Pure capitalism


I. Translate the text.
Pure capitalism
In pure capitalism the two factors of supply and demand will balance each other out in such a way that some middle ground called an equilibrium price will be achieved. Producers will make as many units of a product as consumers are willing to purchase at the price producers must charge to make a reasonable profit.
In pure capitalism industry and individuals use resources as they choose. The government takes a laissez-faire, or hands-off, approach and does not interfere in the economic system. Producers and consumers pursue their own self-interests. Producers make as much as they can sell and consumers buy as much as they can afford.
In this system each person behaves in the best interests of society, as if guided by an invisible hand. The marketplace is regulated by the interaction of the buyers and producers. If a company produces a defective product or charges too much for the product it is rejected by consumers. As a result, the producer has to improve the quality of the product or reduce the price to make any sales. The marketplace, in essence the invisible hand, regulates economic conduct. Government does not have to do any regulating.


II. Match the words. Make 3 sentences.

the power to tax

устанавливать минимальную заработную плату


the power to spend



to tax individuals

социальные услуги


to acquire funds

создавать спрос на товары и услуги


to provide public programs

создавать рабочие места для безработных



регулировать деятельность предприятий



производить товары и услуги



продавать новый медицинский препарат


social services

приобретать средства (фонды)


to create demand for goods and services

право тратить, расходовать


to produce goods and services

право облагать налогом


to regulate the activities of businesses

отношения между работодателем и работающим по найму


employer - employee relations



to prevent from doing smth



to sell a new medicine

облагать налогами отдельных лиц


to set a minimum wage

обеспечивать выполнение общественных программ


to create jobs for the unemployed

мешать, запрещать что-либо делать



III. Fill in necessary words. Translate.
1. _ the government has two economic tools: _ (при смешанном капитализме; право облагать налогом и право тратить деньги)
2. _ the government acquires the necessary funds for _. (облагая налогами отдельных лиц; оборона, транспорт, образование)
3. The money spent for these social services _ for the goods and services _. (создавать дополнительный спрос; производимых предприятиями)
4. Government agencies _ of many private businesses. (регулировать деятельность).
5. The Food and Drug Administration of Russia prevents pharmaceutical companies from _. (повышение цен на новые лекарства)
6. New medicines can't be sold if they _. (не испытать)
7. Only the government is entitled to _ and initiate programs to _. (устанавливать минимальную оплату труда; ликвидировать безработицу в стране)

IV. Write down from the textsentences with modal verbs or their equivalents, underline them.

V. Make the sentence, translate, ask 3 questions.
Capitalism, pure, in, demand, consumers, decreases, price, its, as, product, a, of, more.
VI. Answer the questions.
1. Whose interests do producers and consumers pursue in the market?
2. If a company produces a defective product or charges too much for the product, will it be sold or rejected by consumers? What do think of if?
3. Some economists affirm that the government does not interfere in the economic system. Are they right or wrong? Is itpossible under capitalism?
4. Are you for or against the government's regulating of economic conduct in Russia?

VII. Translate the sentences.
1. Движимые прибылью, производители стараются произвести и продать, как можно больше товара.
2. При смешанном капитализме у правительства есть два экономических инструмента: право собирать налоги и право их тратить.
3. Только ли правительство России уполномочено разрабатывать программы по ликвидации безработицы в стране?
4. Администрация России по продовольствию и лекарственным средствам запрещает фармацевтическим компаниям повышать цены на новые препараты.
5. В этой системе экономические вопросы определяются рынком потребителей.
6. Рынок, являясь по существу невидимкой, регулирует экономическую обстановку.


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