Stop and check 2



Упражнение 1.
Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме. Примеры:
a. (boil) Water _at 100 degrees centigrade.
b. (not / go) George _to the cinema very often.
c. (you / speak) How many languages _

1. (not / use) I have a car but _it very often.
2. (the banks / close) What time _ the banks _ in Britain?
3. (open) The swimming pool _ at 9.00 and (close) _ at 18.30
every day.
4. (you / do) "What _?"I'm an electrical engineer."
5. (you / smoke) How many cigarettes _a day?
6. (play) I _the piano, (not / play) but I _very well.
7. (you / not / get) If you need money, why _a job?
8. ("deceive"/ mean) I don't understand what the word "_" _.
Упражнение 2.
Выберите нужное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном падеже.
1. Where is the bird? _is in the cage. (he, it, they)
2. Can you give _ a glass of water? (I, me, you)
3. Will you go to the park with us? (we, our, us)
4. What is this? _is my bicycle. (he, it, they)
5. _ garden is very nice. (our, you, there)

Упражнение 3.
Переведите на английский язык, пользуясь словарем.
1. Если у вас есть время, позвоните Михаилу.
2. Поедем ли мы купаться, если погода будет хорошая?
3. Я смогу встретиться с вами, когда вернусь из деловой поездки.
4. Когда вы увидите г-на Картера, попросите его зайти ко мне.
5. Как только ты вернешься домой, позвони мне.
6. После того как вы закончите перевод, покажите его мне.

Упражнение 4.
Выберите нужную форму глагола:
1. She _milk every morning. (drinks, is drinking, drink)
2. We _to the park now. (goes, are going, go)
3. The woman _shopping now. (wears, is going, go)
4. She often _ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)
5. Look! The cat _up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb)
6. John _to school now. (walks, is walking, walk)
7. My cat usually _ by the fire. ( sleep, is sleeping, sleeps)
8. I _a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writes)
9. 4. They _to the theatre every Sunday. (go, goes, are going)
10. 5. Father always _the grass. (cut, is cutting, cuts)

Упражнение 5. Пронумеруйте слова в предложении в правильном порядке.
a. Policeman/5_from/is/John/a/New York.
b. Madrid/George/from/comes.
c. Married/sister/is/your?
d. For/something/want/to/breakfast/buy/I.
e. When/young/hospital/my/in/worked/was/he/¬father.
f. Isn't/coffee/nice/English/very.
g. Your/what/name/teacher's/is?
h. Many/got/you/how/cousins/have?
i. Last/Rome/they/in/week/arrived.
j. Mountains/sister/skiing/goes/the/in/my
Упражнение 6.
Допишите вопрос к предложению.
1. Michael works on a farm.
2. Brenda lives in York.
3. Kevin goes out with his friends in the evening.
4. Mary is sleeping now.
5. We have five lessons on Monday.
6. My friend Cathie has a horse.
7. My sister plays tennis quite well.
8. Mr Johnson works on a farm.
9. My father's name is Jack.
10. John Field is a farmer.

Упражнение 7.
Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях.
a. He usually watch TV in the evening.
b. Today was Monday.
c. Why does the baby crying?
d. I'm never travelling by plane.
e. At the moment John makes coffee.
f. You like pizza?
g. They play in the garden now.
h. Our school have a lot of students.
i. There isn't no one in the room.
j. Do she plays the piano?

Упражнение 8.


Вставьте слово с противоположным значением: Пример:
Tom doesn't wear his watch on his right arm; he wears it on his left arm.
1. My lesson begins at 3 o'clock and _at 4:30.
2. Bill was in London last week; _ week he's going to be in Paris.
3. I often get up early on Sunday, but_on Saturday.
4. My first name is short, but my last name is _ and hard to spell.
5. This exercise is _ but the last one was hard.
6. Jim always takes the bus to work: he _ takes a taxi.
7. The word "city" begins with a small letter, but the name "Newman" begins with a _ letter.
8. Janet watched TV after dinner, _she went to bed.
9. Do you _ watches? I'd like to buy one.
10. This isn't the first question in the exercise, it's the _ one.

Упражнение 9. Ответьте на вопросы, пользуясь моделью.
A. Did Barnie smoke a lot before his job interview?
B. Yes, he did. He was upset.

A. Did Helen do well on her English exam?
B. No, _prepared.
D. Did Marylou cry a lot when her dog ran away?
E. Yes, _upset.
F. Did Katherine sleep well last night?
G. No, _tired.
H. Did you fall asleep during the lecture?
I. Yes, I did. I _ bored.
J. Did Mr. and Mrs. Mason finish their dinner last night?
K. No, _hungry.
L. Did the football coach shout at his players after they lost the game?
M. Yes, _angry.
N. Did they have anything to drink after dinner last night?
O. No, _thirsty.

P. Did Tommy cover his eyes during the science fiction movie?
Q. Yes, _scared.
R. Did George and his brother leave on the two o'clock train?
S. No, _on time.

Упражнение 10.
Дополните предложения словами из таблицы
up (4) down off on (2)

1. The growth rate in industry is slowing _ at the moment.
2. It's dark in here. Can you switch _the light, please?
3. Turn _the computer when you leave, please.
4. I get _at seven o'clock every morning.
5. I grew _ in Italy.
6. A I like that blue coat.
B Would you like to try it _, Madam?
7. A What would you like to eat?
B I can't make _my mind.
8. It's excellent news. The figures are going _ again this month.


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