

1. Перепишите следующие предложения и определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием –s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
a) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;
b) показателем множественного числа имени существительного;
c) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.

The first mention of the city on the Volga dates back to 1589.

The second train leaves 10 minutes after the arrival of the first one.

Neither the children nor the mother knows anything about these events.

The doors of the Volgograd Young People’s Theatre are always open to children of school age.

Both Russian and foreign artists take part in the performance of the Volgograd circus.

The book is at an arm’s length.

Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.

The Alexandria’s Pharos was the most famous lighthouse in ancient times.

Russia and the USA are carrying out joint projects to study and project the Arctic regions.

Scientists will discuss ecological problems at the conference.


2. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод местоимений.

We called Maria and Helen but neither girl were at home.

No sound reached that room.

It is someone’s notebook.

Anybody can do it.

She had little rest during Sunday and looked tired.

Everybody’s hair was cut when the boys went to the camp.

I have no lessons in English today.

Nobody helped him anywhere.

If you are hungry look for something in that fridge.

If you want something special, you can talk to the butcher, but you have to ring a bell so he or she will come out from behind the glass walls.


3. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, и переведите их на русский язык.

Tom and Huck entered the room, the former wore a blue shirt, the latter wore a pink one.

The more experiments we carry out, the more data we obtain.

They played tennis worse than I had expected and among them he played worst of all.

I shall give you the most interesting book you have ever read.

He took a father road, in fact the farthest of all.

I shall come at an hour later.

The TV tower in Moscow is taller than any other TV tower in the world.

My parents asked me to take pictures of the most beautiful sights in Russia.

Jack’s English is still better than Jim’s.

As gasoline becomes more difficult to find and more expensive to buy, traveling to and from the suburbs becomes the most unpleasant task.


4. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов, залог и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.

By 10.30 we’ll have gathered together and shared our impression.

He has always been looked upon to as a high authority on all questions concerning to art.

Last year I went to Great Britain on an exchange with a boy whose name was Mark Grey.

This utterance will be responded to by the remainder of the company.

The wind had blown off the white snow from the trees and they stood black in the fading light.

What has to be done with dirty crockery at the end of a meal?

At nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig.

Henry has forgotten to take me home with him.

It is easy to remember these rules.

The car thief was arrested after having been chased for more than an hour.

Don’t let yourself be depressed by your failure.

When night came the travelers were walking along a narrow path.

The house had been broken into, and two thousands pounds’ worth of jewelry had been stolen.

The workers will have fulfilled the plan before the end of the month.

Are three new breath-test machines being tried out by the police?

A new line of the underground is being built in Moscow.

These plants are being widely cultivated in the United States.

Visiting countries has been my dream for ages.

The big dam across the Volga was being erected when I came to Moscow.

This new book will have been taken before you come.


5. Прочитайте и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие такие модальные глаголы как can, may, ought, must, need, should, на русский язык.

You needn’t take my advice if you don’t think it’s good.

Why should I suffer from his stupid mistakes?

The furniture is really very beautiful, but it must be very expensive.

Revise these rules, you may make bad mistakes.

His brother has measles. He ought to be isolated. We ought to have done it at once.

You could call your father and ask for the money if you haven’t got any.

You may take a day off whenever you like.

To my mind she must form her own opinion about this case.

If you don’t take an umbrella, you can get wet through.

You oughtn’t to eat so many cakes, you’re putting on weight.


6. Прочитайте и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, добавив, где необходимо, такие предлоги как from, with, through, about, during, for, at, into, of, on.

Sorry, but I can’t agree … you. She must care … her little son.

Everything depends … the situation.

What are you doing here? What are you looking … in my bag?

Don’t worry! This young lady translates … Russian … English easily.

… our breakfast my father likes to look … the newspapers.

Can you send … a doctor?

Let’s speak … this case later.

What is he smiling …?

What is your sister fond …?

I am not looking … meeting … you. Don’t think so.


7. Прочитайте и письменно переведите на русский язык 1, 2, 3 и 4-й абзацы текста.


