The Russian Federation 2


Read and translate the text (Прочтите и переведите текст)
I am a citizen of the Russian Federation or Russia. The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about 1/7 (one seventh) of the Earth surface. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square km.
Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.
There is hardly a country in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna can be found as in our land. Our country has numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. The highest mountains in our land are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus. There are over two thousands rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei, the Lena and the Amur. Our land is also rich in various lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Baikal, included.
On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals.
The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is over 140 million people.
Moscow is the capital of our Homeland. It is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center of the country and one of the beautiful cities. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the Russian Federation are a double headed eagle and a white-blue-red banner.
The Russian Federation is a constitutional republic headed by the President; the country government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls only the executive branch – the government but not the Supreme Court and Federal Assembly.
The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: The Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber). Each Chamber is headed by the Speaker. The executive power belongs to the government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts.
Our country has a multiparty system. The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations irrespective of their political and social systems.
I am proud of being a citizen of Russia.

1. 1. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?
2. What oceans wash the borders of Russian Federation?
3. How many countries have borders with Russia?
4. Are Russian flora and fauna various?
5. What are the highest mountains in Russia?
6. What is Lake Baikal famous for?
7. What is the climate of Russia like?
8. What are the national symbols of Russia?
9. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?
10. What do we call the head of each Chamber of the Federal Assembly?

1.2 . Переведите на английский
1. Общая площадь Российской федерации составляет более 17 миллионов километров.
2. В мире вряд ли есть ещё одна страна с такой разнообразной флорой и фауной.
3. Озеро Байкал — самое глубокое озеро на земном шаре.
4. На территории Российской федерации существует 11 часовых поясов.
5. Россия является конституционной республикой с президентской формой правления.
6. Законодательная власть принадлежит Федеральному Собранию, состоящему из двух палат.
7. Законодательная и судебная власти прямо не подчиняются Президенту.

1.3. Знаете ли вы?
What is/are:
• the biggest Russian lake?
• the longest Russian river (in European and Asian parts of the Russian Federation)?
• a city with subtropical climate?
• cities with arctic climate?
• agricultural regions?
• old historical cities?
• places of recreation and tourism?

Read and translate the text (Прочтите и переведите текст)
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was not always the capital. It was not always the capital. In ancient times the capitals of Russia were also Kiev and Novgorod. After Peter the Great built Saint-Petersburg it was the Russian capital. And in the XX century during the Civil war first Soviet government moved to Moscow.
Moscow is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the world. It is as well a great cultural and political centre of Europe. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The total area of the city is more than nine hundred square kilometers. Moscow is often called as "a port of five seas”, because in Moscow ports you can see boats coming from the Baltic, the White, the Caspian and the Black seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow is an industrial centre too. A lot of manufacturing plants are situated there. One of the best known is Likhachev Automobile Plant producing a great number of different lorries and cars.
Cultural life is very busy in Moscow. There are a lot of theatres, museums, cinemas and libraries in Moscow. Tretyakov Art Gallery and Pushkin Fine Arts Museum are most famous among them. The Pushkin museum is called the treasure-house of Russian art. Young people like to visit Central Military Museum. There are many tanks, guns and war documents there.
There are a lot of splendid buildings, wide avenues, large squares, famous monuments and green forest-like parks in Moscow. One of the highest and original buildings in Moscow is Moscow State University. The university was founded in 1755 by the great chemist, poet and thinker Mikhail Lomonosov.
Moscow transport system is a great one. You can see a lot of cars, buses, trolley-buses and trams in the streets of the city. Electric trains bring millions people from and to suburbs and Moscow region small towns. There are nine railway stations in Moscow and four airports. Bus stations are numerous. Most of the people take metro to their work and back home. The Moscow metro began its work on the 15th of May 1935. There were 13 stations at that time. Now they are 152.
Sport is very popular among moscovites. There are a lot of stadiums in Moscow. The Central Stadium is in Luzhniki. Many football matches are held there. 22nd Summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow in 1980. By that year Olympic village was built. There are a lot of training grounds and gyms besides residential buildings.

