1. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте по-английски на вопросы, следующие за текстом.

Man's earliest structures protected him from the weather, from wild animals, or from the attacks of other men.
Since that time the art of building has changed greatly, but its main object has remained protection. Now we are living in the age of machinery, of scientific achievements, of the discovery of new sources of power and new materials. The three main materials are concrete, together with ferro-concrete (or reinforced concrete), steel and new kinds of glass. Con­structions that were not possible before can now be permitted with the help of these new materials.
Modern architecture is mainly the architecture of steel and concrete. The outer walls and the roof have lost their old importance. They are no longer structural. In the modern building it is the floor and its sup­ports that are structural. The use of a steel framework has made it possible to construct tall buildings.    
The walls which no longer have to support the structure can be of any kind of material. It is possible to build a factory in which the walls are made of any shape we like. The roofs may be flat. Changes in the interiors of buildings have also been made. Electric light, central heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration and all kinds of labour-saving devices have been installed.   
We have had all these things for some time. And our modern homes have become much more comfortable than the homes of the past.


1. What is the main object in the art of building?
2. In what age are we living?
3. What are the three main materials used in construction now?
4. What form can the roofs have now?
5. What changes have been made in the interiors of houses?
6. What labour-saving devices can you name?
7. Do you live in a comfortable house?
8. What conveniences (удобства) do you have?
9. Is there electric light and central heating in your flat?
10. Do you like your room? Is it warm and light?
11. What houses are more comfortable: the new ones or the old ones?

2. Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия, переведите их на русский язык и образуйте степени сравнения.

3. Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложения, сказуемые которых употреблены в Present, Past, Future Continuous. Напишите эти предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

4. Выполните письменно контрольно-тренировочные упражнения 5. 6.

5. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями. Переведите   предложения ну  русский  язык:
1) _ man whom Mr. Smith telephoned this morning is here now.
2) _book which I am reading now belongs to John.
3) There is _ pencil on the desk.
4) She is _ good teacher.
5) Is this _ book which you need?
6) I want to buy _ new briefcase. .
7) _ good book is always a pleasure for me.
8) It is _ good idea.
9)   _ picture painted by the student is beautiful.

6. Заполните   пропуски   соответствующими   предлогами.   Переведите предложения на русский язык:                                                                                                               
1) Не thanked me _ my interest _ the matter.
2) This book belongs _ our teacher.
3) We all went _ a walk _the park.
4) Nick usually sits _ this desk.
5) I make many mistakes _spelling.
6) The man walked quickly _ the room and sat down.
7) She spends a lot _ time _ her English.
8) We read _ the accident _ the newspaper this morning.
9) They told me _ their trip _ the North.

5. Выпишите из текста 10 слов, представляющие собой различные части речи. Переведите их на русский язык. Укажите их основную форму.

6. Переведите письменно текст контрольной работы №2 на русский язык. При переводе пользуйтесь англо­-русским словарём.



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