The importance of being late


1. Перепишите следующие предложения, раскрывая скобки и согласовывая во времени и числе глагол с относящимся к нему существительным.
1) Her hair (is/are) dark.
2) This money (belong/belongs) to him.
3) Billiards (was/were) gradually replaced by bridge.
4) Electricity (is/are) potentially dangerous.
5) Human slaves (has/have) also been used as currency around the world.

2. Перепишите следующие существительные и приведите их множественное число.
Postman, editor-in-chief, ghetto, pocket-knife, make-up, son-in-law, statesman, tea-table.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных.
1) The ball soaked up water and became heavier.
2) This is more a war movie than a western.
3) The smaller it is, the cheaper it is to post.
4) This is the least popular branch of medicine.
5) Water is eight hundred times as dense as air.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных местоимений.
1) Everybody recognizes the importance of education.
2) There is nothing wrong with being popular.
3) Beginning in the late 1880’s in both America and England, fine hotels began to offer tea service in tea rooms. 
4) She couldn't think of anything else.
5) Anyone coming here must respect our constitution.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения, раскрывая скобки и выбирая соответствующий переводу модальный глагол. Переведите предложения.
1) You (have to/must) have heard of him. - должно быть
2) There's nothing I (can/may) do about it. - не могу
3) I (could/might) barely walk. – мог
4) You (cannot/mustn't) breathe a word of this to anyone. - не должны

6. Прочитайте следующий текст и переведите 1-3 абзацы. Прочитайте последний абзац и ответьте на вопрос: Do you agree that people who always come in time are the real culprits and why?

The importance of being late

A former academic colleague of mine, who was raised in India, told me that men of his caste would measure their relative importance to you by the amount of time they made you wait beyond an agreed appointment. Punctuality, it seems, is a badge of servitude. And nowhere is this more evident than in universities, where the upper echelons, on the whole, are a good deal less constrained by time than the lower orders.

When an academic tells you that they need something doing - and they need it now, today, in the next couple of hours - this probably means they have been sitting on it for the past three months, and a deadline is about to expire. At committee meetings attended by both teaching and support staff, you can almost count on an academic arriving last, often after the meeting has begun. Do they do it as a mark of superiority? Is that why they are late with exam marks and research proposals?
Are these culprits unaware of the dismay it causes to those who have to cope with the consequences of their behaviour, or are they secretly triumphant about the impact they are having? Probably neither. It is rare for tardy individuals to analyse their reasons for keeping others waiting.
And at work, does it really matter whether we are slaves to the clock, or appear to be working in a different timezone from everyone else? After all, none of us in universities, in normal circumstances, is putting lives at risk or throwing transport systems into chaos if we fail to turn up on time, or, indeed, if we fail to turn up at all. So perhaps the obsessives who are always there on the dot, occupying a dodgy moral high ground, are the real culprits, throwing everyone else into disarray by their compulsive behaviour.

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