This plant


1. Выберите нужную форму вспомогательного глагола.
a) This plant... reconstructed only five years ago (will be, is, were, was).
b) This country ... different automobile makes in ten years, (produces, will produce, producing, produce)
c)... he study engineering?

2. Закончите предложение. 1. We have ...
a) in our country many engineers at present;
b) in our country at present many engineers;
c) many engineers in our country at present;
d) at present in our country many engineers.

2.) Students visited ...
a) at the plant all the laboratories yesterday;
b) all the laboratories at the plant yesterday;
c) yesterday at the plant all the laboratories;
d) all the laboratories yesterday at the plant.

3. Отметьте английские предложения, эквивалентные данным русским предложениям.
1) В нашей стране много технических университетов.
a) This country will have many engineering universities.
b) There were many engineering universities in this country.
c) There are many engineering universities in this countries.
d) Many engineering universities are in this country.

2) В этом здании есть компьютерный центр?
a) Is the computer center in this building?
b) Is there a computer center in this building?
c) Was the computer center in this building?
d) Where is the computer center?

4. Выберите соответствующую форму местоимения.
1. Whose book is this? - it's ... book. I bought it yesterday.
a) mine; c) me;
b) my; d) I.

2. This is very interesting news. I heard ... from my friend.
a) them; c) her;
b) it; d) its.

5. Определите значения глаголов.
1. В каком из предложений глагол to have употреблён в своём основном значении "иметь"?
State schools have larger classes than private schools.
Государственные школы имеют более большие классы, чем частные школы.
a) They have to pay for their education.
b) They have studied this subject and are prepared for their exam.

2. В каком из предложений глагол to be употреблён в значении "есть", "являться"?
a) Не is a school leaver.
b) Не is to leave school this year.
c) He is at the college now.
d) He is leaving school this year.

6. Какие из следующих прилагательных образуют степени сравнения при помощи слов more / most?
Short, specific, speedy, powerful, efficient, great, practical.

7. Подберите превосходную степень сравнения для следующих прилагательных.
a) more (many, much, most);
b) good (most, best, worst);
c) much (least, less, most);
d) little (worst, least, furthest).

8. Заполните пропуска, употребив нужную форму степени сравнения для следующих прилагательных.
1. The Likhachev motor works is ... than the Volzsky Motor Works, (older, old, oldest)
2. The report on the new fuel equipment was ... of all.(interesting, more interesting, the most interesting)
3. Archeologists found ... wheeled carriage in the world in Mesopotamia, (old, older, the oldest)
4. Transport is one of ... branches in the general system of the world economy, (large, larger, the largest)
5. Research shows that gas systems are ... to install than electric, (expensive, more expensive, the most expensive)

9. Какое слово-заместитель можно употребить вместо выделенного английского слова?
1. This method is more efficient than the method of engineer Petrov. (that, those, one, ones).
2. These machines are more powerful than the machines operating in our shop, (ones, those, that, one).
3. This method is highly efficient, but that method is even better, (that, ones, one, these).
4. We received so new devices similar to the devices installed in your laboratory, (one, ones, that, those).

10. Прочитайте тексты и заполните пропуски вместо выделенного английского слова?
a) The education in the (higher, grammar, secondary) school is the period following the completion of secondary education. The duration of the study may be from four to seven years or more, depending upon the nature and complexity of the (tutorial, term, programme). The institution (training, providing, devoting) higher education may be either college or university or a type of professional school. When the basic (stream, subject, course) of study is completed, usually at the end of four years, the graduate receives a (master's degree, doctor's degree, bachelor's degree). He may continue the studies for a master’s degree (A-level exam, master's degree, grade)
b) The mechanical engineering programme at this Politechnic university (offers, intends, lists) education which provides a high professional level for a wide range of industries. During the first-year studies students study engineering fundamentals. They continue to attend (to attend, to fall into, to divide) lectures and seminars on engineering theory in their second year and (are engaged, are supported, are incorporated) in the related practice. The third and fourth years (fall into, lead to, train) the graduation theses.

