Property law


I. Определите форму и функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях. Предложения переведите письменно.
1. A court makes an order requiring parents to exercise proper care or control over their child.
2. Their parents made them make their marriage legal.
3. The prisoners have the opportunity to make purchases from the canteen with money earned in prison.
4. The boards of visitors have power to order forfeiture of remission.
5. Social workers were said to help prisoners to make constructive resettlements plans before their release.
6. Mr. Thomas reports him to have fulfilled firmly all the requirements set by the discipline routine.
7. His accessory tries to cause harm to the witness.
8. The Court of Session has jurisdiction to deal with all kind of action.

II. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.

Property Law

This section takes a look at laws governing buying property or renting. The first thing to know about any property is whether it is “freehold” or “leasehold”. Most houses are known to be sold on a freehold lease. It means the buyer owns the house and the ground that it stands on. Flats and properties such as business premises are usually sold on a leasehold basis. The land, and often the main building itself, is owned by a landlord who leases it for a set period.
The landlord and leaseholder have certain rights and responsibilities: leaseholders must follow the terms of their lease and pay a “service charge” to cover the costs of maintenance. Landlords must maintain the property.
If you want to buy a property you should make your initial offer “subject to contract”. If a survey then finds a problem with the property, terms of lease, or anything else such as disputed boundaries, you can pull out. Once a contract has been signed it's legally binding, but both sides can claim compensation if the deal falls through.
The government recently announced new laws that mean anyone selling a property must have a “sellers pack”, which includes information such as “buildings surveys”, that are currently only given when contracts are exchanged.
Buying a property usually involves solicitors, estate agents, surveyors and unless you're buying with cash, a mortgage provider. You can do some parts yourself, such as the 'conveyancing,' but it's better to get the professionals to do it for you, even if it's expensive.

III. Ответьте на вопросы письменно.
1. What is property law?
2. What does a man should know buying a property?
3. Whom does the process of buying a property involve?

IV. Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие инфинитив. Определите форму и функцию инфинитива.

V. Переведите предложения. Определите, какой инфинитивный оборот используется в предложениях: The Complex Object, the Complex Subject. Определите форму инфинитива.
1. They think you to have appeared at court.
2. I heard them to be cross-examining my colleagues.
3. They asked the expert to take part in the seminar.
4. There seemed to be mistakes in the report.
5. The members of the society consider political environment to have very important impact on every business operation.
6. Isn’t there anything more interesting to look at?


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