Scotland 2. Контрольная.


I. Перепишите ряды словосочетаний, состоящих из заданного существительного с разными формами левого определения и переведите их.
1. a program, the marketing program, the long, term marketing program, the company's long, term program.
2. regime, an economic regime, a favorable economic regime.
3. facilities, telecommunication facilities, up — to — date telecommunication facilities.
4. a firm, a trade firm, a foreign trade firm.

II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на формы глаголов to be, to have (время, число глагола и тип предложения, утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные).
1. My office has business relation with many foreign firms.
2. Were the inquiries for our machines from Jackson & Co?
3. The company manager was not at the office last Monday.
4. Have you got any catalogues to look through?

III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, построенные с формальным подлежащим there (оборот there +to be), обратите внимание на временные формы глагола.
1. There will be a strong competition in the market.
2. There were good chances to sell our product in Britain.
3. What faculties are there in English Universities?
4. There is practically no fair in which our country does not take part.

IV. Перепишите предложения. Определите исходную форму слов, имеющую окончание -es, -s, укажите, чем она являются. А – глагол-сказуемое в 3 лице, единственного числа, the Present Simple Tense.
Б – множественное число имени существительного. В — притяжательный падеж имени существительного стоящего в единственном числе.
l. The company's representative discusses some business matters with experts.
2. Mr. Brown often goes on business to different countries.
3. If you have no objections, let us get down to business.
4. Do their goods always meet the requirements of customers?

V. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите текст и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2, 3.

Scotland is a land of scenic splendour. The dramatic Highland with their snow-capped mountains, wooded glens and shining lochs give way to the salmon rivers, rich farmland and picturesque fishing villages of the Lowlands.
This is the land of tartans and fine whisky, of romantic castles and the melodies of bagpipes. Scotland also has a rich cultural heritage. The lively Highland Games take place up and down the country between May and September. At many a gathering, you'll see events like tossing the caber, throwing the hammer and sword dancing, accompanied by the pipes and the beat of massed drums. The appeals of Scotland are undoubtedly unique and the hospitality of the Scottish people will make your visit one to be remem-bered.
Edinburgh, Scotland's gracious capital city, is dominated by its Vth-century castle. At the heart of the old medieval town is the Royal Mile, which leads to the country's finest royal palace, Holyroodhouse. In contrast is the New Town, the Edinburgh of attractive squares, tree-lined streets and elegant houses. The city's rich cultural heritage is highlighted by its Interna¬tional Festival in August.
Glasgow is the heart of the arts in Scotland and exuberant festivals such as the International Jazz Festival have been widely recognized. The city also has some of the finest museums and galleries in Europe. These include the magnificent Burrel Collection, the Art Gallery and Museum in Kelvingrove, and the McLellan Galleries.
In1992, Scotland commemorated the 450th anniversary of the birth of Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary reigned in Scotland for only seven years; yet the romance, intrigue and mystery surrounding her life have made her a legendary figure. Visit her birthplace at Linlithgow Palace, her coronation site at Stirling Castle, Loch Leven Castle where as a prisoner she was forced to sign a deed of abdication, and Dundrennan Abbey where she spent her night in Scotland.

VI. Прочитайте 5 абзац и вопрос к нему. Какой из вариантов ответа соответствует по содержанию одному из предложений текста.
l. Who reigned in Scotland in the 16th century?
2. Queen Elizabeth reigned in Scotland in the 16th century.
3. Prinсе Charles reigned in Scotland in the 16th century.
4. Mary Queen of Scotland reigned in Scotland in the 16th century.

Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When do Highland games take place?
2. What is Edinburg dominated by?
3. What is Mary’s birth place?


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