1. Dining out has been part of human history for thousands of years, although what is considered dining out today is considerably different from what it may have been in earlier ages. Taverns were the most common place where locals and trav¬ellers could consume vast quantities of cheap wine along with some sort of sea¬sonal food. Because refrigerated food storage was near to impossible, restaurants offered limited menus.
2. Inventions and other technological advances have been instrumental in the restaurant business's expansion. It was not until 1795, when Francois Appert in¬vented heat sterilization of food that restaurants could provide fruits and vegetables off-season from- a jar. Ice, brought from the Arctic to Europe arid America, was an enormous luxury and very expensive. The invention of steam-driven refrigeration at the end of the nineteenth century brought refrigeration to more people. In 1913, the electric refrigerator was invented, followed by the deep freezer in the 1930s, signaling the beginning of prepared frozen foods. These inventions, along with the Industrial Revolution, which increased travel and created commuters, laid the foundation for the modern restaurant industry.
3. Types of food services differ in serving style, food offered, and management.
The fast-food franchise is the most common form of restaurant franchise.
The fast-food industry started because of consumers' need to "eat and run ". Fast foods are not new, but it took the franchise, the automobile, and plenty of parking spaces to push the fast-food business toward success. Fast-food franchises have learned the secret of success by locating along busy byways and in resorts, theme parks, recreation areas, and malls, most of which provide a convenient stopping place for the traveller.
4. Most hotel food service areas are owned and operated by the hotel, although some food service is rented out to franchised companies or independent restaurant owners with a percentage of gross food and beverage sales going to the hotel. However, a hotel's food service component can provide up to half of the hotel's overall revenue. Hotel food and beverage service comes in many forms: fine dining, fast-food, coffee shop service, room service, buffets, banquets, poolside bars, snack bars, and lounges. Room service and banquets are unique to the hotel food and beverage department. Although banquets can be put on by other restaurants, most do not have the capacity to compete with a hotel's banquet capabilities.
5. Independent restaurants come in all shapes and sizes and usually have some form of a theme, such as family restaurant, coffee shop, steak house, or entertain¬ment. The independent restaurant can be owned by an individual, partnership, or corporation. Many independently owned restaurants become favorite spots for locals because of the ownership,
6. The theme restaurant can be based on the type of food (e.g., Mexican Italian,
donuts) or on a theme totally unrelated to food, such as model car collections, bicycle wheels, children's playground, or antiques. When the theme is not food, people are attracted to the restaurant's setup and gimmicks. When the theme is food, such as a Mexican restaurant, the food is usually of higher quality and larger quantities. Food theme restaurants know that it is important to stick to the types of food in their theme, because this is what they are best at cooking.


I, Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Перепишите 6-ой абзац текста и переведите его письменно.
6. The theme restaurant can be based on the type of food (e.g., Mexican Italian, donuts) or on a theme totally unrelated to food, such as model car collections, bicycle wheels, children's playground, or antiques. When the theme is not food, people are attracted to the restaurant's setup and gimmicks. When the theme is food, such as a Mexican restaurant, the food is usually of higher quality and larger quantities. Food theme restaurants know that it is important to stick to the types of food in their theme, because this is what they are best at cooking.

II. К данным словам найдите в тексте синонимы.
1. inhabitant 6. root, basis
2. to use up, to spend 7. mystery, confidence
3. discovery 8. to vie - to compete
4. dear, costly 9. ability, competence
5. completion, conclusion 10. to possess, to hold

III. К данным словам найдите в тексте антонимы.
1. insignificantly 6. simplicity, poverty
2. limited, narrow 7. to ruin, to destroy
3. possible, likely 8. ancient, vintage
4. retrogress, withdrawal 9. failure
5. abbreviation 10. worst
IV. Подберите к словам, данным в колонке А, соответствующие определения из колонки В.
1. beverage
2. tavern
3. restaurant
4. refrigerator
5. freezer
6. fast food
7. food
8. buffet
9. bar
10. banquet

a. a place where one can get a meal consisting usually of cold food, which people serve for themselves and eat standing up or sitting down nearby
b. a liquid for drinking, especially one that is not water or medicine
c. a place where meals are prepared, sold and eaten
d. food that is quickly and easily prepared and sold by a restaurant to be eaten
e. a large fridge in which supplies of food can be stored at a very low temperature for a long time
f. a place with a counter where a particular kind of food or drink is served
g. a formal dinner for many people in honour of a particular person or occasion
h. smth that leaving creatures take into their bodies to provide them with strength to do things and to help them to develop and to live
i. a building, not a club or a hotel, where alcohol may be bought and drunk during fixed hours
j. a large box or cupboard, used especially in the home and operated by electricity, in which food and drink can be stored at a low temperature, but without being frozen