2.1. Где находятся эти достопримечательности?
• Granovitaya Palace
• Terem
• the Red Square
• the Kremlin
• the Great Kremlin Palace
• the Cathedral of the Assumption
•the Archangel Cathedral
• the Cathedral of the Annunciation
• the Tower of Ivan the Great
• the Tsar's Bell
• the Palace of Congresses
• St Basil’s Cathedral

3.1 Вставьте to write в нужной форме:
1. We often... letters to our parents.
2. What... you ... now?
3. Yesterday we…tests from 10 till 12 o'clock.
4. Who…this letter?
5. I…some letters last week.
6. What…you…tomorrow at 10?
7. When I came to her, she … a letter.
8. …you… letters tomorrow?
9. I …not … this letter now. I … it in some days.
10. … he … his home task now?
11. What … she … in the evening yesterday?
12. As a rule, he … tests well.

3.2 Раскройте скобки, укажите время глагола:
1. Не (know) several foreign languages.
2. I (learn) English at school.
3. Usually the lessons (begin) at 9 o'clock.
4. Our grandparents (live) now in Moscow.
5. He often (visit) them last year.
6. As a rule I (go) to my school by bus.
7. She (work) abroad next year.
8. She (not like) loud music.
9. Your children usually (ask) many questions.
10. At present he (work) at school.
11. My brother (like) music.
12. What you (do) yesterday?
13. His sister (go) to the seaside next July.
14. Soon we (leave) the school.
15. Who (take) his book yesterday?

3.3 Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму:
1. Peter and Ann (go) away minutes ago. 2. I (write) the letter but I (not send) it. 3. He just (go) away. 4. She already (answer) the letter. She (answer) it on Tuesday. 5. I just you the answer. 6. I (read) that book during my summer holidays. 7. I (not see) him for three years. I (be) glad to see him again some time. 8. What you (do)? I (copy) the text from the text-book now. 9. he (go) to Moscow next week? 10. He (not smoke) for a month. He is trying to give it up. 11. When he (arrive)? – He (arrive) at 2.00. 12. you (switch off) the light before you left the house? 13. I (read) these books when I was at school. I (like) them very much. 14. I can’t go out because I (not finish) my work. 15. I already (tell) you the answer yesterday. 16. What you (do) tomorrow in the morning?

3.4 Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола сказуемого:
1. Я никогда об этом не слышал.
2. Я только что прочитал ваше письмо.
3. Вы уже купили новую квартиру?
4. Вы сделали много ошибок в диктанте.
5. Вы когда-нибудь видели этого человека?
6. В этом месяце я прочитал две новых книги.
7. Мой друг уехал в Москву неделю назад и еще не писал мне.
8. Я не видел новых фильмов за последнее время (lately).
9. Вы прочитали сегодня в газете о нашем новом театре?
10. Вы были когда-нибудь в Лондоне? — Нет, я поеду туда в этом году.
11. Вы уже прочитали эту книгу?
12. Я хотел посмотреть этот фильм на прошлой неделе, но смог посмотреть его только вчера.

3.5 Переделайте следующие предложения в вопросительно-отрицательные и дайте краткие ответы:
They are at home – Aren’t they at home? – Yes, they are. – No, they aren’t.
Они дома. – Разве они дома? – Да, они дома. – Нет, они не дома.
1. They left for Moscow.
2. He has finished his work.
3. She will visit us on Sunday.
4. She has many relatives.
5. His father works here.
6. You know his address.
7. We shall go home together.
8. He can play chess.
9. His friends were playing football.
10. You have done the task.

