Wolfgang Mozart


Заполните пропуски глаголами: must, can , may.
1. When …you come to your lessons? - I … come to my lessons at eight o’clock.
2. You … not go away now, you …stay here till six o'clock.
3. … I take your pen? - Yes, you…. Here it is.
4. Comrade N. knows English well. He …translate these texts.
5. I …translate this letter. It is too difficult.
6. …I come into the room? - No, you …not.
7. Who …bring me "The White Fang"? – I …prepare я report on this book.
Задание N 2. 
Укажите, в скобках после каждого предложения, в каком времени группы находится глагол.
1. My sister likes to read newspapers every day?
2. How often do you go to the shops?
3. One can see a lot of cars in the streets of our city.
4. In the evening we danced and watched TV.
5. The weather was fine yesterday.
6. When we came to the shop there were a lot of people.
7. I'll meet him tomorrow.
8. Vasya will be a pilot.
Задание №3
Заполните пропуски артиклями a, an, the там, где это необходимо.
Yesterday I received …letter from my friend. He is …student.
He lives in …Leningrad and studies at …university.
He studies …English literature. Last year we spent our holyday together.
We were in Sochi and had … very good time there.
We swam in … sea and lay in … sun two hoers … day.
This summer my friend lives in … country. "There is … river and … forest here", he writes. I often go there. I'll stay in this place till …September.
Задание № 4.
Переведите на англ. язык, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов; in , for, on , at, to.
1. Вчера утром я сдал экзамен по русскому языку и получил хорошую оценку.
2. Летом мы обычно уезжаем в Киев на каникулы.
3. Завтра я уеду в Москву. Я думаю, что вернусь через три дня.
4. В прошлое воскресенье мы были за городом. Мы пробыли (оставались) там три часа. Мы пошли на реку, плавали там и загорали.
5. Эта книга слишком трудна для меня.
6. Какие упражнения нам задал преподаватель на дом?
7. Наш урок обычно начинается в девять часов.
Задание № 5
Заполните пропуски словами: have, has, her, their.
The Brown's …a daughter. …name is Michelle. Michelle and …husband …two daughters. …names are Becky and Jennifer. They …a son too.
…name is Brian. Brian …a dog. …name is Bob.

Задание № 6.
Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление местоимений: some, any.
1. Do you study any foreign languages?
2. Did you know any languages last year?
3. Have you got any interesting English books at home?
4. Are there any flowers in your room to-day?
5. Is there any garden or park near your house?
6. You have some children, haven't you?
7. You have some friends, haven't you?
Задание N 7.
Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Wolfgang Mozart. (1756-1791)

Wolfgang Mozart was a well known Austrian composer. He was a genius. Mozart was born in 1756. He was born in Austria. His father was a musician. When he was a child he began to show his wonderful talent for music.
He took a great interest in his sister's music lessons. He heard music and tried to play it himself by ear. His father decided to teach him to play.
When he was four years old he started composing his own tunes. He played them on the clavier well too. When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities in Europe.
When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He couldn't imagine his life without music. He composed many sonatas and symphonies in Italy. Many people know and like his music and he is popular and famous to-day.

1. When was Mozart born?
2. What was Mozart?
3. When did Mozart begin to compose music?
4. Who decided to teach Mozart to play?
5. What was Mozart's father?
6. What did Mozart compose?
7. Is Mozart a famous composer?


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