

1. Напишите множественное число слов:
Puppy, dog, cake, man, watch, shelf, child, foot, driver, story, work, postman, lady, fox, bench, leaf
2. Вставьте нужную форму глагола “to be”.
1) He_ a doctor.
2) We _ students.
3) Pete and Ann _ children.
4) _she our teacher of English?
5) I _ a student of the college.
3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола “to be” и напишите отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений:
1) My tie _ red. My tie _ red. _ my tie red?
2) They _ students. They _ students. _ they students?
3) I _ an accouter. I’_an accouter. _ I an accouter?
4) She _ at school. She _ at school. _ she at school?
5) He _ in Kiev. He _ in Kiev. Is he in Kiev?
4. Вставьте вместо точек артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо.
__Mr. Jones has _ new office. There is a desk, _ telephone, _ computer. _Mr. Jones is sitting at _ desk, he is speaking on _ telephone now and his secretary is at _ computer. __Mr. Jones and his secretary are busy in _ office today.
5. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени.

_ Christmas
_ Tuesday
_ 1996

_ 6.15
_ the evening
_ midday
_ ten o’clock
_ night
_ autumn
_ summer evening
_ Saturday night

6. Напишите время словами.
2.30 p.m.

12.15 p.m.

2.00 a.m.
3.05 p.m.

8.55 a.m.

7. Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.
Старший, старый, хороший, красивый, сухой, счастливый
8. Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных.

9. Раскройте скобки, напишите отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений во времени Present Simple.

1) They (go) to school every morning.
2) Mr. Smith (stay) at home.
3) She (arrive) home late.
4) I (read) books every day.
5) We (eat) lunch at noon.
10. Раскройте скобки, напишите отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений во времени Present Continuous.

1) She (read) a book now.
2) They (swim) in the river at the moment
3) I (open) the window now.
11. Употребите правильную форму глагола.
1. It is 12 o’clock. The family (has / is having) tea.
2. In the morning my mother (cooks / is cooking) breakfast for us?
3. I (have / am having) a car and I usually (drive / am driving) to work.
4. Dick (leaves / is leaving) home at half past eight in the morning. He (goes / is going) to his office by bus.
5. In the evening we (watch / are watching) TV.
6. Look at Mike. He (does / is doing) his lessons.
7. The weather is fine. The sun (shines / is shining) and it (doesn’t rain / isn’t raining).

12. Переведите текст и выполните задание.

auto loan for buying a car ссуда на приобретение автомобиля
heater обогреватель
life insurance страхование жизни
monthly payment ежемесячная выплата
payment terms условия платежа
reliability надежность
cross country characteristics проходимость
maneuverability маневренность
to borrow одалживать (брать взаймы)
spare parts запасные части
safe безопасный
driver's license водительские права
air-conditioner кондиционер
a trade-in обмен старой машины на новую с доплатой
What's the make? Какая модель?

P. Helen, what are you doing? Are you busy?
H. Not really! What's hap¬pened?
P. I'd like to talk with you. Is Mary asleep?
H. No doubt.
P. Helen, I'd like to buy a car.
H. You must be joking.
P. Frankly speaking some days ago I was not sure of this possibility myself. But I consulted in a bank and you see I can borrow the necessary sum of money. Besides, we can cut down our expenses.
H. What are the bank terms?
P. The bank lends the money for 5 years and monthly payment is quite reasonable.
H. Is life insurance included?
P. Yes, it is.
H. What is the interest rate?
P. It’s 10%.
Н. What make have you in mind?
P. Hard to say, but it must be neither very big, nor very expensive... Why are you laughing?
H. I've remembered yesterday's advertisement: «Imagine years of experience and advanced technology applied to creating New Opel Astra. Imagine a new respect in your environment inside and down your space...»
P. But it's a wonderful idea!
H. Till tomorrow then.


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