3.6 Переведите на английский язык используя Past Continuous:
1. Он писал письмо, когда я пришел к нему.
2. Он делал свою работу, пока его братья играли в футбол.
3. Я упал, когда играл в футбол.
4. Мы делали уроки, когда пошел дождь.
5. Когда учитель писал на доске, новая ученица вошла в класс.
6. Когда зазвонил телефон, я работал в саду.
7. Я увидел своих одноклассников, когда я шел по улице.
8. Начался дождь, когда мы наблюдали за игрой.

3.7 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в одно из прошедших времен:
I. When I (come) the lecture already (start). 2 They (go) to Moscow some days ago. 3. When I came he (leave), so we only had time for a few words. 4. When we (come) to the airport, the plane already (land). 5. He suddenly (understand) that he (travel) in the wrong direction. 6. Our teacher (speak) many foreign languages. 7. Who (speak) now? 8. Where is Bob? He (play) tennis. 9. I (go) home when we met. 10. Listen, my son (play) the piano. 11. They already (translate) this text last lesson. 12. You (do) this exercise next week. 13. We (discuss) your plan tomorrow at 10 o’clock. 14. It (rain) when I went for a walk. 15. What you (do) here? 16. I (not, write) at the moment.

3.8 Определите временную форму глаголов и переведите на английский язык:
1. Вчера в 9 часов вечера я смотрел телевизор.
2. Она сказала, что еще не выполнила домашнее задание.
3. Когда пришел мой друг, я еще завтракал.
4. Когда я встретил ее впервые, она работала в школе.
5. Все студенты выполнили задание после того, как преподаватель рассказал им, как его делать.
6. Когда мы вышли на улицу, ярко светило солнце.
7. Мой друг сказал, что его брат уже приехал.
8. Я читал книгу, когда услышал телефонный звонок.
9. После того, как врач осмотрел (to examine) больного, он поговорил с его родственниками.
10. Когда мы пришли на остановку (bus stop), автобус уже ушел.
11. Он смотрел телевизор, когда пришел его друг.
12. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор.
14. Служащие (the clerks) заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера.

3.9 Приведены способы образования утвердительных и отрицательных форм кратких ответов типа: Я тоже. Переведите предложения.
1. Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I.
2. She can swim well. — So, can I.
3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he.
4. You like to read. — So do I.
5. They haven't had breakfast. - Neither have I.
6. He is lucky. — So am I.
7. I don't work at the office. - Neither does he.

Unit 5
Read and translate the text (Прочтите и переведите текст)
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and above five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest – east, center and southeast – is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain. (1343)
There are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
The UK is one of the world’s smallest countries. The population of the country is over 87 million and about 80% of it is urban. The UK is highly developed industrial country. It’s known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. The UK is constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Liberal party is the ruling party nowadays.

1.1. Переведите на английский.
1. Официальное название Великобритании – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.
2. Соединенное королевство является конституционной монархией.
3. Северная Ирландия занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия.
4. Ла-Манш отделяет Соединенное Королевство от континентальной Европы.

1.2 Используйте следующие выражения для пересказа текста:
1. As I understood from the text...
2. According to the text...
3. According to the author...
4. As it is described in the text...
As I understood from the text the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.
According to the text the British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and above five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively.
According to the author there are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
As it is described in the text the UK is constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Liberal party is the ruling party nowadays.
As it is said in the text the UK is highly developed industrial country. It’s known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment.
As the author puts it the UK is one of the world’s smallest countries.
According to the figures from the text the population of the country is over 87 million and about 80% of it is urban.

2.1 Переведите предложения. Проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов в следующих предложениях:
1. Who is to answer my question?
2. Nobody could translate this text.
3. He has to do this task at once.
4. Must I attend this meeting? - No, you needn't.
5. You should have shown your notes to the teacher.
6. I asked him, but he wouldn't listen to me.
7. They should have visited her, she was in the hospital.
8. Last summer we would often go to the country.
9. He could do this work himself.
10. Would you tell me the way to the station?
11. Your friend might have informed us.
12. May I leave for a while? – Yes, you may.
13. She should be more attentive to her parents.
14. You needn’t come so early.

