What is a Workshop?


Упражнение 1
Переведите письменно подчеркнутые предложения.

What is a Workshop?

A workshop is a short, intensive, total-immersion learning experience. A workshop can help you learn to use the latest technology, master your craft, develop a more sensitive eye, enable you to understand your talents and weaknesses better, become more creative, and find new inspiration and energy for the work you do.
In Rockport, our workshops are an opportunity to play, to experiment, to test new ideas and ways of working, to explore the creative process and get better at what you do.              
For over 20 years, we have been, working to improve the structure of the one-week workshop. Our courses today provide a valuable lear­ning and growth experience for the thousands of professionals, amateurs and students who come from around the world to spend a week or even as long as six months in Rockport.
Are you looking for inspiration? Do you want to find new ways to see and be creative? Are you eager to advance your career? Do you want to become more valuable in your job? Whatever your reason is, you get out of a workshop what you put into it.
Something happens during the week which you may not notice until you return home. Your work will show improvement. You may find you are working with greater command of the craft or with greater energy and more productivity.
Let me lead you through a typical week at The Workshops:
The pace will be demanding - you will be up at dawn rehearsing a scene, photographing the early morning light or finishing a rewriting of your script before the morning critique.
At breakfast you will be discussing today's schedule and yesterday's adventures with your classmates. Each afternoon and most evenings are filled with activity and it may be midnight before you return to your room. The mornings are generally spent listening to lectures, watching demonstration and participating in discussions dealing with technique, materials and equipment, new methods of working, jobs, careers, money, the- family and ways to become more creative. Part of the mornings may also be spent in tough and honest critiques.
The afternoons are for work - filmmakers are shooting scenes in the studios or on location, actors are rehearsing,  photographers are printing in the darkrooms, and the writers arewriting.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, after dinner, there are screenings of important films and slide shows by Master photographers who freely discuss their methods of working and answer questions.
Thursday and Friday evening, after eating lobster, we screen the week's work of the filmmakers, followed by a show of the photographers' work.
Saturday morning is a time to debrief, to look at the last of the week's work, trade addresses and discuss the future. Many people rema­in in town for a day, doing the things they did not have time for all week - shopping, swimming with new friends in the lake, dining in Camden.
I hope you will have the opportunity to join us this summer. I look forward to helping you achieve your creative potential and realize you rcareer goals ...
(Adapted from "What's a workshop?" - Film and Video Workshop -Summer and Fall 1994, p.7)

Упражнение 2
Повторив по справочному пособию разницу между временами Present Indefinite и Present Continuous, трансформируйте предложения с глаголами в Present Indefinite в предложения с глаголами в Present Continuous. Сделайте перевод.

Model: Не prepares his task every day. (now) He is preparing his task now.

1.   This director often shoots in this studio. (now)
2.   They rehearse here every morning. (still)
3.   I answer my students' questions at each lesson. (at this moment)
4.   You always try to edit complex sequences to the best advantage. (now)
5.   We usually review our homework on our own. (now)

Упражнение 3
Употребите вместо Present Indefinite - Present Continuous с целью придать высказыванию большую эмоциональность (удивление, раздражение, критика). Переведите полученные предложения.

Model: She loses her glasses very often.
She is always/constantly/continually losing her glasses.

1.   They criticize me all the time.
2.   She tells us how talented her husband is too often.
3.   You borrow money nearly every day.
4.   I lose my gloves very, very often.
5.   We debrief too often.      

Упражнение 4
Переведите письменно следующие предложения:

1.   Они сейчас снимают полнометражный фильм?
2.   Эта девушка постоянно что-то рисует. Мне кажется, она художник-мультипликатор.
3.   Почему вы не принимаете участия в обсуждении расписания занятий?
4.   Что вы делаете? - Мы обмениваемся адресами.
5.   Сейчас    я    пишу    сценарий    научно-популярной    телевизионной программы.

