Introduction to Family Law


1. Please translate the text.
agree — соглашаться
reasonable -разумный
option — вариант
mediation - посредничество
negotiation — переговоры
apply- обратиться
handle — заниматься 
involve - включать в себя, вовлекать
welfare — благополучие
offender - правонарушитель
custody — опека
own- владеть
divorce — развод
property - имущество, собственность
spouse — супруг, супруга
advice - совет
split - распадаться
contribute - вносить вклад
review — рассматривать
earn - зарабатывать
temporary — временный

Introduction to Family Law
When family problems are serious, sometimes the people involved simply cannot agree on a reasonable solution. Other options at this point are mediation or negotiation arranged by your lawyer. If a solution still can`t be reached, you can apply to have your problem dealt with in court.
Family Court handles all problems involving child welfare and young offenders. Family Court may also be where you come to solve child custody and to get support for yourself and your children.
The Court handles divorce and property settlements. This court can also handle custody and support problems.
Talk to a lawyer first: If you are thinking about separating from your spouse, it is important that you talk to a lawyer first. Remember, the way a family problem is settled- who gets custody of the children for example - can affect the rest of your life. Please make sure you get the expert advice you need. Do not sign any documents or agreements until you have talked to your lawyer about them.
When a family splits up, the husband and wife are expected to pay for their own needs as much as possible. If you can`t support yourself, your spouse must help as he or she can. Both parents have to contribute as much as they are able to take care of their children.
You or your lawyer can first try to work out an agreement with your spouse about support for you or the children. If you can`t agree, you may apply to the court. A judge will then decide how much you need and how much your spouse can pay.
The judge has to review all the information about what you need to live on and about what you and your spouse earn or own, so it may take some time before you can get a final decision and a court order. If this is the case, you can ask the court to order temporary support for you.


2. Please answer the following questions:

1. What are the options for getting a reasonable solution of family problems?
2. Who arranges mediation and negotiation?
3. What kind of problems does Family Court handle?
4. Why is the way a family problem is settled important?
5. You do not sign any documents until you have talked to your lawyer, do you?
6. Who has to take care of the children when a family splits up?
7. Who works out an agreement with your spouse?
8. Does the judge review the information about what you need to live on?
9. Does your lawyer review the information about what you and your spouse earn or own?
10. Can the court order temporary support for you?


3. Please translate the following sentences into English:

1. Лучше, если супруги решат, с кем должны жить дети.
2. Если супруги не могут договориться, они могут обратиться в суд, который решит с кем должны жить дети.
3. Один из родителей почти всегда имеет право навещать ребенка (visiting rights).
4. Новый закон вступил в силу (came into effect) в 1977 году.
5. Адвокат поможет защитить ваши права.
6. Чтобы получить развод, вам придется пойти в суд с адвокатом.
7. В некоторых случаях ваш адвокат просто отправит в суд необходимые документы.

4. Please fill the gaps with appropriate word given below:

1. An interview is a _ with the police or Crown.
2. A _ is a person who is on the jury.
3. An objection means a reason that a lawyer _ a witness to talk to the judge.
4. The answer the accused gives _ to the charge that is read out loud at the beginning of the trial is called a plea.
5. A preliminary inquiry is a hearing where the meeting the_decides whether there is enough evidence to hold a trial in another court.
6. A sentence means the punishment the judge gives to someone found guilty of _ the law.

The words: judge, guilty/not guilty, meeting, breaking, juror, interrupts.

5. Please translate the text:

charge with an offence - предъявлять обвинение
legal aid - юридическая помощь
be available - иметься, быть в наличии
explain- объяснять
notify - извещать
free of charge - бесплатно
discharge- освобождение, оправдание
guardian - опекун
record - дело
probation - условное освобождение на поруки
measure - мера 
eligible - подходящий, имеющий право
perform - выполнять, делать volunteer - добровольный
withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) - снимать, забирать
refuse - отказываться 

Young Offenders
A young offender is a person under 18 years of age who has broken the law. All young offenders are tried before a Family Court or Youth Court judge.
A young offender should see a lawyer as soon as possible after being charged with an offence. All young offenders are entitled to legal aid. Applications are available at the court house. When a police officer brings a young offender to the court house, a duty counsel (lawyer) is available free of charge to help the young person decide on his/her plea – guilty or not guilty - and to explain the next steps in the trial process.
When a young offender first comes to court, the charges are read. The judge asks if the young person`s parents or guardians know of the charges. Parents or guardians will be notified and the judge can order their appearance in court.
Young offenders found guilty of an offence may be sentenced to probation, or custody. In some circumstances, they can be given an absolute discharge.
If a young person does not have a record or has a minor record, and has been charged with a minor offence, he/she may be eligible for the Alternative Measures Programs.
The young person will be asked to perform community service, such as working for a volunteer agency. If these tasks are performed well, the charge may be withdrawn. A young person who refuse to cooperate can be brought to trial. No one who has committed a crime involving violence or drugs is eligible for this program.

