State authority


Часть 2
1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do. Определите их функцию.
1. These parts will have to be replaced.
2. They are to do that work today, because they may not have any time.
3. Semiconductors do possess many wonderful properties.
4. When did you listen to this scientist’s report?
5. He has written his test papers rather well.
6. Automation is being increasingly used at our hydro - electric stations.

2. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, определив в каждом видо-временную форму и залог глагола — сказуемого.
1. The work will be done in an hour if you do your best.
2. Have you ever seen such computers?
3. Do not enter the study. Father is working there and he does not like to be disturbed.
4. When I entered the hall, the professor was delivering the lecture. He had already been speaking for ten minutes.
5. Problems of vital importance are touched upon in this book.
6. Why did they laugh at him?
7. A pleasant and appetizing smell was spreading all over the place. Evidently somebody was roasting chicken.
8. Great amount of research work is being conducted in the field of studying the data provided by the use of satellites and rockets.

3. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и укажите функцию каждого из них, то есть является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого.
1. Standing at the blackboard the student was explaining the use of the Present Simple Tense.
2. We shall use instruments of improved design.
3. Ice melts when heated.
4. Reading English books you enlarge your vocabulary.
5. After I had finished my work I went home being satisfied with its results.
6. The delegation of French physicians is arriving by the plane today, is not it?

4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение. Выделите бессоюзные подчинительные предложения.
1. The lectures I listen to at the Institute are very interesting.
2. He tells me he will be here soon.
3. At last we found the material we were in need of.
4. They say his system improves working conditions.
5. The plan she is speaking about is of great importance for the development of the region.
6. I write down everything I take interest in my note - book.

5. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.
State Authority and Law System of the Russian Federation.
The highest body of the state authority of Russia looks like this. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of the state. The Parliament of the Russian Federation is the representative and legislative organ of the state consisting of the two chambers: The Federation Council and the State Duma. Both of them are elected for a term of 4 years.
The highest executive and administrative body of the state authority of Russia is the Government. The powers the Government has are rather numerous. Let' s mention some of them: direction of economic, social and cultural development, drafting current and longterm state plans for the economic and social development of the country, public order maintenance, citizens' rights and freedoms protection and. so on.
Justice is administered by the courts of different instances in Russia. The Supreme Court is the highest and district (city) people' s courts are the lowest in the judicial system.
There is a special body for supervision of the observance of the law in the Russian Federation. The Procurator - General the Federation council Russia appoints for a term of 5 years is to supervise over the strict observance of laws by all ministers as well as by officials and citizens of Russia. The agencies of the Procurator' office perform their functions independently of any local bodies.

6. Напишите 5 вопросов разного типа ко всему тексту.


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