Контрольная по английскому Demography


Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык.
1. This information is much more important than that one.
2. The laboratory is not so large as that building.
3. We discussed the most important problems in our work.
4. The work with these people may be defined as the main part of this project.
5. No one student in our group knew how to interview this man.
6. Some of us try to master a special course of Management.
7. Nobody can say what problem you will have to face tomorrow.
8. There are some people in our society who don't want to have their own business.

Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите весь текст.
Already at the time of Ancient Russia, a registration of the population existed, because it was needed for a better tax collection. Beginning in the 15th century, information for collecting taxes was put down in special books.
The first large population census was made in 1897 and took only a day. During the Soviet period there were several population censuses: in 1918 the census included the citizens of Petrograd and in 1926 the whole Soviet Union. According to specialists, the latter remains the best model of all population censuses ever made in the USSR.
The census of 1937 showed that there were far fewer people in the country than the government expected. This resulted in the execution of the organizers of the census, as well as suppressing the real figures, which were partly published only in 1990.
In 1939 another census took place and the size of the population suddenly increased by three million.
It is necessary to say that the 20th century was full of tragic events and one of the catastrophic consequences of these was demographic, the first one is connected with World War I and three revolutions; the second one at the colleclivisatcia, and, finally, the last one with World War II and the following years.
In the 15th century, Ivan, having conquered Novgorod, resettled the landowners of the city and gave their lands to noblemen. Ivan the Terrible, in 1563, made thousands of people from Polotsk move to the east. Nevertheless, it was only in the 1940s that massive deportations were undertaken on a very large scale.
There were three waves of such deportations. The first one dates to the first period of World War II, when especially the Germans and the Finns were persecuted.
The second one touched peoples who, according to the Soviet government, betrayed the USSR. Thus, in the Northern Caucasus, 870 thousand men and women had to leave their homeland only in 7 months.
And, finally, there were deportations at the southern frontiers whose victims were Turks, Bulgarians, Kurds and other peoples.

Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. When was the first large population census made?
2. What did the census of 1937 show?
3. What was the 20th century full of?
4. What happened in 1939?

Напишите аннотацию данного текста на английском языке.
Подчеркните правильный вариант предложения.
1. "Are you speaking/Do you speak English?" "Yes, a little".
2. Some times we're going/we go away at weekends.
3. It's a nice day today. The sun is shining/shines.
4. How often are you going/do you go on holiday?
5. Emily is a writer. She's writing/She writes books for children.
6. I am never reading/I never read newspaper.
7. "Where Michael and Jane?" "They are watching/They watch TV in the living room".
8. Helen is in her office. She's talking/She talks to somebody.
9. What time are you usually having/do you usually have dinner?
10. John isn't at home at the moment. He's visiting/he visits some friends.
Дополните предложения, используя необходимые грамматические формы и словосочетания.
1. "Are you hungry?" "No, but _ thirsty".
2. "_ your parents?" "They are very well".
3. "Is Linda at home?" "No, _ at work".
4. "Where is Pete from?" "_ American or British?"
5. _ hot today. The temperature is 35 degrees.
6. "Are you a teacher?" "No, _ a student".
7. "_is your umbrella?" "Green".
8. "_ my keys?" "In the kitchen".
9. Where is your car? _ in the park?
10. "_ tired?" "No, I am fine".


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Demography. Английский язык.


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