1. Выберите нужную форму вспомогательного глагола.
1. This plant.. .reconstructed only five years ago. (will be , is ,does, was)
2. Our country ... produce many more automobiles in ten years, (does, is, will, shall)
3. These new problems ... not much more worked at now. (will be, are, do, were)
4. As a rule, cars of this type ...produced by European firms, (do, are, will, be)

2. В каком из предложений глагол используется для образования страдательного залога.
a) His task was to design the new gearwheel.
b) He was to design the new gearwheel.
c) The new gearwheel was designed in this office last year.

3. Укажите предложение, в котором не названо лицо, совершившее действие.
a) This scientist invented a new pneumonic system in 1989
b) A new pneumatic system was invented in 1989.
c) Inventing a new pneumatic system he ran into a lot of problems.

4. Отметьте предложения, в которых нужно употребить пассив при переводе на английский язык.
a) Открытие электрона было очень важной вехой в науке.
b) Новая модель этого автомобиля будет выпущена в следующем году.
c) Много лет инженеры работали над созданием этого аппарата. На патент этого изобретателя очень часто ссылаются в технической литературе.
d) Сколько студентов обучается в вашем институте?

5. Подберите нужный английский эквивалент.
1. Theory ... always .. .by practice.
a) must... support;
b) must... be supported;
c) Has ...supported.

2. Students of our institute ... in practical work during summer vacations.
a) engaged;
b) are engaged;
c) will engage.

3. In the near future these types of cars .. .everywhere.
a) will employ;
b) employ;
c) will be employed.

6. Отметьте вопрос, ответом на который может служить следующее.
a) Yes, it will.
1. When did the city traffic undergo changes?
2. Did the city traffic undergo changes?
3. What undergoes changes?
4. Will city traffic undergo changes?
b) It was created more than 80 years ago.
1. What was created in our country?
2. Where was automobile industry created?
3. When will automobile industry be created?
4. When was automobile industry created in our country?

7. Найдите русское предложение, при переводе которого надо употребить глагол to be.
а) Кто работает на этой проблемой
б) Этот завод будет производить в два раза больше автомобилей через пять лет.
в) Когда обычно начинается лекция по химии?
г) Эта лаборатория не занималась конструированием новых моделей автобусов.
д) Используется ли новый тип двигателя на этих автомобилях?

8. Найдите русское предложение, при переводе которого надо употребить глагол to do.
а) Кто разработал эту проблему?
б) Производство двигателей на новом заводе в прошлом году значительно увеличилось.
в) Когда вы обычно работаете в лаборатории?
г) Кто испытывает этот двигатель?
д) Где испытывают этот двигатель?
е) Используется ли новый тип двигателя на этих автомобилях?

9. Закончите следующие предложения, чтобы получить разделительные вопросы.
1. She knows you, ...?
a) is she?
b) isn't she?
c) doesn't she?
2. He's right, ...?
a) isn't he?
b) doesn't he?
c) is he?
3. He couldn't go there, ...?
a) can he?
b) couldn't he?
c) could he?

10. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов.
1. The invention of the railroads began with the invention of the steam engine, the idea of which (applied, originated, listed) many years earlier. James Watt's improvement on the Newcomen's (production, lever, engine) allowed the steam engine not only go up and down, but to turn (gearwheels, disk brakes, pistons).
2. In 1781 Watt (based, designed, listed) and produced a rotary-motion steam engine. This new engine could (applied, described, operated) to many different types of (principles, machinery, laws).
3. In 1804 Richard Trevithick, an English engineer (invented, called, influenced) a steam locomotive, and his invention brought together the idea of iron rails and the steam engine.
4. In 1882 Edison installed the first durable electric (lights, steam, gas) in his own labs, and later built the first public power station. However, Edison's DC (electrolysis, current, engine) system had only a three-mile range.


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