Police dogs


1). Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.:
1. The solicitor is reading the documents at the moment.
2. I am working at the court now.
3. He has been at the court during the week.
4. I have known that for a long time.
5. The barrister has been famous since his last case.
6. We have never been to any court, criminal or civil.
7. The solicitor has been reading the documents for two hours.
8. I have been working in this court for a month.
9. I hope you haven't been waiting long.
10. He hasn't heard anything important from the witnesses.
11. I hope you are not waiting long.
12. He was at the court during the week.
13. I knew that long ago.
14. Fyodor Plevako was a famous Russian lawyer.
15. There were a few witnesses in this case.
16. He didn't say anything the day before yesterday.

2). употребите словосочетания во всех временах действительного залога:

to serve a sentence - отбывать наказание;
to break into the house - проникнуть в дом;
to demand a random- требовать выкуп;
to investigate a crime- расследовать преступление;
to attack somebody-нападать на кого-либо. 
to take an oath-принять присягу.

3). Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

1. I study Law.
2. I worked at the Criminology department last year.
3. He is reading law documents.
4. The hearing has just begun.
5. He will train as a solicitor.
6. He has been investigating the crime for 12 weeks already.

4).Употребите глаголы в нужном времени: переведите
«Caution him!» the sergeant (to tell) the constable as soon as they (to arrive). The constable (to take) out his notebook. « you (to wish) to say anything?» he said to Jim. «You are not obliged to say anything unless you (to wish) to do so. But whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may (to give) in evidence».
These are the words which policemen must (to use) before questioning people accused of a crime. This «caution», or warning (to inform) the accused that tile police cannot (to force) them to convict themselves by what they say. The constable (to tell) Jim to sit, down. «Now then, where (to be) you at 5.25on Thursday evening?» - «I not (to talk)—copper!» - «All right!» said (to say) the constable calmly. «I'll wait. But it'll help you (to tell) the truth.»

5). Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Он отбывал наказание в тюрьме в течение 5 лет.
2. Свидетель принял присягу.
З. Пока приехала полиция, преступник, похитив ценные вещи, сбежал.
4. Я никогда не был в суде.
5. Преступник напал на полицейского.
6. Грабитель проник в дом через окно?- Нет. Он взломал дверь.
7. Он требует выкуп.
8. Она будет изучать «Право» 5 лет.
9. Слушание дела ещё не началось.- Я думаю, оно начнётся через час.

Видовременные формы в пассивном залоге
1). Переведите и выучите следующие словосочетания:
the bill is approved
the will is executed
the punishment is applied
citizens are protected
crimes are combated
the power is strengthened
a crime is committed
a law is enacted
a bill is amended
penalties are listed

2. Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями.
3. Закончите следующие предложения и переведите, обращая внимание на Passive voice:
1. Each regular police force is maintained by а (власть полиции).
2. In England and Wales these are committees of (члены местного совета и магистраты), and in Scotland they are the regional and islands councils.
3. The police authority for the Metropolitan Police Force is the (министр внутренних дел).
4. In Northern Ireland the police authority (назначать) by the Secretary of State.
5. In the Metropolitan Police area the commissioner of police and his (непосредственные подчиненные) are appointed on the (рекомендация) of the Home Secretary.
6. The police authorities are financed by central and local (правительство).

4). Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в правильной форме:
Yesterday evening, a black BMW (to steal) from outside the home of Mr. John Simpson. Mr. Simpson (to telephone) the police. Later that evening, the car (to see) in the High Street by Mr. Simpson's wife, Laura. It was outside the Red Lion Hotel. The keys were in the car, sо she (to drive) it home! The police (to look) for a careless thief!

5). Прочитайте (Переведите тексты, объясните употребление Passive Vojce:
Police Dogs are very intelligent and obedient. They are taught to obey the handlers instantly. They can track a scent on the ground and search different places such as parks, open land or buildings. They are trained to chase and stop a running criminal, not to bite him, but to circle round and bark at him provided he stands still. Dog handlers spend one hour a day on grooming, feeding and exercising the
dog. For the rest of their time on duty they patrol on foot or in a special dog van. After training the dog goes to work with its handler, for about next 7 years.

6). Прочитайте и переведите текст.
There are special laws which relate to children who have committed crimes and how they should be punished. When a boy or girl break the law, a policeman may arrest and take him or her to a police station. The police tell their parents. He or she appears before the Juvenile Court with their parents. The Magistrates listen to the evidence and, if the case is proved, decide on the punishment.
The police do not always have to send children to court. If a child admits doing wrong, and everyone agrees, the police can decide to give him or her a very severe talking to. It is called a Youth and Community Section caution. A senior police officer gives it. The idea is that children get another chance.
This way they don't have to get a Criminal Record and a bad name.


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