Trips to Florida 2


EX.1. Трансформируйте данные предложения в отрицательную форму, переведите:
1. Trips to Florida cost about 1000 $ today.
2. Infrastructure means the facilities such airports, roads, water, electricity.
3. Climate is another determining motive for international tourism.
4. Excursionist tourism is important for small countries.
5.  They have different motives for traveling.
6. I travel widely around the world.
7. Holiday resorts usually attract tourists because of their sunny beaches.
8. They have a very different impression of Ireland.
9. We also promote the tourism of Russia.
10. The majority of Germans who come are English speakers.
11. I don’t like long flights.
12. The person who leads such tours is the tour guide.
13. Most tour operators send the selected staff out at the beginning of the season.
14.  Some tour operators advertise a training course for which you have to pay.
15.  Most taxi drivers know the airport quite well.

EX.2. Переведите  предложения  на  английский  язык,  употребляя  глагол  to BE в Present Simple :
1.    Тур операторы - люди, формирующие тур пакет.
2.    Мы в отеле.
3.    Твой папа тур агент? – Нет, он- гид- переводчик.
4.    Сочи- большой город-курорт.
5.    Наш дядя сейчас на отдыхе.
6.    Где наш сопровождающий? – Он у администратора отеля.
7.    Вы консультант по бизнес поездкам?
8.    Знание языков -желательно в индустрии туризма.
9.    Туризм- быстроразвивающаяся индустрия.
10.   Какие профессии в туризме хорошо оплачиваются в России?
11.   Его подруга официантка.
12.   Сопровождение групп- ее главная обязанность.
13.    Многие успешные тур агенты- женщины.
14.   Она не бармен. Она  посудомойщица.
15.  Я увлекаюсь горными лыжами, вот почему я сейчас на Уктусе .

EX.3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Progressive, где необходимо:

1. I ( hope) to get a good job in tourism.
2.  Why you (not/ eat) at the hotel restaurant?
3.  They (visit) their friends in Spain.
4.  We (change) our money.
5.  You (work) at the booking- office tonight?
6.  Don’t bother him. He (fill up) the documents for the trip.
7.  Tourism( develop) in many countries.
8.  A management contract stipulates that the operator(act) fully and completely as an agent of the owner and for the account of the owner.
9.  Our conductor ( not/feel) well because of bad weather in London.
Our conductor doesn’t feel well because of bad weather in London.
10. You (know) where the Gates are?
11.  Here is my passport and the declaration. I ( open) the luggage.
12.  The delegation (meet) us in the public hall at 5.
13.  What hotel you ( go ) stay in Egypt?
14. Everybody ( look ) at the pictures in the Hermitage now.
15. We (fasten) seatbelts while the pilot ( welcome) the passengers aboard.

EX.4. Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Perfect:

1. Anapa (become) a resort centre at the Black Sea.
2. You (see) your rooms in the hotel?
3. Malakhov (erect) a lot of monuments of the XIX century near the Historical Square.
4. Many travel companies (branch) out and (get) a lot of outlets within a city, a region, a country or throughout the world.
5.  Such an outlet (provide) the same services as other outlets and the head office of the travel company.
6. This clerk already (make) bookings, (sell) and (issue) tickets.
7. Of course the clerk (keep) in touch with the head office.
8.  Their guide ( arrive) not yet.
9.  My brother’s children ( buy) lots of cards with the views of Paris.
10. The plane ( crash) at the Heathrow airport.


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