Контрольная Crime and punishment in English


I. Внимательно прочтите следующие слова, переведите их с помощью словаря, обращая внимание на словообразовательные элементы.
to offend - offender – offence
to convict - convicted— conviction
to violate - violator - violation - violence
to commit - commision
to abolish – abolition

II. Напишите русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям из текста:
to leave at liberty
to place on probation
to be in favour of
to intend for
to release back
to take into account

III. Прочтите и Переведите текст с помощью словаря;
Crime and punishment in English
If a person is found guilty of a small offence, and has no previous convictions, he may receive no punishment at all, but be told that if he does wrong again the first offence will be taken into account along with the next one. Or he may be placed, on probation - left at liberty, but under the supervision of a probation officer. Punishments are in the form of fines or imprisonment, and some offenders are given suspended prison sentences. The death penalty for murder was completely abolished in 1969, although opinion polls seemed to show that over two-thirds of the public were in favour of it.
Meanwhile some other types of crime, including those of violence and theft, have increased greatly in recent years due to unemployment. Many crimes are committed by young people. The prisons are over crowed with many cells intended for one man occupied by three. The. fear of punishment, and in particular of prison, is intended to deter people from committing crimes, but when they committed their crimes they are not likely to be reformed by life in prison, where they often have to live in dreary conditions, with too little to occupy them.
Thus it is obvious that the bourgeois penal institutions cannot fulfill their primary task to release back into society a reeducated society a reeducated socially useful person.
IV. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. " То place on probation" - what does it mean?
It means to leave at liberty, but under the supervision of a probation officer.
2. What punishments may be given in Great Britain?
If a person is found guilty of a small offence, and has no previous convictions, he may receive no punishment at all, but be told that if he does wrong again the first offence will be taken into account along with the next one. Or he may be placed, on probation - left at liberty, but under the supervision of a probation officer. Punishments are in the form of fines or imprisonment, and some offenders are given suspended prison sentences.
3. When was the death penalty for murder abolished?
The death penalty for murder was completely abolished in 1969.
4. What is the reason for increasing crime in English?
Some types of crime have increased greatly in recent years due to unemployment.
5. Do the British penal institutions fulfill their main task?
It is obvious that the British penal institutions cannot fulfill their main task.

V. Найдите в тексте:
1) инфинитивы (десять);
2) заменители существительных (два).


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Crime and punishment in English. Английский.


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