
Vitamin D is called the "sunshine" vitamin. When people are outside, ultraviolet rays from the sun change some fat in their skin to vitamin D. It is also in cod-liver oil, in the yellow of the eggs, milk and butter. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. It helps to build strong bones, and it prevents a disease in children that is called rickets.
Other vitamins (E, K, M, etc.) prevent other diseases, but all of them have a function in normal nutrition.

Грамматический тест № 4

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание
на многозначность слов:

1) It is evident that proteins are complex in nature.
2) It is a partially complete protein that maintains life but does not support normal growth.

3) It is built by the combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
4) Foods which we eat are often complex substances capable of meeting more than one of the body's needs.

5) A complete protein is one that is adequate to support normal growth and to maintain life.

6) One may regard food as the main source of energy of a body.

7) Proteins differ from carbohydrates in that they contain nitrogen and sulphur.
8) The utilization of organic acids in the body for energy is similar to that of starches and sugars.

9) Those vitamins that are generally recognized as essential, and "some of those that may be essential, are considered here.


10) Foods are defined as substances that supply energy.

11) Milk is recommended for our diet as it contains various vitamins and other nutrients.

12) As the white of an egg is being exposed to the air, it decomposes into a great number of substances.
13) Cellulose is used in the diet for the regulation of body processes.

14) The properties of this new compound were being studied for two months.

15) Proteins are complex in nature for they consist of a number of amino acids.

16) Since vitamin E is fat-soluble water does not dissolve it, but it is easily oxidized.

17) Breadmaking began in ancient times and it has been used since.

18) Since ancient times people have been interested in the methods of food storage.

Контрольный перевод № 4


Sugar is extracted from the sugar cane and the sugar beet. Cane sugar is manufactured from the sugar cane. In the manufacturing of sugar cane, the first step is crushing of the cane to express the juice. The juice is then clarified, usually by heating with lime. The clarified juice is then concentrated in vacuum evaporators to a brownish syrup containing about 35 per cent moisture of syrup and crystals.
The crystals are separated from the liquor or molasses by centrifugal machines. The molasses may be evaporated a second and a third time and the crystals are removed. The sugar thus separated from the molasses is known as raw sugar. The raw sugar must be washed, treated with lime, filtered, recrystallized, washed and dried to give the familiar refined sugar.
In some countries cane sugar is produced in small factories without use of centrifuges, and a dark-brown product, noncentrifugal sugar, is produced.
Recovery of crystalline sugar from the sugar beet is not a simple procedure. In its life processes, the sugar beet forms many organic substances other than sucrose and takes up inorganic nutrient elements from the soil. These nonsucrose substances are also brought into solution of sucrose during processing and must be removed. Some are removed by liming and filtering, but those that remain inhibit crystallization of sucrose.
This is how beet sugar is produced. The beets are washed and sliced. The juice which is high in sucrose is leached by hot water. It is then subjected to, clarification, filtration, and evaporation, resulting in formation of clear crystals.


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