ENERGY SAVING. Контрольные задания по английскому


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ENERGY SAVING. Английский язык для технических вузов.


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I. Выберите соответствующую форму Gerund or Participle I / II
1. On _ the experiment, they decided to consult their supervisor.
a) completing b) being completed c) having been completed
2. The plan is useless unless _.
a) correcting b) corrected c) being corrected
3. _if the unification of the departments is going to take place already this year, the director did not give a straightforward reply.
a) Asking b) Asked c) Having been asked
4. _ market reforms, it is necessary to keep in mind social needs of the population.
a) Being implemented b) Implemented c) Implementing
5. _ in isolation the example does not seem to be that convincing.
a) Considering b) Considered c) Having been considered
6. _ the preparation, the lecturer took a short break.
a) Completing b) Being completed c) Having completed
7. At the meeting, they discussed different ways of _ their work.
a) being improved b) improving c) having improved
8. The idea _ by the scientist is not of any interest.
a) stated b) stating c) having stated
9. We have succeeded in _ productivity level over the whole period.
a) being maintained b) maintaining c) having maintained
10. Kurchatov played a leading role in _ the application of atomic energy in all branches of industry.
a) having been spread b) spreading c) spread

II. Переведите предложения, содержащие косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы:
1) We shall now examine gases in the light of kinetic theory and see if any explanation of the exceptions to the gas laws can be found.
2) It is necessary to know whether or not the molecules can still rotate freely in the crystal at the lowest temperatures at which its specific heats are measured.
3) Almost all materials are affected to some extent when placed in a strong magnetic field.
4) Analysis is naturally followed by synthesis.
5) Thinking of the universe as a whole, we are at once confronted by vital questions concerning its possible evolution in time.
6) In size Venus may be correctly referred to as the Earth's twin planet.
По размеру Венера может быть корректно названа планетой близнецом Земли.
7) In practice, the solidification of pure metals is influenced to a great extent by what may be generally described as external conditions.
8) Amber, glass and sealing wax are among the substances to be easily electrified by rubbing.
9) Minerals forming solid solutions are said to be isomorphous.
10) Many proposals for changing the traditional methods of storing and searching for information have been made in the last decade, and some of these have already proved to be of considerable practical value.
11) Different purposes and circumstances will require us to apply different procedures and devices if we are to achieve the greatest possible benefit.
12) Different gases might cause the currents to differ by altering the surface of the metal either by combining with it or by condensing on its surface.
13) The commercial use of nuclear power, which has already begun, leads mankind out of the inevitable impasse to which the limited resources of carboniferous fuel would have inevitably brought it.

III. Заполните смысловые пропуски в тексте следующими словами:
continuous, control, fluctuations, peaks and troughs, blips, appliances, frequency, range, continual, capacity.
Dynamic demand (1) _ systems can be fitted to electrical appliances that operate on duty cycles, i. e. (2) _ that start up, run for a time, shut down again, and then remain on standby for a while before repeating the same cycle. Heating and refrigeration units are common examples of power-hungry equipment that operate on this start-run-stop wait basis.
Dynamic systems exploit the fact that duty cycle appliances do not require
(3) _ power. The purpose of the systems is to help smooth power demand for the benefit of electric utilities. To achieve this, they delay the start¬up of the appliances they control during periods of (4) _. However, only minor adjustments are made to timing as, generally, the appliances concerned can only be held on standby for short periods as they need to run on a (5) _l basis. But this still benefits electric utilities as it helps to avoid problematic, momentary (6) _on the demand curve.
Dynamic controls work by detecting slight (7) _ in the frequency of the mains AC supply. Although this varies only within a very narrow (8) _, small drops in frequency indicate that power station turbines are working close to full (9) _. The dynamic control system can therefore hold the appliance on standby for a short time until mains (10) _ increases again.

IV. Трансформируйте диалог, согласно образцу на с. 8:
DIALOGUE [L. = Lisa; С. = caller]
L.: Technical support, Lisa here.
C.: Oh hi, Lisa, It’s Rod.
L.: You again! So what’s wrong now?
C: Yeah, sorry, It’s me. Well, this time my monitor isn’t working. I can’t see the whole page, I can only see part of the page.
L.: Aha. And are the icons and words too big?
C.: Yes. That’s right.
L.: OK. Well, your computer must be using the wrong screen resolution settings.
C.: So what should I do?
L.: You should go to Control panel. Click on Display, then Settings.
C.: Right, I’ve done that.
L.: Then you should move the slider up. Increase the screen resolution.
C.: OK, done it.

V. Подберите текст профессиональной направленности по содержанию, объёмом 5000 печатных знаков (примерно 2 печатные страницы формата А4):
1) составьте на его основе терминологический словарь по принципу англо-русские соответствия;
2) передайте на английском языке краткое содержание текста (summary) в 3-5 предложениях (в прил. А)