Упражнение 5
Задание 9
Прочтите в справочном пособии об образовании и употреблении Present Perfect Continuous. Сделайте из 2-х предложений одно, используя Present Perfect Continuous. Переведите полученные предложения.

Model: My brother began to do this exercise 20 minutes ago. He is still doing it. - My brother has been doing this exercise for 20 min.

1.   I began to print in the darkroom 2 hours ago. I am still printing.
2.   The master photographer started answering the students' questions half an hour ago, and he's still answering them.
3.   We began to discuss this technique an hour and a half ago. We're still discussing it.

Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. Переведите полученные вопросы.

Model: Не has been watching TV for an hour. What has he been watching for an hour?

1.   My friend has been studying Arts for 2 years.
2.   They have been singing for an hour.
3.   We have been mastering our craft for 3 years.

Переведите письменно следующие предложения:
1.   Они снимают этот эпизод с самого утра.
2.   Эта лаборатория разрабатывает новый экранный материал уже почти год.
3.   Как долго вы проявляете эту плёнку?


Упражнение 6
1.   Я возражаю против того, чтобы обсуждать стоимость картины сейчас.
3.   Несмотря на трудности, ему удалось поставить эту пьесу.
5.   Актриса устала отвечать на вопросы журналистов.

Упражнение 7
Трансформируйте      письменно      придаточные      предложения      в
герундиальные обороты.
Model: When I came home, I rang him up at once (on). On coming home, I rang him up at once.
1.  When he entered the studio, he greeted everybody (on).
2.   You can improve your pronunciation if you work in the laboratory (by).
3.   Before we go to the club, we often call for them (before).

Упражнение 8
Письменно  переведите  нижеследующие  слова  и  предложения.  Ккаждому толкованию подберите соответствующее слово: adventure, to deal with, eager, experience, to explore, to screen, script, take, valuable, voice artist

1.   The process or an instance of personally encountering or undergoing something. Experience
2.   To project (a motion picture, etc.) on a screen. To screen
3.   To examine or look into closely. To explore
4.   To be engaged or concerned, as with a subject or matter. To deal with
5.   An undertaking involving risk or excitement. Adventure
6.   Having considerable monetary or material value. Valuable
7.   Impatiently longing; enthusiastic. Eager
8.   An actor who performs the voices for the animated characters during a recording. Voice artist
9.   When a particular scene is repeated and photographed more than once in an effort to get a perfect recording of some special action, each photographic record of the scene or of a repetition of the scene is known as a "take".
10. The text of a film, giving dialogue, action, staging, camera moves, etc. Script

Упражнение 9
Прочтите и переведите TEXT В.
Choosing a career is not easy – the wrong decision may mean many years of frustration and unhappiness. As with most other activities it is best to work out a plan. The questions given below should help you to formulate your aims and requirements and then find a job that satisfies them. The first thing to do is to take a realistic view of yourself - consider your likes and your dislikes, your strengths and your weaknesses. And remember that liking something is not the same thing as being good at it so be honest in your assessment of your strong points but don't overlook your weak points!
Let's begin with your interests. What kind of things do you like doing or reading about? Perhaps your interests are:
1.   Scientific i.e. you like finding out what things are made of, how they are made.
2.  Social i.e. you like helping people, caring for people, especially those with problems.
3. General service i.e. you are interested in giving people a service, working with and for people.
4.   Persuading and influencing i.e. your interest is in advising, organising or teaching others.
5.   Literary i.e. you are interested in using words, either in speech or in writing.
6.  Artistic i.e. you are keen on drawing, painting, music, drama, etc.
7.   Computational i.e. you have a "tidy mind" and like sorting things out, arranging things in groups and have an interest in mathematics.
8.   Practical i.e. you like working with your hands or making things with machinery.
9.   Agricultural /horticultural i.e. you have a way with animals and are interested in plants and the country in general.
10. Outdoor and active i.e. you are the sporting type who likes to be out in the open and preferably on the move most of the time.