1. Togliatti (Stavropol till 1964) is situated in Samara region, is a centre of Stavropol district. It is a large industrial, scientific and cultural centre of the Middle Volga. The City of Togliatti has more than 250-year history. It was founded in 1737 as a fortress on the banks of the Volga by Vasily Nickitich Tatischev, a historian, politician, and former associate of the Russian emperor Peter the Great. It was Tatischev who named the city Stavropol, which in Greek means “The City of the Holy Cross”.
2. By the beginning of the 20th century, the primary occupations were fishing, agriculture, livestock breeding and production of handicrafts. The year 1950 brought dramatic change to the life of this inconspicuous, provincial town when the decision to build the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station was made. The ancient part of the town was flooded and found out at the bottom of the reservoir, but more than 2.500 buildings were carried to a new place. By 1964, the new city was known as “Togliatti”, named after the Italian communist Palmiro Togliatti, and quickly established itself as one of the largest industrial centers in Russia.
3. Another element, which dramatically affected the city of Togliatti, was the establishment of the Volszhsky Automobile Plant. Among the world’s largest auto plants and the biggest in Europe, VAZ stretches for 2, 5 square miles. Constructed in the late 1960s with the aid of Italian auto giant FIAT, the complex includes a foundry, stamping plant, engine and transmission assembly plant, body assembly plant, machine tool and die shop, administration building, and research and development center. VAZ produced more than 15 car models under the Lada name, including the all – wheel - drive Niva, the Oka minicar and the front – wheel – drive Samara.
4. The successful development of industry greatly added to the city’s growth – in both population and economic development. At present, synthetic rubber, nitric and phosphorus fertilizers, cement industry equipment and industrial transformers are produced in Togliatti. Other enterprises include a shoe factory, knitted goods factory, champagne factory, beer plant, fish plant, meat plants, bread plants and milk plants.
5. The municipal layout is in harmony with the surrounding landscapes. The Zhiguli Hills are known as “pearl of Russia”. The plentiful and unusually beautiful recreational environment has encouraged the City administration to build recreational camps, health centers and sanatoriums, especially in those ecologically clean areas where mineral springs are available. Its three large districts are separated by pine forests, birch and maple groves. In the south Togliatti is washed by the Zhiguli Sea. In the north our neighbors are the Suskansky and Vasilyevsky lakes. Despite the common social approach to housing construction, each district has its own character. With regard to education, Togliatti has some institutes, universities, academies, colleges and many branches of different high educational institutions. The city has several theatres, Palaces of Culture, a picture gallery, a philharmonic society, a municipal symphony orchestra and a centralized library system. Readiness to accept innovation is fast becoming the common feature of the character of Togliatti’s inhabitants and it is reasonable to conclude that our city will see much prosperity in years to come.

8. Определите основное содержание 5-го абзаца текста и запишите по-русски основную мысль по образцу.

В этом абзаце речь идет о … .

Всем известно, что … .

Тольятти – это … .

Он живописен, так как … .

Вы так же можете найти там … .

Тольятти – это хорошо развитый … , так как … .

Это также и … .


9. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

Why Togliatti is very different?

What can you say about location of this city?

Is Togliatti an industrial, economical, political, scientific or educational centre? Why? Call some examples.

What main historical events from the past of Togliatti do you know?

Many tourists avoid to visit this city, don’t they? Why?


10. Укажите, какое из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста. Смотрите образец.

Образец: 1.a. New York is a capital of the USA.
b. New York is called as “Big Apple”.
Ответ: 1. b.

1. a. Togliatti is famous for its delightful candies, cut glass and parts for electric devices.

b. Togliatti is famous for its plant, chemicals and river.
2. a. There you can find few educational institutions.
b. There is a great deal of educational institutions in Togliatti.

3. a. The founder of Togliatti was well – known tailor.

b. Tatischev was close to tsar family.

4. a. Somewhere you can find springs of soft drinks.

b. Mineral water is available in some districts of city.

5. a. Everybody can rest in recreational camps and health centers.

b. Inhabitants and quests of the city can amuse themselves in development centre.


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