FOREIGN TRADE. Заказать решение контрольной.


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In the l9th century Britain dominated international trade, accounting for about one third of world's exports. Early in the 20th century its position changed. The volume of world's exports increased but the percentage of British exports in world trade declined significantly. 
But still foreign trade is vital to Britain's livelihood. With a large population, small land area, and few natural resources, the country must depend on foreign trade to supply the raw materials for English factories and to provide a market for the sale of the thousands of types of manufactured goods produced by English industries.
The United Kingdom's principal exports are vehicles, machinery, manufactured goods and textiles. Her main imports are foodstuffs and most of the raw materials for industry. Britain imports half the food it needs.
There is usually an unfavourable balance of trade, that is, imports exceed exports, but this is compensated for in part by the so-called invisible trade.
The earnings from invisible trade come in the way of shipping charges, interest payments from foreign investments, interest payments from British enterprises abroad, and tourist expenditure. The earnings from foreign tourist trade make this one of Britian's important industries.
Britain has got very sound economic ties with various countries of the world, especially the Commonwealth countries. The Commonwealth, officially called The Commonwealth of-Nations, has grown out of the old British Empire which came to an end with the Second world war. The Commonwealth countries are Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other small countries and territories.
The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Free Trade Association (E.F.T.A.) since 1959, and a member of the European Economic Community (E.E.C.) since 1973.

2. Переведите на английский язык:
1. В начале века эта страна доминировала в международной торговле.
2. В нашей стране возрос объём экспорта продукции..
3. Почти все страны мира занимаются международной торговлей.
4. Великобритания импортирует продукты питания.
5. Страна зависит от зарубежной торговли т.к. это обеспечивает сбыт промышленных товаров.

3. Какие слова в тексте доказывают, что:
1. Britain was one of the main exporters in the world last century.
2. At the beginning of this century Britain lost its dominating position.
3. There are a few objective factors why foreign trade is very important for Britain.
4. Britain needs raw materials for its industries.
5. Britain is interested in exporting its manufactured goods.
6. Britain imports a lot of foodstuffs.
7. Britain imports more goods than exports.
8. Britain invisible exports exceed invisible imports.
9. Tourist industry is of big importance to Britain.

4. Ответьте на вопросы. 
1. What goods does Britain export?
2. What goods does the United Kingdom import?
3. What services does the country export?
4. Does the country earn a lot of money thanks to a big number of tourists coming?
5. What is the Commonwealth?
6. Is Britain closely connected with Commonwealth countries?
7. Is the United Kingdom a member of the European Free Trade Association?
8. When did Britain join the European Economic Community?

5. Откройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Simple Present, Simple Past или Simple Future.
l. The volume of world's export (to increase) during the last five years.
2. There (to be) usually unfavourable balance of trade.
3. Tourist trade (to become) one of Briatain's important industries.
4. The factory (to produce) manufactured goods and textile next year.
5. Her main exports always (to be) foodstuffs and raw materials.


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