The World Health Organization


I. Прочитайте текст.

1. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined health as the state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being. 2. Within the context of this
definition health care providers play a major role in the struggle for people's health.
3. Pharmacists' professional roles and responsibilities have evolved historically from a focus on medication compounding and dispensing to extended pharmaceutical care services, toward a clinical orientation.
4. Pharmacist should be a competent health care giver, decision maker, active
communicator, lifelong learner, good manager; and should possess good leadership qualities and the ability to be a teacher and researcher.
5. Getting higher education future pharmacists must possess specific knowledge, attitude, skills and behavior in support of their roles.
6. Pharmacists are well qualified to be drug experts in health care system.
7. They are known to have minimum of five years pharmaceutical
education devoted to drugs and their use.
7. Taking into account that physicians have become more specialized in their
diagnoses, pharmaceutical colleges began to realize the necessity to prepare students to become medication use experts.
8. Specifically, they needed to train future pharmacists to work more closely with care professionals to determine appropriate medicines and dosages for each patient.
9. Health care reform is likely to expand pharmaceutical duties even more.
10. Changing the role of pharmacists in public health care system was a result of close collaboration between physicians and pharmacists.
11. In more modern times pharmacists advise patients and health care
providers on the selection, dosages, interactions, and side-effects of medications.
12. Pharmacists monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of medication.
13. Duties range from the syntheses of new compounds which are designed to
alter disease processes and to formulate these compounds into a tablet or capsule to the testing of compound for their effects in animals and humans.
14. Pharmacy practitioners may combine their professional activities with the
scientific research.
15. Many pharmacists go on with their education in order to meet
the technical demands and scientific duties required in academic pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry.
16. The opportunities to be taken with pharmaceutical industry offer pharmacists to take part in research, development, and manufacture of chemicals, prescription and non-prescription drugs and other health products. 17. The pharmacist takes an ideal position between physician and patient.
18. Pharmacists provide information about the composition of drugs, including chemical, biological and physical properties, their manufacture and use.
19. Achieving this goal requires the ability to evaluate, synthesize and decide upon the most appropriate course of action.
20. Access medicine and its appropriate use is among the major problems
health care system.
21. Pharmacists play a key role in giving advice to consumers on the proper and safe use of medicinal products intended for self-medication.
22. To do the pharmaceutical profession an integral part of a well-structured health care system is the goal of public health care system.
23. Pharmacies must become health consultation centers that offer innovative
services such as disease prevention strategies and the monitoring of patients with chronic diseases.

II.Определите, является ли утверждение: а) истинным; б) ложным; в) нет информации.

1. Changing the role of pharmacists in public health care system was a result of
close collaboration between physicists and pharmacists.
а) истинным; б) ложным; в) нет информации.

2. Pharmaceutical colleges began to realize the necessity to prepare students to
work more closely with health care professionals, to determine appropriate medicines and dosages for each patient.
а) истинным; б) ложным; в) нет информации.

III. Выберите предложения, в которых встречается время Perfect. Выбранные предложения перепишите и переведите.


1. Pharmacists, professional roles and responsibilities have evolved historically from a focus on medication compounding and dispensing to extended pharmaceutical care services, toward a clinical orientation.
2. Pharmacists have minimum of five years pharmaceutical education devoted to drugs and their use.
3. The pharmacist has to take an ideal position between physician and patient.
4. Health has been defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенного слова.


1. Pharmacists carrying out different duties provide information about the composition of drugs.

a) выполняются

2. Carrying out different duties pharmacists provide information about the composition of drugs.

b) выполняют

3. Different duties are carried out by
pharmacists who provide information about the composition of drugs.

c) выполняющие

4. Different duties carried out by pharmacists include providing information about the composition of drugs.

d) выполняя

5. Pharmacists carry out different duties, and at the same time provide information about the composition of drugs.

e) выполненные

V. Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.

         After graduation from the academy students get different specialties, each
specialist having its duties.

a) После окончания академии студенты получают различные
специальности, при этом учитывается, что каждый специалист имеет свои
b) Когда студенты заканчивают академию, они получают различные
специальности, каждый специалист имеет свои обязанности.
c) После окончания академии студенты получают различные
специальности, причем каждый специалист имеет свои обязанности.

VI. Выберите предложение с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом («сложным подлежащим»). Предложение перепишите и переведите.


1. Pharmacists are known to have minimum of five years university education
devoted to drugs and their use.
2. It is known that pharmacists have minimum of five years university education
devoted to drugs and their use.
3. Pharmacists know drugs to cause side effects as a result of their action.

VII. Предложения перепишите и определите, каким членом предложения является каждое из выделенных и обозначенных цифрой слов.
Предложения переведите.


Варианты ответов:
a) подлежащее     с) определение е) дополнение
b) сказуемое d) обстоятельство

1. Achieving this goal1 requires the ability to evaluate, synthesize and decide
upon the most appropriate course of action.
2. In order to maintain1the quality of the drug it is necessary to store
medicinal plants properly.


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