The First Ships of the Russian Navy


I. Из английских грамматических форм в правой колонке выберите ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений:
1. Какую статью вы сейчас переводите?

a) translate;
b) have translated;
c) are translating
2. Вчера в 8 часов я переводил статью.

a) translated;
b) will translate;
c) was translating
3. Сколько статей вы перевели в этом году?

a) have translated;
b) translated;
c) had translated
4. Он переводит статьи очень хорошо.

a) is translating;
b) translates;
c) translated
5. Завтра в 7 часов вечера я буду переводить статью.

a) shall translate;
b) shall have translated;
c) shall be translating
6. Скоро я переведу эту статью.

a) shall translate;
b) shall be translating;
c) was translating
7. Вчера я перевел одну статью.

a) translated;
b) was translating;
c) had translated
8. Я уже перевел половину статьи до того, как вы пришли.

a) had translated;
b) was translating;
c) translated

II. Переведите на английский язык только выделенный глагол:




1. Мой друг учится в университете.
2. Она окончила школу в прошлом году.
3. В конце каждого семестра я буду сдавать несколько зачетов и экзаменов.
4. Они часто работают в лингафонном кабинете.
5. К концу года мы представим курсовую работу нашему научному руководителю.
6. Сейчас я перевожу статью по свойствам металлов.

III. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла во времена группы Simple (Indefinite), Continuous или Perfect. Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. He (to meet) you at the station yesterday?
2. What films she (to like)?
3. If he (to want) your advice, he (to get) in touch with you tomorrow.
4. When the teacher (to come) into the laboratory yesterday, we (to carry) out a new experiment.
5. He (to report) the results of his experiments at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
6. After Jane (to have) breakfast, she (to go) to the conference.
7. What you (to do) now? – I (to make) a diagram.
8. Radio-engineering, electronics and television already (to find) great application in industry, transport and medicine.
9. Before he (to leave) the laboratory yesterday, he (to switch) off the light.

10. The mechanic (to install) the new equipment in our laboratory by the beginning of the next week.

IV. Из английских грамматических форм в правой колонке выберите ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений:
1. Этот дом строился, когда я вернулся в город. a) was built;
b) was being built;
c) had been built
2. Новые дома строят каждый день. a) are being built;
b) are built;
c) have been built
3. Я уверен, что дом построят к Новому году. a) will be built;
b) is being built;
c) will have been built
4. Сейчас здесь строится новый дом. a) is being built;
b) is building
c) is built
5. Этот дом был уже построен, когда я приехал сюда. a) has been built;
b) was built;
c) had been built
6. Много домов будет построено в следующем месяце. a) will built;
b) will be built;
c) will have built

V. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Получившиеся предложения запишите.

1. Someone will drive you to the airport.
2. The Egyptians built pyramids.
3. Even the best students make such mistakes.
4. The secretary has recently brought this letter.
5. They took no notice of his words.
6. We listened to the teacher very attentively.
7. People often ask for this book.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на времена и залоги (действительный или страдательный), в которых употреблены сказуемые.

1. The laboratory assistant looked at the measuring vessel and put down the readings.
2. The device is switched on and off automatically every 40 seconds.
3. We know that substances can be divided into several classes according to their states, colours and odours.
4. This designer is very well spoken about.
5. Who was an electric motor invented by?
6. Precise data has been indicated in a special table.
7. Metallurgy provides the materials which will make possible the tools for future advances.
8. My friend is often made fun of.

VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выражение модальности в английском языке.

1. The scientists can test their new apparatus in the laboratory.
2. Every technical engineer is to study mathematics for some years.
3. He had to work hard before he was able to submit his paper to a scientific journal.
4. This scientist may investigate new means of production.
5. Every engineer must know at least one foreign language.
6. The engineer should apply his theoretical knowledge to practice.
7. Students are not allowed to smoke at the institute.
8. Could she use another method in her research work?
9. You were to replace the device by another one, why didn’t you do it?
10. Such questions cannot be answered by an engineer.

IX. Письменно переведите текст

The First Ships of the Russian Navy
Первые корабли русского военно-морского флота.

Russia’s navy was established in a remarkably short period. Its first ships were battleships and frigates, followed by galleys and a large number of small auxiliary vessels. During the reign of Tsar Peter I over 500 ships and thirty shipyards were built.

The first shipbuilders were foreigners invited to Russia. They passed to knowledge of their trade on to the Russians, some of whom were also sent abroad for further training. In the 18th century shipbuilders were called “masters of good proportions” because they paid great attention to the interiors of ships and elegance of form.

The level of interior luxury of ships varied according to rank. Small vessels and galleys had a coat of arms (герб) in the centre of the stern which was supported on both sides by carved figures. The names of the ships were displayed bellow these figures.

The sterns, sides and many other parts of ships were decorated. Wooden carved sculptures were the most popular forms of decor. These were gilded and painted in bright colours. Also gilded were coats of arms and trophies of war. There were no rigid standards. They were thus painted green, yellow, sky blue and dark blue, among other colours.

The ship’s sculpture works enhanced (усиливать, увеличивать) the sailors patriotism and glorified the young Russian empire when Russia won her first naval battles. That’s why the ships carried such names as “Poltava”, “Gangut”, “Petersburg” and “Kronstadt”.

The ships of the 18th century were done in barock, the most popular style in Europe at that time. In the first quarter of the 19th century shipbuilding adopted the style of classicism that stressed beauty and grandeur.

Ships built during this period including “Vladimir”, the “Standard” and the “Sevastopol” had a severe form, and the late 18th century black and white sides were standard at the seas. The sterns and bows had empire’s symbol on them – the two-headed eagle.

Today’s destroyers, cruisers and antisubmarine ships do not bear the resemblance to their predecessors (предшественник). But naval traditions are alive. The ships with such names as “Variag”, “Peter the Great” and others defend Russia’s shores.

XI. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What were the first ships of Russia’s navy?
2. How many ships and shipyards were built during the reign of Tsar Peter I?
3. Who were the first shipbuilders?
4. What were the sterns, sides and many other parts of ships decorated with?
5. What names did ships carry to glorify the young Russian empire when Russia won her first naval battles?
6. What symbol did ships of the 18th century have?


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В контрольную работу включены упражнения на закрепление следующих тем: видовременные формы английских глаголов, действительный и страдательный залог, модальные глаголы и т.д.


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