The United Kingdom 2


1.  Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1.  This man is an engineer.
2. That woman is my sister.
3. That goose is big.
4. I have a good pen.
5. My tooth is white.
6. Is this worker an Englishman or a German?
7. What is that child’s name?
8. Here is my brother’s toy.
9. Has this lady a knife?

2. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже.
1. Give me and my colleagues our umbrellas, please.
2. Ask Jane to type this document.
3. Take these files and put into the safe.
4. I know that man. He works with my husband.
5. Read and translate this business letter into English.
6. Don't disturb our President. He is busy at the moment.


3. Подчеркните подходящие местоимения в зависимости от смысла.
1. - Is Tom here?
- No. (he, him, his) isn't well today.
-  (I, me, my) am sorry. Is this (he, him, his) dictionary?
-  Yes, it is.
-  Give (it, it, its) to (he, him, his), please.
2. I have a sister, (she, her, her) is 25. (We, us, our) have a family. (It, it, its) is very big. There are six of (we, us, our).

4.      Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
1.      Не works in the sales department.
2.      There are 51 employees in our office.
3.      She is in the negotiation room.
4.      Our secretary has many duties in the company.
5.      They want to discuss some points with the President.

5.      Прочитайте и постарайтесь понять следующий текст. Письменно переведите текст.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated (расположено) on two large islands and about 5 thousand small islands to the North-West of Europe. They are called (называются) the British Isles.
The larger island is Great Britain which consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales and the smaller is Ireland. Southern Ireland now is the Irish Republic, it is independent from the United Kingdom. The British Isles cover an area of about 95 000 square miles. The English Channel separates Great Britain from the continent. The narrowest part of it is the Strait of Dover.
The Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Irish Sea wash the country. The shallow waters of the North and Irish Seas provide good fishing grounds. Fishing therefore is very important Mountains are an important feature of the geography of the country. There are mountain chains in Scotland, Wales and North-West England, but they are not very high. North-West England is also famous for its beautiful lakes.
The rivers of Great Britain are not very long but usually deep and never freeze in winter. The longest and deepest rivers are the Severn and Mersey, the Thames on which stands the capital of Great Britain — London. Britain has a mild temperate climate. The climate of the British Isles is generally cool, temperate, though in the Highlands of Scotland it is severe. The best season for the English people is spring when everything is in full bloom, there is much sunshine and it is rather warm. Autumn and winter are famous for their fogs and rains. In big industrial cities fog turns into "smog" (smoke+fog). It is a very unpleasant time. The usual temperature in winter very seldom falls below 3-5 degrees Centigrade. The weather in Great Britain is very changeable, there may be all kinds of weather within one day, that is why practically every talk-the English people begin with comments on the weather.
Britain is a state with a highly developed industry. It is one of the most powerful capitalist countries in Europe. Great Britain is also one of the largest exporters of manufactured goods. At the same time it imports metal, oil, grain, meat, fruit, tea and other raw materials and foodstuffs.

6. 3адайте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым в тексте словам (6 вопросов).

7. 3адайте один альтернативный и один разделительный вопрос к следующим предложениям (6 вопросов).
1) Mountains are an important feature of the geography of the country.
2)      The English Channel separates Great Britain from the continent.
3) Britain is a state with a highly developed industry.

8.      Выпишите из текста прилагательные в превосходной степени со словами, к которым они относятся.

9.      Укажите, к какой части речи относятся слова данные ниже. Подчеркните
встречающиеся в них суффиксы и дайте исходные формы этих слов:

10.    На основании следующих вопросов составьте рассказ о себе.
1.      What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you married or single?
4. Do you live with your parents?
5. Have you got children?
6. What is your job?
7. How long does it take you to get to your work?
8. When do you begin your working day?
9. Who is the head of your office?
10. What do you do during your working hours?
What are your duties?
11. What countries does your office do business with?
12. Do you sometimes take part in business talks?
13. Does your office receive a lot of letters, cables and telexes?
14. Who sends answers to these business letters?
15. Do you receive foreign businessmen at your office?

11.    Составьте диалог по аналогии со следующим ниже. Jones: Hello. Is that Machinoexport? Secretary: Yes, it is.
Jones: This is Jones speaking. I’d like to speak to Mr.Somov. Is he in now?
Secretary: Yes,-he is. Just a moment, please.
Somov: How do you do, MrJones.
Jones: How do you do, Mr.Somov. I'd like to meet you and discuss our enquiry for boilers.
Somov: Very good. Come and see us tomorrow morning, please.


7. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
The building ­­_the Pushkin Museum appeared at the beginning _ the 20th century _ a small old Moscow street Volkhonka. The museum opened _ 1912.
At first the museum exhibited _ it halls copies_ famous sculptures. Later the museum bought original masterpieces. Now the collection_ sculptures _ the Pushkin Museum is one _ the best _ the world. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece. The collection _ paintings is not as large as the one _ the Hermitage but the Pushkin Museum houses many originals _ Italian, Spanish, Dutch and other famous artists. Now it is the second largest museum _art _ Russia.
The Russian people are proud _ the large collection of paintings _ French artists _ the end _ the 19th and the beginning _ the 20th centuries which are _ the display _ the museum.

8. Составьте диалог на основе данного выше текста (№7)

9. Замените определительные придаточные предложения оборотом с причастием I.
1. When I was studying advertising materials, our manager found out many interesting things.
2. He was reading the letter, when he was talking to somebody on the phone.
3. We managed to sell more goods after we had reduced the price.
4. Last week my secretary sent you the letter in which she pointed out the prices for our goods.
5. He left after he had discussed the terms of delivery.

10. Поставьте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них.
Ask the representative of a foreign firm.

1) How often he takes part in fairs and exhibitions.
2) What kind of fairs and exhibitions he took part in past.
What kind of fairs and exhibitions did he take part in past?
He took part in trade exhibitions and trade fairs in past.
3) If he made much progress in that field.
4) What he exhibited on display.
5) If he could negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods there.
6) Under which mottoes he advertised his products.
7) If his goods meet the high world standards.
8) If he has possibilities to see up-to-date models from different manufactures.

11. Переведите следующий диалог
Brown: Good afternoon! Nice to see you again, Mr Petrov! You are looking well, I must say. How are things with you?
Petrov: Not bad, thank you. And how are you?
Brown: Fine. I always feel well in beautiful weather like this. Well, let’s get down to business.
Petrov: Yes, certainly. You’ve come to sign another contract, haven’t you?
Brown: That’s right. For the next year.
Petrov: Are you happy with our usual terms of delivery and payment?
Brown: Yes, quite. As a matter of fact, I’ve come here to talk about the price. I’d like to say that the volume of business in the building industry in our country has dropped considerably. This affected the prices of a number of building materials. In this situation it’s quite natural to revise your prices for asbestos.
Petrov: I’m afraid this is not sufficient reason for us to lower the price.
Brown: But I draw your attention to the fact that we wish to increase the purchases by a few thousand tons if you can offer us reduction of the price. We’ve been in business with you for a long time. Also we’ve grateful to you if in view of all this you will be able to reduce the price.
Petrov: All right. I think we can reduce it by 2%.
Brown: That’s fine. Agreed.

12. Составьте рассказ на основе диалога, используя Present Simple…


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