Выполните следующие упражнения. (c.43-44)

Упражнение I.   Перепишите следущие предложения. Подчеркните формы сослагательного наклонения. Предложения переведите.

1. It is important that every sentence passed should be strictly legal. 
2.  I wish you had consulted this lawyer for he is very experienced.
3.  I wish he were more attentive to his parents.
4.   It would be dangerous for him to go there.
5.   He advised we should start at once.
6.   It is necessary that you should do it.

Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения по модели, используя придаточные дополнительные. Обратите внимание на формы сослагательного наклонения. Переведите предложения.                      
Модель I.  I  suggest   (demand)   that   he   (should) do  it.
Я предлогаю (требую), чтобы он сделал это.
(to testify at the trial, to announce the verdict, to identify the robber).

Модель 2.   I insist (propose) that the problem be discussed.
Я настаиваю (предлагаю), чтобы эту проблему обсудили.
(the trial - to be postponed;
the witness - to be interviewed without delay;
the issue - to be exсluded from the agenda)

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения по модели, используя сослагательное наклонение. Обратите внимание на форму глагола "to be" Переведиге предложения.

Модель I. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы сделали это.
I wish you (he, she, they) did it.
(to take part in the interrogation, to protect the rights)

Модель 2.  Жаль, что вы не сдалали это.    
I wish you (he, she, they) had done it.           
( to fulfil the plan, to apprehend tne criminal,  to find strong evidence).

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, подчеркните и определите формы сослагательного наклонения в них.

1.  Unnecessary punishment would be both irresponsible and harmful to society.
2.  They treat him as if he were a criminal.
3. I wish this expert had been invited to take part in the investigation.
4.  They dared not to come out in the day-time lest they should be noticed.
5. It was entirely undesirable that this information should be given away.

Выполните следующие упражнения. (с. 47-49)

Упражнение I. Прочтите следующие предложения, найдите в них придаточныеусловные предложения I, II, III типов. Определите, к какому времени относится каждый тип. Предложения переведите.

I тип:
1.   If an offender wants to return to an honest life of labour, he will have every opportunity to do so.
2.   Under criminal law a person mау be hold criminally responsible if he has reached the age of 16.
3.   If the reform of a person is possible without criminal pu­nishment, educational measures may be applied.

II тип:
1.  There would be no reduction in juvenile delinquency if the state and public organizations did not take a number of preven­tive measures.
2If criminality didn't exist in our times, there would be no need in finding the ways and means for overcoming this phenome­non.
3.   If we had nо civil law, corporeal relations would be regula­ted in some other way.

III тип:
1.   If this man had not violated the law he would not have been imprisoned.
2. If the investigation had been conducted with greater thoroughness, the case would have been solved much sooner.
3.   If you had not told me, I should never have known the facts.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном вре­мени. Укажите тип условного предложения.

1.  If he (to have) time tomorrow, he (to go) there.
If he has time tomorrow, he will go there   (I).
2.If he (to have) time today, he (to go) there.
If he had time today, he would go there   (II).
3.   If he (to have) time yesterday, he (to go) there.
If he had had time yesterday, he would have gone there (III).                                                                      

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения письменно. Укажите и определите тип условия в придаточном предложении (реальное, маловероятное, нереальное).

1.   If offenders are under 14, they are not sentenced to impri­sonment.
2. He would not have been imprisoned, if he had not violated the law.  
3.  If I were you, I wouldn’t consent   to it.
4.   The prisoner wouldn’t have escaped, if his wife had not helped him.
5.   If there were no bad people,   there would be no good lawyers. (Ch. Dickens)
6. Under criminal law a person may be held criminally responsible if he has reached the age of 16.
7.  If the investigator had had more evidence, he would have been able to prove the case.
8.  If the witness were not ill, he would be present at the trial.

Упражнение 4. Трансформируйте предложения по модели, изменив поря­док слов на обычньй. Переведите их, обращая внимание на инверсию:

Модель: Had I known this, I shouldn't have come.
If I had known this I shouldn’t have come.
Если бы я не знал об этом, я бы не пришёл.

1. Were the offender under 14, he would be tried by a juvenile court.
2.   Should you get any additional information, let the investigator know.
3. Were he a good lawyer, he wouldn't make such a mistake.
4.  Should a judge have to quit the bench, he is replaced by another judge and the   judicial examination is repeated.

Выполните следующие упражнения. (с. 52-54)

Упражнение I. Закончите предложения по моделям, поставив данные инфинитивы в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

Модель I:  I heard (you - to соme)

                                   you would come here               (…вы придёте сюда)
I heard that                 you came here                          (… вы приходите сюда)
(Я слышал, что…)    you had come here                    (вы приходили сюда)              

1.  He was sure (you – to be present at the trial).
2.  It was announced (the delegation – to arrive in time)
3.  They believed (the judge – to carry out his duty honestly).

