Контрольная работа HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE USA 1


I. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе.
Образец выполнения: a table - tables
a bridge
a branch
a fox
a ministry
a story
a way
a shelf
а cab
II. Поставьте личные местоимения, данные в скобках, в объектный падеж и переведите предложения.
1. Marie sees (they) at the club very often.
2. The man says he knows (you) and your family.
3. I seldom speak with (he) about it.
4. Please give (I) my note-book.
5. Mr. Brown teaches (we) English.
6. Practically I help (she) in her German every day.
7. Do you know this poem? - Yes, I know (it) well.

3. Напишите следующие словосочетания в притяжательном падеже.
Образец выполнения: the father of my friend-my friend's father
1) the dinner of the cat
2) the dog of Mr. Smith
3) the car of my brother
4) the legs of the horses
5) the shouts of the men
6) the voices of the pupils

4. Вставьте вместо точек местоимения.
a) much, many, a lot of
1. Have you_ time for reading now?
2. We don't invite _ people to the party.
3. He doesn't drink _ wine.
4. Did she write _ letters to them?
5. They have _ pictures in the house.
b) little, few
1. There is very _ water in the kettle.
2. I have very _ friends in Kursk.
3. We have very _ hope to see her soon.
4. She bought _ apples because she had _money.

5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous).
1. What you (to do) here now? - I (to wait) for my brother.
2. When he usually (to return) home?
3. I (to write) letters to my parents every month.
4. Take an umbrella. It (to rain).
5. They usually (not to cook) meals at home.
6. It is cold. She (not to walk) in the park.

6. Напишите следующие предложения в Past indefinite, добавив, если это необходимо, нужное по смыслу обстоятельство времени.
1. His office is near the Metro station.
2. The students are at the lecture now.
3. Harry gets to London by train.
4. Where does Mr. Brane work in the evening?
5. How do you usually spend your week-ends?
6. She doesn't like cooking.

7. а/ Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текста б/ Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. How many institutes of higher learning are there in America?
2. In what subjects can a student specialize in high school?
3. What is a freshman?

в/ Перепишите и письменно переведите третий абзац.
Higher education in America is provided by colleges and universities; The main difference between a college and a university is that the latter is a collection of colleges each of which specializes in a different field.
American colleges and universities are either private or public. There are nearly 1900 institutes of higher learning in America. Roughly one-third are state institutions, 1200 are private ones. Only about half of the school children graduate from high school in America and receive a high school diploma. College is getting more and more expensive every year. Not all American families can afford universities education.
The American high school offers a wide variety of courses. In the same school a student can specialize in economics, in chemistry and physics, Latin and humanities, or in automobile mechanics. During the four-year high school program, the student studies four or five major subjects per year. In addition the students usually have classes in physical education, music and art. The first two years are a continuation of secondary education; then a student begins an intensive study of his special field. If a student fails a course, he repeats only that course and not the work of the entire year.
Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A freshman is a first year student.


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Контрольная включает семь заданий. В основном это грамматические задания. Чтобы получить правильные ответы на грамматические задания, необходимо изучить соответствующие грамматические темы.

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Контрольные работы по английскому

В контрольные работы по английскому языку часто входят английские тексты, которые необходимо перевести на русский язык.