What is economics


Контрольная работа № 1
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Unlike history, mathematics, English and chemistry, economics is a subject that most students encounter only briefly before they begin college. Economics is a basic discipline, not an applied subject like accounting or drafting in which specific skills are taught.
Economics has some similarities to mathematics because logical reasoning and mathematical tools are used in it extensively. It also has some similarities to history because economics studies people as they interact in social groups.
Like chemistry, economics employs the scientific method, although some of economics has a descriptive rather than an analytical flavour. Finally, like English grammar, economics has a few simple rules and principles, but from these principles economics can derive many conclusions.
Economics is the science of making choices. Individuals must decide whether to study another hour or to go for a walk, whether to buy a six-pack of Pepsi or a 0,5 gallon of milk at the grocery, whether to choose fire fighting or teaching as an occupation and whether to play golf or to watch television for an afternoon of recreation. As a group, people must also choose through their governments whether to build a dam or to repair highways with their taxes, whether to invest money to business or to expand national parks.
The common element in all these decisions is that every choice involves a cost.
In fact, economics is the study of the choice that people make and the actions that they take in order to make the best use of scarce resources in meeting their wants.

2. Переведите с английского языка на русский:
A basic discipline; an applied subject; similarities; logical reasoning; mathematical tools; a descriptive flavor; occupation; to invest money to; the common element; to involve; the best use of scarce resources.

3. Закончите предложения.
1. Economics is not an applied subject like...
2. Like chemistry, economics...
3. As a group, people must also choose whether to invest money to business or to expand national parks through ...
4. The common element of all decisions is ...

4. Выберите правильное слово:
1. Economics is a ... discipline.
a) basic;
b) natural;
c) social.

2. ... is an applied subject.
a) history;
b) accounting;
c) economics.

3. Mathematical tools are used in economics ...
a) briefly;
b) extensively;
c) finally.

4. Like English grammar economics has a few... and principles.
a) rules;
b) graphs;
c) lines.

5. Every choice involves ...
a) investment;
b) cost;
c) time.

5. Переведите и ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the difference between economics and such disciplines as history, mathematics, English and chemistry?
2. What is used extensively in economics?
3. What similarities does economics have to chemistry?
4. Is economics the science of making choices?
5. What is the common element in all choices?
6. What does economics study?

Контрольная работа № 2
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Usually a person is not qualified to use the name "economist" without a graduate degree in economics. By this definition, there are about 100 000 economists in the US.
About half of them are academic economists, who engage in teaching, writing and doing research in colleges and universities. They also write textbooks and journal articles, develop and test new theoretical models, provide consulting services to governments and businesses, and engage in a variety of other professional activities. The other half of the profession works for business or government. Business economists forecast sales and costs, help firms anticipate (or try to influence) government policy. Some business economists work for private lobbying organizations, helping them prepare their arguments to try to affect tax laws, regulations, etc. which are important to particular kinds of Industries.
Government economists also perform a variety of useful tasks. Often the government economist wears a second hat as a policy analyst. Economists forecast tax revenues and Interest rates, analyze who gains and who loses from particular changes, monitor prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks in the public sector.
In the broader sense, economists study the ways in which people deal with the problems of scarcity.

2. Переведите с английского языка на русский:
A graduate degree in economics; definition; academic; to test new theoretical models; consulting services; sales and costs; to affect tax laws; a policy analyst; to compute total output; problems of scarcity.

3. Переведите с русского языка на английский:
Предсказывать; предвосхищать; политика правительства; экономисты бизнеса; частные лоббистские организации; определенные отрасли промышленности; обязанности; налоговые доходы; процентные ставки; приобретать и терять; общественный сектор.

4. Переведите и ответьте на вопросы.
1. Who can be qualified to use the name "economist?"
2. How many economists are there in the US?
3. What are the functions of academic economists?
4. What do business economists do?

5. Выберите нужное местоимение.
1. All societies develop (no, some) rules for social behavior and economic activity.
2. There is (no, nothing) limit to people's wants.
3. In economics "the long run" is the time period in which (nothing, anything) can be changed.
4. Price changes of (anything, any) kind create uncertainty in the minds of both, consumers and producers.
5. (Nobody, anybody) can overestimate the value of skilled labor.


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