Контрольная Output hardware


Задание № 1.
Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо:

My sister is _ student. Her__friends are also__students. They live in__Samara. They study__English. They usually study in _ morning. Their classroom is large. The walls in_ classroom are yellow.___students come into _ classroom and sit down at _ tables. They usually do many___exercises, have dictations and study English grammar at__lessons. They also often write on _blackboard. They do__exercises at__home too.

Задание № 2.
Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где это необходимо:

1. We live _ Togliatti.
2. They work_ the Ministry _ Justice.
3. I usually go _ the office _ the morning.
4. My friends don't speak__English _ me.
5. Where is the book? - It's _ the cupboard _ the shelf.
6.__Next week I shall take my exam _ English.
7. Where's he _? - He's _ Samara in Russia.

Задание № 3.
Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление
конструкции "there is /there are":

1.  В квартире моего друга много мебели.
2. У меня в гостиной диван, два кресла, телевизор и видео.
3. Сколько книг в шкафу? - Там пятьдесят книг.
4. В комнате моих детей есть письменный стол. Стол стоит у окна.
5. Есть у Иванова в кабинете камин? - Да.
6. Сколько этажей в ее доме? - Я знаю, что в ее доме два этажа.

Задание № 4.
Откройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глагола:

1. I (to go) to the office at eight o'clock. I (to drive) there, but last year I  (to have) a car, so I (to go) to work by bus.
2. Where you (to work) next year?
3. Where you (to be) yesterday evening? - I (to be) at home.
4. My friend (not to like) to write letters.
5.___you (to read) a book now? - No, I (to watch) TV.
6.___you ever (to be) to London? - No, I___, but I___(to be) to Paris. I (to go)
there five years ago.

Задание № 5.
Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями some, any, по где
это необходимо.

1. I've got _French journals at home, because I can't read in French.
2. We haven't got _ offers from British companies.
3. Lavrov has got _ pictures of London.
4. Have you got _ catalogues to look through today? - No, I haven't got _ today, but I’ll have _ tomorrow.
5. John hasn't got _books by Conan Doyle.
6. I'd like _ tea with milk.

Задание № 6.
Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление
модальных глаголов can, may, must:

1. Мой друг умеет говорить по-английски, но не умеет говорить по-французски. Он считает (думает), что он должен изучить французский язык.
2. Вчера мы получили письмо от английской фирмы. Должен я его перевести? - Нет, не нужно. Я его уже перевел.
3. Можно войти? - Да, можно.

Задание№ 7.
Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы:

Output hardware.

The purpose of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system. Information is in either hardcopy or softcopy form. Hardcopy output can be held in your hand, such as paper with text (word or numbers) or graphics printed on it. Softcopy output is displayed on a monitor.
Monitor is a display screen for viewing computer data, television programs, etc. Printer is a computer output device that produces a paper copy of data or graphics.
Modem is an example of communication hardware - an electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from computer via telephone or other communication lines.
Hardware comes in many configurations, depending on what you are going to do on your computer.


1.   What is the purpose of output hardware?
2.   What is modem used for?
3.   Can a PC user communicate with other people without a modem?


Output hardware. Английский.


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