1. Заполнить пропуски артиклями.
This is _classroom. These are __  desks.  _ desks are brown.
2.   Протранскрибируйте  следующие  слова.
winter                                     butter                                                                
quote                                      far
bag                                         garden                                                   
bound                                     chess
3.  Заполните пропуски предлогами.
When is Peter going _ the movies? What are you going to do _ Sunday? I'm going to take my brother _ the zoo. Ann is _ Kiev now. Jane is _school.
4.   Заполнить  пропуски  неопределёнными местоимениями  «some» и «any».
He has _ French books. Does Mr. Watson have _ children? Do you have _coffee? She has _ chalk. Are there _ maps on the wall?
5.   Образовать множественное число от существительных.
door, man, rain, pocket, deer, song, day, boy, car.
6.  Образовать сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных. cool, beautiful, nice, fine, big.
7. Закончить разделительный вопрос.
They do not study French,... ?
a) do they;          b) don't they;             c) aren't they;                      d ) did they.
8. Поставить вопрос к подлежащему и общий.
Peter usually gets up at 7.
9.  Поставить вопрос начиная его с When.
Не left school at an early age.
10. Напишите в 2-Зх предложениях о своих планах на лето, начиная:
11. Устно прочесть и перевести текст.

New-found Hope

Bonavista. Newfoundland.
Two odd sea-going structures were off the coast of Newfoundland this week. One recalled a distant past: a replica of the caravel Matthew in which John Cabot sailed from Bristol to — so he hoped — the Indies in 1497. After eight storm-beaten weeks, today's crew of 18 reached his (claimed) landfall of Bonavista on June 24th, to be greeted by Queen Elizabeth, on a ten-day visit to the country of which the is still head of state. The one that mattered was uglier and bigger: 600,000 tonnes of oil rig, heading for the Grand Banks, propelled by six tugs and a C$1 billion ($750m) federal government grant and more in loan guarantees. By Christmas, oil should be flowing, and within five years two more offshore oil projects should follow.
Is this a new start for Newfoundland? Unemployment there has hit 20% since its cod fishery — Cabot reported the waters «teeming» — all but collapsed. The population, now about 550,000, has been falling for years, as young people go to Toronto for excitement and jobs.
The oil will pour money into the provincial government's coffers. So will a huge discovery of nickel at Voisey Bay in Labrador, the bigger, but largely wilderness, mainland part of the province. Its combative premier, Brian Tobin — federal fisheries minister during the Spanish «turbot war» — sees many millions more in the renegotiation with Quebec of a 1969 hydroelectric contract, whereby that province buys power from Labrador dirt-cheap and makes C$600m a year selling it on to New England.
The issue will be to turn official money into jobs: neither oil nor nicke will generate many directly. Beyond that lies a wider issue. The Matthew will attract tourists as it circles Newfoundland island, visiting 17 ports. Most of Canada's top academics flew in for the annual gathering of learned societies. A theatre festival has brought playwrights from afar. But how, long-term, is this distinctive province (it gave up British colonial status to join Canada only in 1949) to prosper, hundreds of miles from the heart of the country — or anywhere much else? It is not only the far west and Quebec that raise problems for Canada.

12. Письменно перевести выделенный отрывок текста.

13. Составить к тексту 5 вопросов.
14. Canada’s top                                  - s   является показателем:
a) множественного числа существительного;
b) притяжательного падежа существительного;
c) 3-го лица ед. числа (гл. В Pr. Indefinite).
15. Ответить на вопросы.
1. What happened in Newfoundland?
2. What are the first and the second "sea-going structures"?
3. What changes have occurred in Newfoundland recently in terms of economy and population?
4. What role could oil and nickel play in a revival of the country's economy?
5. What's another of the caravel Matthew's objections?
6. What's the last question the author asks in the end of the article?
16. Определить по суффиксу часть речи.
Comparatively, effuse, general, ready, chamber, characteristic, gaily.
17. Перевести предложения
a) "You've changed since I last saw you!" I said to my friend.
b) Let us go this way for a change.
c) Can you give me some change?

a) There are five fingers on each hand.
b) I forbid you to lay a finger on the boy.
a) What were your first impressions of Kiev?
b) It's my impression that he does not want to read this book.
c) Fifty impressions of this book were sold yesterday.
a) When I entered the room I saw a man and a woman there.
b) Your friend is a man of character, isn't he?
c) Does that man of straw help against birds?


New-found Hope. Английский язык.


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