2.2 Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. We have to stay at home.
2. He was allowed to take this book.
3. Who is able to do this work?
4. He had to leave for Moscow earlier.
5. We are to take exams in June.
6. Are they allowed to visit you?
7. They were able to do this work in time.
8. I’ll be able to pass my examinations.
9. She’ll be allowed to watch TV.
10. I have to come in time.
11. The train is to come soon.
12 Will you be able to drive a car?

2.3 Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквивалентами:
1. Не couldn’t explain anything.
2. You must not stay here.
3. Can you swim?
4. You may take these books.
5. They can run quickly.
6. She might work in our room.
7. Who can read this text?
8. They must go there tomorrow.
9. May I go to the cinema?
10. We must meet at 7 o'clock.

2.4 Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы:
(must, should, would, ought to, have to, needn't, can, could, may)
1. I _ not go to the theatre with them last night, I _ revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and _ get up early. 3. All of us _ be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he _ stay at the office after work. He (not) _ stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and _ get home early. 5. _ you have to work hard to do well in your English? 6. «Must we discuss this question now?» No, we _. We _ do it tomorrow afternoon. 7. I’m glad you _ come. 8. «_ you_ come and have dinner with us tomorrow? “I’d love to.” 9. “Please send them this article.” “Oh _ I do it now?”

2.5 Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами (must, should, would, ought to, have to, needn’t, can, could, may)
1. They _ not do this work themselves.
2. You _ take my dictionary.
3. You don’t look well, you _ consult the doctor.
4. Why _ I give you my money?
5. She _ speak any foreign language.
6. He _ to help them, they need his help.
7. _ you tell me the time?
8. _ I go with you? No, you _.
9. Your daughter _ have told about it.
10. In winter we _ often skate.
11. You _ not miss your classes.
12. _ you play the piano before?

2.6 Переведите предложения:
1. This building should have been constructed a year ago.
2. The letter should have been sent long ago.
3. The preventive measures should have been taken long before.
4. We should not have used that sort of paper for this model of printer.
5. This Phenomenon should be explained by economic laws.

2.7 Переведите предложения:
1. Письмо нужно было отправить вчера. Но этого сделано не было.
2. Вам следовало упомянуть об этом в вашем ответе.
3. Этот документ следовало направить на подпись вчера.
4. Вам нужно связаться с фирмой немедленно.
5. Им не следовало отправлять документ на имя управляющего фирмой.

Test №4
Modal Verbs
1. Fill in the blanks with can or be able in different tenses.
1. When Carol’ve passed her driving test, she _ hire a car from Jane.
2. When the fog lifts we _ see where we are.
3. You’ve put too much in your suitcase you _never _ carry it.
4. _ you use the word processor?
5. He _skate all day and dance all night.
6. We _ borrow umbrellas from the Smiths; so we didn’t get wet.
7. I knew London so I _ advise Betty what to see.
8. If you had had the right tools _ you have repaired the fence?
9. _I speak to Mr. White, please?
10. If I knew Greek I _tell you what this means.

2. Insert the correct form of may/might.
1. He said that it_ snow.
2. _ I give you the hand with the dishes?
3. You should buy now; prices _ go up.
4. _ leave it with you?
5. I’d have thought you _ remember your mother’s birthday.
6. I don’t think I’ll succeed but I _ as well try.
7. If we got there early we _ get better tickets.
8. _ I come in?
9. If I bought a lottery ticket I _ win $5,000.
10. Students _ not bring anything into the examination room.

3. Fill in the blanks with must or have to.
1. You _ read this book, it’s great.
2. She felt unwell and _ leave early.
3. I hadn’t enough cash and I _ pay by cheque.
4. You _ do what mother says.
5. British pupils _ stay at school till the age of 16.
6. I was lost and _ ask the policeman the way.
7. The buses were all full; I _ get a taxi:
8. The chambermaids usually _ do a lot of work.
9. It is very slippery outside; it _ have snowed in the night.
10. I _ leave home at 7 a.m. not to be late for my job.

