Контрольная Corporate entertaining in Japan


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Corporate Entertaining in Japan
By Ken Hijino and David Ibison
Hisako Saka, a hostess at a bar called Bouquet in Tokyo's high-class enter­tainment area, is complaining. 'Customers go home before the last train and order far fewer drinks. They are less cheerful and talk about restructuring all the time,' she said.
'Fewer girls are deciding to become hostesses. My salary has halved.' Corporate entertaining is in steep decline. Newly released figures from Japan's National Taxation Administration have revealed that Japanese companies spent 13.3 percent less on entertaining and gifts in the year to last January than in the previous year. The latest figures show spending on entertainment is at its second lowest level since records began in 1961.
The decline indicates that the high spending days of the 1980s are over and that a new phenomenon - cost control - has entered the corporate dictionary.
As the credit environment has tightened, losses have multiplied, restructur­ing has taken hold and the concept of shareholder value has crossed the Pacific, leading to entertainment budgets being cut. In the boom days some executives would think little of running up a ?7,000 bill in one night entertaining an important client.
These days the entertainment still goes on but at more modest establishments. Cheaper restaurants are busier and karaoke parlours are being chosen over expensive nightclubs. Kunio Sato, a bar owner for the past 35 years in Ginza, Tokyo's most famous entertainment area, said sadly, 'Companies are much stricter these days with what they will let their employees spend compared with the old days.'
The cost cutting does not end at the bar. Some of Japan's huge conglomerates have cut down ritual corporate gift giving. Budgets for gifts at New Year have, in some cases, been cancelled, forcing employees to buy the gifts themselves, according to an employee at one large conglomerate. From the outside, the discovery by Japanese companies of basic cost control can be seen as an encouraging development in an economy that had previously let spending run wild.
From the Financial Times
World business newspaper


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