Упражнение 10
Дайте письменные ответы на 20 вопросов из текста (объёмом 3-5 предложений).
1.  What exactly will I have to do?  
2.  What kind of hours will I work?
3.   Will I be any good at the job?
4.   What are the promotion prospects?
5.   What are the entry requirements?
6.   Do I have the self-discipline to study things I don't like? (if they are necessary to achieve your long-term objectives)
7.   Do I really want to continue studying full-time? part-time?
8.   Am I strong enough to do the job? Physically? Psychologically?
9.   Would I enjoy working in such a place?
10. How important to me are working conditions?
11. How prepared am I to conform with any rules concerning appearance, smoking, etc. in working hours?
12. Would I prefer to work alone and unsupervised, as one of a team?
13. How easy is it for me to accept direction from others?
14. How important is the age and level of education of my colleagues?
15. Will it matter what my friends think about my job?  Is the "image" of the job important to me?
16. Is the size of my salary of great importance?
17. Do I want a job that will encroach on my leisure time?
18. Do I want to put down roots and find a permanent, steady job?
19. How ready am I to take a job with constant  responsibility?  Would I, perhaps, prefer a job which carries little decision-making?
20. Could I stand a routine job or any job where I would have only a limited possibility of variety in my work?

Упражнение 11
Употребите   в  ответах   Past   Continuous  для  выражения  незаконченного действия и Past Indefinite - для законченного действия.

а)  Model: What did he tear when he was climbing the tree? When he was climbing the tree, he tore his trousers.

1.   What did the lighting electrician break while he was working?
2.   Who did you meet when you were running downstairs?
3.   What happened while they were mounting that equipment?

б)    Model:   What   were   you   doing   when   you   heard   the   burglar (взломщик)?
When I heard the burglar, I was reading in bed.                      
What did you do when you heard the burglar?
When I heard the burglar, I telephoned the police.

1.   What was she doing when he offered her a cigarette?
2.   What were they doing when the new amplifiers arrived?
3.   What were you doing when the spotlight went out?

Упражнение 12
Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1.   She saw that the dubbing actress had been waiting impatiently.
2.   They had been doing that routine job for several hours, before the boss came.
3.   We had been listening to the CD for 20 minutes before she came back.

Упражнение 13
ЗАДАНИЕ 27.                                                    
Сделайте    из  двух    предложений    одно,    употребив    причастие.
Переведите письменно полученные предложения.

Model: I saw him. Не was walking along the street. I saw him walking along the street.

1.   He saw me. I was playing football.
2.   I heard her. She was playing the piano.
3.   We watched the children. They were playing in the yard.
4.   I felt her hand. It was trembling.
5. We found her. She was rehearsing.

Письменно   переведите   нижеследующие   слова   и   выражения.   К каждому толкованию подберите соответствующее слово: to assess, to conform, to edit, to focus; format, producer, to promote, to release, responsible, weakness.
1.   Answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power or control. responsible
2.   To estimate the value of something.
3.   To allow to be published, seen, or known.
4.  The state of being deficient, as in attainment or resources.
5.   The administrative head of the film, usually responsible for budget, staff, legal contact, distribution, scheduling, etc.
6.   To act in accordance with a standard or norm.
7. The size or aspect ratio of a motion picture frame.
8. To arrange the various shots, scenes, and sequences, or the elements of the sound track, in the order, desired to create the finished film.
9.   To advertise or aid in developing (product, etc.); to advance in rank or position.
10. To adjust a lens so that it produces the sharpest visual image on a screen, etc