4. Choose the correct answer according to tense and meaning.
1. If I had a car I (would drive/will drive) to my office every day.
2. Gregory (would have gone/would go) on a boating trip to Lake Michigan if he had been free.
3. Lora was not in school yesterday. She (will have/may have had) an accident.
4. He said he could manage for the time being but he (needed/would need) some help later.
5. Bet was supposed to be home at 7 o’clock. She (must forget/must have forgotten) about Sharon’s visit.
6. Where do you think he is today? He (should have slept/may have slept) late.
7. Lora missed her classes today. She (might have fallen/might had fallen) ill.
8. Robert arrived without his book. He (could have lost/would have lost) it.
9. Mary received a warning for speeding. She (should have driven/shouldn’t have driven) so fast.
10. His car stopped on the way to the bank. It (may run/may have run) out of petrol.

5. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Don’t worry;…
2. What is done…
3. How dare you…
4. The book must be…
5. You might have offered your help…
6. I can play tennis well…
7. I must have seen you somewhere;…
8. You needn’t hurry; …
9. I can hardly go away…
10. Bill was to have started work last week, …

a … a great success with the readers.
b… and leave you alone.
c… they might be going here and will be here in a moment.
d… the train is leaving at 11:00.
e… cannot be undone.
f….but he changes his mind.
g… when he got into trouble.
h…your face is familiar to me.
i… say such things.
j…but I’m unable to play now, I’m not well.

Test №5
Nouns, Adjectives, adverbs
1. Rewrite the sentences using one of the words in brackets.
1. Do you want to go there? (real/really)
2. I can rewrite this article. (easy/easily)
3. Alice danced too. (pretty/prettily)
4. That was an answer. (angry/angrily)
5. We have heard very little of him. (late/lately)
6. They sell these books. (dear/dearly)
7. They had a talk yesterday. (pleasant/pleasantly)
8. Alec drives the car. (careful/carefully)
9. His English is. (fluent/fluently)
10. I am satisfied. (complete/completely)

2. Write the plurals of the words in brackets to fill in the blanks.
1. They caught a lot of (fish) yesterday.
2. Would you pass me the and (fork, knife).
3. Split this apple in. (half)
4. She is fond of collecting (cactus).
5. I’m fond of visiting (disco).
6. Did you sew these (handkerchief).
7. I never eat (tomato).
8. They have two (piano) in this cottage.
9. Kate is afraid of (mouse).
10. They came from different (country).

3. Fill in the spaces with a required form from the words in brackets.
1. Dominoes (be) a game.
2. The boy’s trousers (be covered) with dust.
3. The police (follow) him for three hours.
4. The Scots (be) a brave people.
5. Politics (not interest) her.
6. The funeral (be) a painful experience for David.
7. There (be) some fruit in the vase.
8. The news (be) good.
9. Draughts (play, passive) every day.
10. The money spent on books (be) mine.

4. Use a few, a little, much, many to complete the following sentences.
1. There is not _ food on the table.
2. I usually do _ jobs for her in the kitchen.
3. John could lend me only _ money.
4. Not _ people come to this part of the country in winter.
5. Too _ people still smoke.
6. Would you like _ salad?
7. I’ve got _ ideas on the topic.
8. She doesn’t speak _ Japanese.
9. The reporters are going to ask a film star _ questions.
10. Ruth hasn’t got _ friends.

5. Complete the sentences. Use the following adjectives or adverbs.
Soon, first, well, brightly, intense, smooth, rapidly, bitter, fluent, accurately
1. Jane plays the flute _.
2. That is an _ novelette.
3. The sun is shining _.
4. The ladies speak _ Italian.
5. They speak Italian _.
6. The table has a _ surface.
7. We must figure our income tax returns _.
8. We don’t like to drink _.
9. The plane will arrive _.
10. He had an accident because he was driving too _.