6. Please answer the following questions:

1. What courts try young offenders?
2. Are young offenders entitled to legal aid?
3. Who explains the steps in the trial process to the young offender?
4. When are the charges read?
5. Do parents or guardians have to attend the trial?
6. Can young offenders be given an absolute discharge?
7. When may a young person be eligible for the Alternative Measures Program?
8. What young offenders are not eligible for the Alternative Measures Program?

7. Please translate the following sentences into English:

1. Общества помощи детям (Children`s Aid Societies) играют важную роль в правоохранительной системе.
2. Их целью является защита детей от дурного обращения (abuse) со стороны родителей.
3. Полиция, врачи, учителя, служащие обществ помощи принимают меры в случае, если с детьми дурно обращаются.
4. Пренебрежение (neglect) также является формой дурного обращения.
5. Все виды дурного обращения с детьми являются серьезными преступлениями.


8. Please fill in the gaps with appropriate words given below:

1. A statement is a ........that a witness gives to the police and that the police write down.
2. A subpoena is a piece of paper that tells a witness when and where to come to.........
3. To testify means to ....... questions in court.
4. A testimony is what a witness ........ in court.
5. A transcript is typewritten record that is made by the.........of what is said in court.
6. A trial is a .........that takes place when the accused pleads 'not guilty' and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
The words: court, court reporter, description, hearing, answer, says.

9. Underline the Infinitives, write down what parts of sentences they are and
translate the sentences into Russian:

1. His duty is to make sure that place of work is safe.
2. He could not refuse to fulfill demands of court.
3. He has just finished to read the sentence.
4. I expect him to be acquitted.
5. Please telephone him to send this message.
6. I would like to see this witness again.
7. This is the place to see.


10. Match the synonyms:

best known 
to be on display
to behead
to bequeath
to conceal
to be at work
Most popular
To be shown
To decapitate
To gift
To hide
To do smth

11. Match the English and Russian synonyms:

to ship goods through the customs area сообщить об угоне груза
to be destinied for a Spanish consignee провести груз через определенную таможенную территорию
to be towed by a chain of hauliers потребовать выплаты страховки
to report the loss of cargo задержаться из-за технических неполадок
to be delayed because of mechanical problems предназначен для получателя в Испании
to claim on one`s insurance транспортироваться с помощью различных перевозчиков

12. Open the brackets using the correct Voice forms.

1. Each year Euro 432 bn. of taxes and duties (to channel) through the Tl system.
2. The Community Transit regime (to design) in the sixties.
3. Today, transit (to organize) by freight forwarders.
4. Customs budgets (to reduce).
5. Their ability to process the Tl form transactions (to slow down) dramatically.
6. Proliferation of fraud (to relate) directly to the implementation of a frontier free EU.

13. Write down evasive answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of expertise of the organized criminals? .......
2. How complex is their organizational structure?..........
3. To what extend do they use consultants?.........
4. Which kind of consultants do they use? .........

The following may be of help:
I really don`t know what their level of expertise is.....
No experts know.......
Even the European Union authorities....
It is difficult to say.....
Nobody knows which ....

14. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Это важные новости. Когда вы их получили?
2. Она дала очень сомнительные показания. Неужели вы верите им?
3. Где он спрятал деньги?
4. Я думаю, никто не найдет их.
5. Это вполне надежная информация.
6. Полиция находится совсем неподалеку.
7. Присяжные находятся в комнате 23.

15. Translate the following phrases into English and make short sentences with them:

to implement the law .............
to adjust the law ..................
to have trouble (in) understanding smth.........
to transform education finance ....................
to determine local property taxes ...............
to rely on higher rates ..............

16. Write down the following adjectives in the Comparative and Superlative Degrees and make short sentences with them:

rich, difficult, meager, slim, complicated, unpopular, high, placid.

17. Underline the -ing-forms, write down what parts of sentences they are, translate the sentences into Russian and write down a few similar sentences of your own:

1. This law transforms education finance by taking from rich towns and giving to poor ones.
2. It is an example of unfairness in spending on schools.
3. Management of school spending was taken out of local control.
4. Many farmers, living near the richer towns, are up in arms too.

18. Agree or disagree and substantiate your viewpoint:

1. No laws can curb smoking and drugs taking.
2. It is easier to make laws than enforce them.
3. Legislation should not be concerned with law enforcement.

19. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. They need investment to preserve their environmental balance.
2. The new owners may resort to cutting wood and selling it.
3. It is doubtful whether they will make reinvestments.
4. Bulgaria risks losing its diverse forests.
5. If the new bill becomes law it will fail the forests of Bulgaria.

20. Translate the following into English and make a few sentences of your own:
бороться с коррупцией, искоренить коррупцию, подкупать свидетеля, лжесвидетельствовать, показания против президента, процедура импичмента, принять закон, следовать закону.


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Introduction to Family Law. Контрольная по английскому.


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