When not to hire


When Not To Hire Your Friends

In this ever-changing society there are old habits that never seem to fade away. Rather than hiring professionals on the basis of education and experience, some employers prefer to take on their friends. Naturally this old hiring procedure provides more holes in business progress than Swiss cheese. The result is an astronomical amount of time, money, and energy wasted on newly hired employees who either quit or are eventually terminated. Worse is the company with the incompetent employee who never quits or is not terminated, but never makes a meaningful contribution to the company. To prevent this nightmare of hiring one disaster after another, a "filter system" to remove unqualified candidates from the hiring pool is essential.
Hiring a friend could be the smartest thing that you've ever done or it could wreck your company. So think twice before putting a pal on the payroll. On the one hand, a friend represents a known quality: he or she is trustworthy (you assume), reliable (you hope) and often willing to make sacrifices. On the other hand, having a friend as an employee can confuse everyone in your organization about who's entitled to what and whether burdens will be fairly divided. Friendship assumes equality, and you can't have equality in a hierarchy.
Here are the instances when you shouldn't try to recruit a friend:
When you are not sure if your friend is qualified. There's nothing wrong with asking for a resume from someone you know. Check references too, asking problem questions about your friend's skills, performance and dedication.
When your friend's personality doesn't jibe with the job. You have one advantage that you lack when interviewing the typical off-the-street candidate: you know your bud's quirks. The challenge is to assess them with a clear eye.
When your friend isn't prepared to take Orders from you. What you think is directive your buddy may consider a suggestion - setting you up for stress you could do without. That's why it's important to establish who's the boss right from the start. Tell him/her at the outset, 'Working here may change our relationship. Can you handle that?"
When you doubt you'll be able to treat your friend like any other employee. Just as you'd never hire a friend for charitable reasons, don't give him a job and then make special allowances. Nothing poisons company morale more than an unhealthy dose of favoritism. So when it comes to annual reviews, establish goals that are measurable, quantifiable and objective.
When you wouldn't be prepared to fire your friend if necessary. Honesty can be painful. So when you decide to fire your friend you should keep in mind that your friendship can be damaged beyond repair. Think twice before hiring a friend you'd really hate to lose.

Выберите правильный перевод слов.
Обратите внимание, что любые показатели частей речи нами проигнорированы, чтобы не давать Вам подсказки.
fade away
take on

платежная ведомость;
оценивать, смотреть трезво;
бремя, задание;
индивид. особенность, причуда;
принимать на работу;
постоянно меняющийся;
умение, мастерство;
угасать, терять силу;
терять даром, тратить впустую;
заслуживающий доверия;


Подберите синонимы.
to cope
to spend
to remember
to hire
to share
to disappear
to handle
to fade away
to divide
to waste
to keep in mind
to take on


Вставьте правильное слово или словосочетание.
Помните, если слово стоит в начале предложения, то 'правило заглавной буквы' на него распространяется.
employees employees' satisfaction fire get to the top high salary opportunities permanent post promoted resign responsibility work overtime working conditions
1. It's my _to see that the goods are delivered on time.
2. _ now want their opinions to be valued.
3. Offering such benefits as flexi-time and sabbatical leaves certainly contributes to _.
4. An employee is more likely to stay with a company if he or she has a clear idea of what _ will be like.
5. Young employees are more aware today of outside _ and they can choose.
6. Her work was so good that she was _to the position of assistant manager only a year after she joined the company.
7. The staff agreed to _ so that the order would be completed on time.
8. I've decided to _ and look for a job where I can make more use of my training.
9. He's finally found a _ working in a bank after years of going from job to job.
10. The boss thretened to fire her if her work didn't improve.
11. She's very ambitious and will do anything to _.
12. For me job satisfaction is more important than a _.



Вставьте необходимый артикль.
Помните, если слово стоит в начале предложения, то 'правило заглавной буквы' на него распространяется.

Если Вы считаете, что артикль не ставится в том или ином случае, то проставляйте тире: "-".

В случае непонятного использования того или иного артикля не стесняйтесь проконсультироваться у своего преподавателя английского языка.
1. _ pleasant smile is a strong indication of a friendly and open attitude.
2. _ strongest of _nonverbal gestures are sent through the eyes.
3. If you stare at_ person or leer in a suspicious manner, _ other person may feel uncomfortable.
4. You might not realize that a closed posture is _cause of many conversational problems.
5. _ Crossed arms tend to indicate _ impatience or _displeasure that could discourage people from opening up.
6. In many countries _ most acceptable form of _ first contact between two people who are just meeting is _ warm handshake.
7. One of _ sweetest sounds to _someone's ear is the sound of his own name; so it's vital to learn the person's name and to use it.
8. If _ friend asks you to help him and you know you don't have _ time to devote to it, instead of _ weak powerless words you should say no in a nice way.
9. When someone does something well, take _time to tell him/her.
10. When _people feel appreciated they will work harder and more conscientiously.


Закончите предложения.
Выбирайте подходящее завершение предложения согласно тексту 'When Not to Hire Your Friends'.
1 / 7
1. Nothing poisons company morale more than ...
1. an astronomical quantity of different orders.
2. an unhealthy dose of favoritism.
3. gossips about amounts of wages.
• Hiring a friend could be the smartest thing that you've ever done ...
1. or it could wreck your company.
2. in your lonf life; do it as often as possible.
3. but at the same time you may get much trouble with his/her relatives.
• Worse is the company with the incompetent employee who ...
1. never quits or is not terminated.
2. only chatters at work and disturbs colleagues.
3. always smiles and tries to make everything you say.
• There's nothing wrong with asking for ...
1. the telephone number and offering a cup of tea.
2. demonstrating the best personal qualities.
3. a resume from someone you know.
• Think twice before ...
1. hiring your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend.
2. starting to staff your company.
3. hiring a friend you'd really hate to lose.
• Dealing with your friend you have one advantage that you lack when ...
1. interviewing the typical off-the-street candidate: you know your bud's quirks.
2. talking to the typical off-the-street candidate: you don't have to keep all formalities.
3. interviewing your relatives: you have a certain freedom of action.
• There are old habits that ...
1. always prevent to make a career.
2. are considered nice and cute by other people.
3. never seem to fade away.
4. Составьте предложение из предложенных элементов.

5. and
6. usually
7. will
8. encourage
9. taken
10. attitude
11. This
12. other
13. person,
14. by
15. talking
16. is
17. him
18. compliment
19. as
20. a
21. the
22. to continue
23. .


Exercise VIII
Творческое задание
Представьте ситуацию: Вы являетесь работником крупной фирмы или компании, директор этой фирмы принимает нового сотрудника - дочь/сына своего друга. Она/он явно не справляется со своей работой, но директор не предпринимает никаких шагов чтобы изменить происходящее.

Вы можете выбрать одну тему для выполнения задания:

1) описать сложившееся положение глазами Вашей коллеги, настроенной против такого проявления фаворитизма;
2) описать ситуацию глазами этого самого нового работника.

Опишите обязанности, возложенные на нового работника, какие ошибки допускаются, как к этому относится вся фирма и так далее.


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