6. Make up sentences
1. was/ green/ She/ beautiful/ wearing/ a /suit
2. smoker/ very/ is/ He/ heavy/ a
3. ask/weekly/payment/He/large/receives/ a
4. hard/in/been/ I/ office/my/working
5. bought / a/ chair/ I/lovely/ garden/ comfortable
6. me/never/to/speaks/He
7. old/ depressed/an/man/was/anxious/He
8. this/sales/sweater/in/very/I/cheaply/bought/the
9. go/Covent Garden/to/We/shopping/generally
10. in/building/staying/small/grey/are/a/They/old

7. Correct the errors where necessary.
1. She always is the first to arrive.
2. The news were bad.
3. I collect all the datas.
4. He never speaks to me nicely in the mornings.
5. The police was chasing a criminal.
6. All his money were spent on rubbish.
7. He is usually in his office at this part of the day.
8. He badly played at the match yesterday.
9. He seems to be a very easy-going person.
10. He very well speaks German.

Test №5
1. Use the question words below to complete the questions.
whom, why, how, when, what, where, whose, how long, how many, how much
1. _ did Betty leave so early?
2. _classes have you got on Tuesday?
3. _ did George buy?
4. _ did Alice go for her weekend?
5. _ will it cost?
6. _ does it take you to bake the cake?
7. _ does he know from the newspaper?
8. _ car is this?
9. _ did she get to her office today?
10. _ did Kate move to the country?

2. Write questions to which the underlined words are the answers.
1. The car is $5,000.
2. They invited Lucy and Jake.
3. Derek takes the bus three times a week.
4. Someone opened the door.
5. He will go to the USA the next year.
6. New York is very far from London.
7. It took Lucy two hours to write a composition.
8. Something happened last night.
9. Alice went shopping yesterday.
10. His daughter is ten years old.

3. Make questions from the following words.
1. are/film/see/going/What/you/to
2. go/me/alone/Why/out/you/and/don’t/leave
3. main/like/does/What/look/actress/like
4. I/to/if/Why/music/to/listen/I/want/shouldn’t
5. of/daily/television/routine/part/Is/your
6. think/ right/ to/ all/ Do/ it/ of/ throw/ things/ you/ was/ Jim/ away/ her
7. name/ the/ ever/ play/ is/ of/ you/ best/ What/ have/ the/ seen
8. washing/do/How/times/week/you/many/the/up/a/do
9. where/you/the/is/nearest/Do/post office/know
10. you/speaking/is/Can/guess/who

4. Complete the questions with the appropriate question tag.
1. You’ve got a car, _?
2. She wants an ice cream, _?
3. We’d go, _?
4. There’s nothing wrong with your bike, _?
5. You are never happy, _?
6. I’m right, _?
7. Everybody is here, _?
8. They hadn’t locked the door, _?
9. He’ll miss the train, _?
10. He’s going to write a composition, _?

5. Match the statements with the appropriate question tag.
1. You never wrote, …
2. Shut up,…
3. I am ready,…
4. Somebody has forgotten the textbook,…
5. Give me a hand,…
6. She hardly breathed, …
7. Nobody likes them,…
8. You wouldn’t like cats,…
9. Nothing matters,…
10. I’m cooking tonight,..

a. …have they?
b. …would you?
c. …can’t you?
d. …did she?
e. …did you?
f. …aren’t I?
g. …do they?
h. …aren’t I?
i. …does it?
j. …will you?

6. Correct the errors, where necessary.
1. Do you know where is the bar?
2. You had a really exciting dream, hadn’t you?
3. Nothing can happen, can it?
4. You live in London, haven’t you?
5. Nobody came, didn’t they?
6. Sit down, don’t you?
7. I was early, weren’t I?
8. There is no sugar, isn’t there?
9. I’m a pupil, am I not?
10. It means you are brave, doesn’t it?


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