What is manager


1) Упражнение на все времена действительного залога.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Simple, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1. Let’s go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine). 2. If you (to help) me, I (to do) this work well. 3. I always, (to get) up at eight o’clock, but tomorrow I (to get) up a little later. 4. You ever (to see) the Pyramids? 5. I (to go) to the Caucasus two years ago. 6. We (to go) to school every day. 7. Nick (to do) his homework by seven o’clock yesterday. 8. You (to help) your father tomorrow? 9. When Nick (to come) home yesterday, his mother (to return) and (to cook) dinner in the kitchen. 10. When I (to go) "to school yesterday, I suddenly (to remember) that I(to forget) to take my English exercise book. 11. Yesterday grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory duringthe war.12. When Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to Arrive) home, they (to discover) that someone (to break) into their house. Their video recorder and television (to disappear). They (not to know) what they (to do) to deserve this had luck.
2) Сказуемое группы Passive.
Напишите следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
1.The senior students laughed at the freshman.2.The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday.3.The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 4. Nobody lived in that old house. 5. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject. 6. We thought about our friend all the time. 7. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 8. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 9. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 10. Nobody slept in the bed. 11. The neighbor asked for the telegram. 12.Everybodylistened to the lecturer with great attention.
3) Модальные глаголы.
Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы can, may, must, или их эквиваленты.
1. Вы можете прийти в 9 часов? Адвокат, возможно, будет рано. — Хорошо! 2. Позвольте взглянуть на тетрадь. Может быть, это тетрадь моей сестры. 3. Этот роман Кристи может быть и хороший, но очень трудный для меня. Я не могу ничего понять. 4. Слушание закончено. Вы можете подождать в коридоре. 5. Вы можете воспользоваться моим телефоном. 6. Ты можешь поехать со мной? — Можно, я дам ответ завтра?

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What is manager (Part 4)
A number of different terms are often used instead of the term "manager", including "director", "administrator" and "president". The term "manager" is used more frequently in profit-making organizations, while the others are used more widely in government and non-profit organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies. Management is a variety of specific activities. Management is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Any managerial system, at any managerial level, is characterized in terms of these general functions.
Managing is a responsible and hard job. There is a lot to be done and relatively little time to do it. In all types of organizations managerial efficiency depends on manager's direct personal relationships, hard work on a variety of activities and preference for active tasks.
The characteristics of management often vary according to national culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.
The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy. Managers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called subordinates. To do this successfully, they must use their authority, which is the right to take decisions and give orders. Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees at lower levels in the company hierarchy can use their initiative that is make decisions without asking their manager.
• Ответить на вопросы к тексту.
• What terms are often used instead of manager?
• When is the term manager used more frequently?
• What set of functions has management?
• Why is management a hard job?
• What do the characteristics of management vary according to?
• What meant to delegate authority?
• Перевести текст на английский язык.
Менеджмент — это самостоятельная область знаний. Она требует постоянного глубокого и вдумчивого освоения. Это международная область знаний, которая сочетает в себе науку; специализированный вид деятельности и опыт; методы и формы управления; инновации, преумножаемые организационноуправленческим искусством. Сегодня знание основ менеджмента становится необходимым любому специалисту, ибо это неотъемлемая часть его культуры. Следует также учитывать, что успех любого предприятия зависит не только от личности управляющего. Управление — процесс двусторонний, осуществляемый по схеме «управляющий - управляемый». Следовательно, обществу нужны квалифицированные специалисты в области менеджмента, с одной стороны, а с другой — различные специалисты неуправленческих структур, обладающие культурой управленческого мышления.


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