V. Составьте сочетания из данных прилагательных и существительных. Переведите полученные сочетания на русский язык.
1. seasonal a. quantities
2. overall b. advances
3. parking c. history
4. technological d. food
5. enormous e. luxury
6. vast f. revenue
7. human g. spaces

VI. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих наречий.
1. brightly
2, soon
3. clearly
4. bravely
5. correctly
6. far
7. cautiously
VII. Вставьте вместо пропусков артикли, где необходимо.
In _attractive environment, whether natural, artificial, or _ combination, lies _appeal of _ tourism.
_Tourism industry is founded on_ environment, includ¬ing both natural attractions such as; _ sun, sea, sand, rock, mountains, flora, and fauna and artificial attractions such as _brick and mortar historical sites com-memorating any¬ _ event.
For tourism to continue its success, these environments require protection.
_protection of prime attractions has come to be viewed as _ investment as _economic potential of tourism has become more widely recognized.

VIII. Вставьте вместо пропусков предлоги, где необходимо.
Because _the negative impact tourism has had _ the environment, the trend is toward sustainable tourism _ development. Sustainable tourism development is meeting _ the needs _existing tourists and host regions while protecting and en¬hancing opportunities _the future. Sustainable tourism development is premised _ the notion that the economy and the environment are intimately linked and that the root cause _ our environmental problems is faulty decision making _ all levels _ society. Part _ the concern stems _ the common property phenomenon.

IX. Перепишите предложения и определите, чем являются выделенные слова: Participle I; Participle II или Gerund. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. They enjoyed eating in the family restaurant.
2. Discussing the advantages of the local restaurants they emphasized the theme restaurants.
3. He remembers having shown them the guide book.
4. While living in the resort hotel they used room service every day.
5. In 1913, the electric refrigerator was invented, followed by the deep freezer in the 1930s.
6. After signing the contract he called the owner of the restaurant.
7. Many restaurants owned by an individual become favourite spots for locals.

X. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление страдательного залога (Passive Voice).
1. Limited menus were offered in restaurants, weren’t they?
2. Who was heat sterilization of food invented by?
3. Modern restaurant industry is being discussed now at the seminar.
4. Most hotel food service areas are owned and operated by the hotel.
5. Can room service be offered in every hotel?
6. Will the coffee shop be reconstructed next week?
7. The theme restaurant should be based on the type of food.

XI. Переделайте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.
1. In taverns travellers could consume some sort of seasonal food.
2. Did restaurants offer limited menu?
3. Francois Appert invented heat sterilization of food, didn’t he?
4. They are drinking tea in a buffet now.
5. Corporation owns the independent restaurant.
6. They use room service every day.
7. Who bought this coffee shop last year?

XII. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление страдательного залога.
1. Дешевое вино продавали в тавернах.
2. Этот ресторан сейчас реконструируют.
3. Нам еще не предложили меню.
4. Когда изобрели холодильник?
5. Удобную парковку построили возле отеля.
6. Банкет будет организован после заседания.
7. Этот напиток должны продавать в баре у бассейна.

XIII. Поставьте глагол в скобках в требующуюся видовременную форму, обращая внимание на залог глагола-сказуемого (Active Voice, Passive Voice).
1. The theme restaurant can (to base) on the type of food.
2. Luxury hotels (to locate) in a prestigious spot in the city or countryside.
3. Independent tours (to vary) in flexibility and complexity.
4. Adventure travel (to be) a fast -growing segment of the travel market.
5. Carnivals (to provide) various forms of rides, games and refreshments.
6. The commercial counselor (to expect) to be efficient in arranging travel for corporations.
7. Local guide (to use) frequently in the escorted tour.

XIV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту. Ответы должны быть полными.

1. Where could locals and travellers consume vast quantities of cheap wine with food?
2. What brought refrigeration to more people at the end of the nineteenth century?
3. The fast-food franchise is the most common form of restaurant industry, isn’t it?
4. Does hotel food and beverage service come in many forms?
5. Can the independent restaurant be owned by an individual or partnership?


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