Модель 2: I know (the work – to be done).

the work would be done
I knew         the work was done
the work had been done

1.  He hoped (she – to be represented by the advocate).
2. The judge said (the witness – to be interviewed).
3. Everybody believed (the man – to be brought to trial).

Упражнение 2.  (с. 53) Переведите предложения и укажите функцию глагола
should (1.модальный, 2. служит для образованая сослагательного наклонения З. образует Future-in-the-Past).

1.   Youshould be more attentive when searching the scene ofthe crime.
2.  The evidence of this witness should be exemined carefully.
3. He shouldn't have objected to this advocate representing him at the trial.
4. The procurator demands that this manshould be arrested immidiately.
5.  We were informed that we should be granted retrial.
6.   Had I known this,   I   should have passed the exam.
7.  I promised them that I should come on Monday.
8.   One should think before one speaks.

Упражнение 3. (с. 53) Переведите следующие предложения. Определите (письменно) времена и залоги сказуемых.
1.  Much attention is being given to taking care of the environment.
2.Your advice has not been paid attention to.
3.   The police were following him for several hours.
4. No special attention has been paid to this period of his life.
5. We hoped that the changes for the better in the internatio­nal situation would be carried further.
6. The legislature power is vested in a Congress, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives.
7. The US court sistem has varied a great deal throughout the history of the country.
8. He understood that he was being followed bythe police.

Задание 3. (с.45) Прочтите и переведите следующий текст с помощью словаря; выпишите незнакомые слова с переводом и запомните их.


The FBI is responsible for the investigation of all Federal Laws not assigned to other agencies and for violations committed on Government property and Indian reservations. Thefts of government property are also investigated by the FBI. In addition, the FBI's jurisdiction includes matters of internal security (espionage, sabotage, treason), bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, interstate transportation of stolen autos, aircraft, cattle or property, fraud against the government, violations of election law, civil rights violation, and assaulting or killing a Federal officer or the President of the United States. The FBI also operates a national crime laboratory for its use. The FBI collects crime statistics and maintains a central fingerprint repository. The FBI is considered by many to be the finest investigative body in the world. The Bureau engages in training of local police officers through the National Academy.
Having been established to maintain law and order and to fight crime the FBI turned into a powerful secret police, possessing vast powers over the lives and liberties of American people.

Задание 3. (с.50) Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова с переводом. Запомните их.


The USA Constitution adopted in 1789 prescribed the structure and method of national government and lists of its rights, other rights and activities being reserved to individual states. Supreme legislative power lies with Congress which consists of a Senate, or Upper House, and a House of Representatives. The work of preparing and considering legislation is done mainly by committees of Both Houses of Congress.
There are 15 committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives. Included in the powers of Congress are the powers to assess and collect taxes, to regulate foreign and interstate commerce, to coin money, to establish post offices, to establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court, to declare war, raise and maintain an army and navy.
Another power possessed by Congress is the right to propose amendments to the Constitution whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall consider it necessary. Should two-thirds of the State legislature demand changes in the Constitution, it is the duty of the Congress to call a constitutional convention. Proposed amendments, however, are not valid until ratified by the legislatures of three-fourth of the States.
Under the Constitution, the Senate is granted certain powers not accorded to the House of Representatives and vice versa.
This method of granting different powers to the different Hoses is part of the fundamental idea of "checks and balances” that has always inspired American government to prevent the possibility of any section obtaining too much power.

Задание 3. (с.54) Прочтите и переведите текст. Выпишите незнакомые слова в словарях.


1. Although political parties existed in the 18-th century, they were not influential.
2. The framers of the Constitution tried by the device of an electoral college to avoid political parties control the President election. 3. The state legislatures were to choose the members of this college.
4. But the uproar caused by the 1796 elections when Adams won because two electors from the opposition had voted for him led to the formation of political parties. 5. The parties formed so that they could choose electors pledged to support party candidates in national election.
6. Later a convention was organized in which delegates chosen directly by the citizenry could participate. 7. Thus the people should choose delegates to nominate Presidential candidates who would be the nominees of the public instead of the choice of congressmen.
8. Ever since 1832, all Presidents have been nominated in this method.
9. The present Republican party took form in 1856, its first presidential candidate being John C. Premont in 1856. 10. The opposing party originated under the name of Democratic Republicans which was shortened to Democratic Party (in 1830's). 11. Party emblems which appear at the top of a party’s column of candidates on the ballot, were originally introduced to aid illiterate voters to identify their candidates’ names. 12. Now the emblems are jealously guarded labels of party loyalty. 13. The Democrats are the donkey; the Republicans – the elephant. 14. For more than 100 years, the American political system has been dominated by these two amorphous institutions – the Republican and Democratic parties. 15. The reason for this continuity has been that each new generation of Americans has inherited its politics as it has inherited its religion. 16. Party loyalties have been passed on from fathers to sons.


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