Упражнение 14
Прочтите и переведите TEXT С.
Marketing a Film
Filmmakers who learn how to market and how to communicate with clients are the ones who make films.
You have nothing to sell, of course, except yourself - and the promise that you can deliver a film that meets your client's needs.
Don't try for a film that will win prizes. If you try for a film that will best serve your client's needs, you will find yourself with a prizewinner ... and a recommendation for another job.
Your reputation is as good as your last film. You build a reputation by taking care of business every day as though your reputation were at stake, because it is.
Knowing how to make a film - knowing how to use the medium to communicate a message - is not enough if you are to become successful. You must also know how to communicate with people who need the films so that you can get a chance to use your creative talents. In busi­ness, that's known as marketing.
Your marketing should begin with a sensible look at what you have to offer. In reality, film is not what you have to offer. What you have to offer are solutions to problems, using film as the medium for communication. That's what nontheatrical filmmaking is all about.
There are several areas open to the nontheatrical filmmaker - business, education, special interest groups, vacation resorts, governmental agencies. All have a use for sponsored nontheatrical films: films that teach, films that promote, films that pass along information.
Basically, there are three types of communication problems: those related to skill and knowledge, motivational problems, and problems of information; and of course, some communication problems are a combination of the three.
The point is. business spends money to make money. A smart busi­ness person will provide the money to make a film once there is an understanding that film will help solve a problem. Your job is to discover where a film will help.
(Adapted from "Student Filmmaker's Handbook")


Упражнение 15
Реферат статьи «Marketing a Film» (Продажа фильма)

Аннотация статьи «Marketing a Film» (Продажа фильма)


Упражнение 16
Переведите   данные   ниже   предложения.   Обратите   внимание   на функцию Participle I.
1.  Having shot the film, he started to stage a play.
2.   Having arrived in front of the house, she put her hands to her mouth and shouted.
3.   Having seen nothing like that before I was eager to see the performance.

Переведите данные предложения, обращая внимание  на функцию Participle II:
1.   Look at that broken cup. 
2.   She was expensively dressed.
3.   When asked he always helped me.
4.   Occupied by his thoughts he didn't hear me.
5.   If asked she always did it for her neighbor.
6.   She had her hair cut.

Упражнение 17
Составьте  предложения  по  следующим  моделям,  употребляя:  because, already, since, yet, still.
a)  Model: She can't go to the party ... catch a cold.
She can't go to the party because she has caught a cold.

1.   I can't see very well ... break my glasses.
2.   He is very disappointed ... she/not phone.
3.   They can't go on holiday ... not save enough.

b)  Model: Give him the answer. I've already given it to him.
1.   When is she going to sing?
2.   You needn't wake him yet.
3.   When are the boxers going to fight?

c)  Model: She saw him 2 years ago, ...
She saw him 2 years ago, but she hasn't seen him since then.
1.   They showed the film last year ...
2.   I drank champagne at the wedding last month ... 
3.   The dog bit the postman last week ...

d)  Model: Ask him if he's written anything in his book yet. Have you written anything in your book yet?
1.   Ask him if they have got married yet.            
2.   Ask him if she's had her baby yet.
3.   Ask him if she has forgiven him yet.

e)  Model: She's been in the shop for ages but she ... buy anything. She's been in the shop for ages but she still hasn't bought anything.
1.   He borrowed my camera last term but he ... give it back.
2.   I bought this whisky months ago but I ... drink it.
3.   The teacher's been explaining it for ages but they ... understand.

Переведите нижеследующие слова и предложения. К каждому толкованию подберите соответствующее слово: animation, axis, close-up, digit, film; income, profit, to provide, to solve, sponsor.
1.   A thin, flexible, transparent ribbon with perforations along one or both edges.
2. To find the answer or explanation for.
3.   Any of the Arabic figures of 1through 9 and 0.
4.   To give what is wanted or needed.
5.   A business firm that buys the time to broadcast a radio or TV program so as to advertise its product or service.
6.   A detail photographed from such a distance that only a small portion of the subject fills a frame of film.
7.   Any imaginary line running exactly through the optical center of the camera lens.
8.   The monetary payment received for goods or services, or from other sources, as rents, investments, etc.
9.   Financial gain resulting from the use of capital in a transaction after all expenses are paid.
10. The making of inanimate objects to appear mobile.


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