Public Libraries in Great Britain


I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните глагольную форму, переведите предложения на русский язык и определите, где глагол to have выступает в модальном значении, где он является частью формы времен группы Perfect или дается в одном из времен Indefinite.
1. I have a class in music every Friday.
2. She has already called her friend.
3. I have to get up early because I have no car and the office where I work is rather far from my house.
4. My friend has already gone, and I have to stay in the library because I have to read for my exam.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните Participle I и II и установите функции каждого из них, т. е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The hostess showed us into a large hall decorated with flowers and carpets.
2. When invited he always comes on time.
3. He was deeply impressed by the new film.
4. Brilliant books by Agatha Christie translated into more languages than Shakespeare are read and enjoyed by the public.
III. Перепишите предложения. Вместо инфинитивов в скобках поставьте the Future Indefinite Tense или форму настоящего времени. Подчеркните подчинительные союзы, укажите тип придаточного предложения.
1. If I (see) Helen tomorrow, I (speak) to her.
2. As soon as I (come) to London, I (send) you a telegram.
3. When the wind (blow) hard, this old tree (fall).
4. After I finish my studies in the library, I (go) to the cinema.
5. He (go) to Brighton to await you there before you (leave).

IV. Перепишите предложения, вставьте вместо пропусков can или to be able to в нужной временной форме.
1. Did you buy any fresh meat? - No, I... get any.
2. He... play tennis better two years ago.
3. I... finish this work today, I am tired.
4. I.... not... come to your place today, I have a headache.
5. I think you... play tennis better after a bit of practice.

V. Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите текст.
Public Libraries in Great Britain
In different regions of the United Kingdom different authorities must maintain local libraries. In Scotland this is the duty of local authorities, in Northern Ireland there are special educational and library boards. There are 5,000 public library service points in Britain and people can borrow books free of charge. The books in the lending section stand on open shelves for the easy access of the readers. There are special inter-lending systems for the students.
In some areas there are mobile libraries of which about 700 are in service, and domiciliary services work with people who are unable to visit the library. Many libraries have collections of records and musical scores for loan to the public. Nearly all provide children's departments, reference sections and art, music, commercial and technical departments. Most libraries hold documents on local history.
The largest library in Britain is the British Library, created in 1973 when the British Museum Library and some other libraries merged. The British Li­brary is organized in three divisions: 1) the Reference Division which includes the Department of Printed Books (holding about 10 million titles), the Department of Manuscripts, the Department of Oriental manuscripts and Printed Books, and the Science Reference Library; 2) the Lending Division in West Yorkshire which has nearly 4.5 million volumes and some 56,000 current periodicals available on loan to other libraries and countries overseas; 3) the Bibliographic Services Division which processes the material for cataloguing. The British Library automatically receives a copy of each new book or newspaper published in Britain.


VI. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.
1. What are domiciliary services for?
2. What is the largest library in Britain?
3. In what division can a person from Russia borrow books from the British Library?

VII. Письменно переведите текст.
Literary Criticism in the 20th Century
No movement has had such an impact on 20th - century criticism as the so-called new Criticism. It began as a distinct school in the late 1930s. The move­ment is sometimes called ontological criticism because Ransom, its leading figure, insisted that a poem represents a kind of reality different from that of a logical prose. The New Critics did not study the historical context of the work of literature, or biographical details about the author, or the author's purposes. Their technique was to use close analysis of structure and imagery to define technical devices expressing the particular meaning that a literary work possesses. More recent approaches to the critical evaluation of literature include studies from the point of view of semiotics (the study of the function of signs and symbols) and hermeneutics (the science of interpretation), Marxism, psychoanalytic theory, feminism, and structuralism which appeared in France in the 1960s and 1970s.

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