Who is Who in the Law?


Задание 1. Переведите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Who are solicitors?
What is the barrister trained in?
What is the role of a jury?

Who is Who in the Law?
If you are prosecuted for a crime in Britain, you may meet the following people during your process through the courts:
MAGISTRATES. Magistrates are unpaid judges, usually chosen from well- respected people in the local community. They are not legally qualified. They are guided on points of law by an official, the Clerk.
SOLICITORS. After the suspect was arrested, the first person he/ she needs to see is a solicitor. Solicitors are qualified lawyers who advise the person and help prepare the defence case.
BARRISTERS. In more serious cases, or where there are special difficulties, it is usual for the solicitor to hire a barrister to defend the accused. The barrister is trained in the law and in the skills required to argue a case in court.
JURORS. A jury consists of twelve men and women from the local community. They sit in the Crown Court, with a judge, and listen to witnesses for the defence and prosecution before deciding whether the accused is guilty or innocent.
JUDGES. Judges are trained lawyers nearly always ex-barristers, who sit in the Crown Court and Appeal Court. The judge rules on points of law, and makes sure that the trial is conducted properly. He/she does not decide on the guilt or innocence of the accused - that is the jury's job. However, if the jury find the accused guilty, then the judge will pass sentence.

Задание 2. Перепишите следующие предложения, раскрывая скобки. Переведите предложения письменно.

Justices of the Peace (choose / are chosen) from ordinary people.
Magistrates (advise / are advised) on points of law by the clerk of the court.
A serious crime (committed / was committed) last week in this town.
Twelve men and women (will select / will be selected) from the local community to try this case.

Задание 3. Перепишите следующие предложения, раскрывая скобки. Переведите предложения письменно.
1. Many organizations ... (have been started / have started) the campaigns against smoking.
2. Crime prevention programs ... (have launched / have been launched) by the law enforcement bodies this year.
3. By the end of this year smoking ... (will have prohibited/ will have been prohibited) in all offices and institutions.
4. He registered his handgun as soon as he ... (had bought / had been bought) it.


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