1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните инфинитив одной чертой, причастие – двумя, герундии – волнистой линией. Переведите предложения на русский язык
1) Joining the business community, you have to provide your enterprise with the required initial capital and the current assets necessary for the production and further product's promotion.
2) This entrepreneur runs his agricultural production processing business well enough not to be subjected to the economic default of the country.
3) To receive the profit from the business, the committee of Trustees worked out a new three-year Marketing Promotion Concept to be inculcated starting in 2006.
4) To start operating at a join stock company, we need to provide many different documents.
5) They'll only be successful in business after their careful studying the previous experience in this sphere as accumulated by their predecessors.
6) Before borrowing a large sum of money in a bank for the development of a business, one must prove strongly his/her solvency.
7) The woman in black leaving the office is the new Personal Assistant to our Chief Human Resource Consultant.
2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода бессоюзных подчинений
1) Our regional administrators trusted the executive director of the state fishery plant was working out the leading business line.
2) We received the data on the experiments we'd carried out for about a couple of months.
3) The economist knows the director will surely give him some valuable advice as to this type of a business assignment.
4) The program he's going to speak about at the annual conference is very important for our enterprise' operation.
5) The people we invite at our meetings are our main shareholders and, in this way, our most respected business partners.
6) Not a fortnight has passed and we obtained the results of researches we'd been carrying out for some time now.
7) The striking employees keep telling their supervisors they are ready to resume their work immediately, if their salaries are tripled.
8) The experts supposed this project would be completed by the end of the second quarter, or, as the most preferred variant, by the start of our next financial year in April.
3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов
1) The article in the Forbes journal informs international stock market players about arguments on privatization in Russia, particular attention being paid to farmlands.
2) The output of soybean cultivation growing steadily, impressive progress has been made in the recovery of the soy-processing industry in both Scotland and Northern Ireland.
3) Having achieved the target for the industries' adequate profitability, the government could open new plants and factories.
4) Fiscal shortages and taxation system’s limitations having been identified, the ever new methods of their overcoming became available only after the careful investigation of their causes.
5) Having received the long-awaited loans, our enterprise can now realize many home and foreign agricultural machinery purchases.
6) Having reduced the retail prices for some types of supplies, including the field machinery spare parts used by farm producers, we managed increase the level of sales for some basic sorts of our products.
4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод объектного и субъектного инфинитивных оборотов
1) In the past seven years, the country's corn sellers have seen great advancement of sales and purchases take place in the inner market.
2) We want these resources to be as much unlimited in use - either for our domestic market or internationally - as possible.
3) The obsolete human resource approaches are guaranteed to half the goods and services output of our enterprise in the year to come.
4) Under these money-restricted and labor force leakage conditions of today, your ingenious and perfectly elaborated plan's fulfillment is hard to be brought to real life.
5) New types of personal computers and other data-processing equipment are expected to perform calculations with times great precision as well as speed.
6) Economic development projects proved to be reorganized in both all branches of the British Petroleum and the newly established Setra Lubricants.
7) Innovative technology and up-to-date efficient methods are sure to increase labor productivity and machine efficiency at our firm.
5. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с придаточными предложениями условия
1) After your interview with the Personnel Manager, you'll be able to wait for the results in my office.
2) When they follow my experience-balanced advice, they will receive the expected revenues.
3) If the offer had been worked out in time and worded properly, our factory would have got necessary raw materials and equipment on time.
4) Unless Karl Marx contributed so meaningfully into Economics, we wouldn't have such a perfectly developed theory to facilitate our economic practice.
5) If the net interest income doesn’t go up, we will be broken and our firm will be insolvent
6) In case we advance our vocational education, the efficiency of individuals and the society as a whole will benefit remarkably, stimulating our country to being 'on the directed drift' towards its prompt industrial rise.
7) Under the flax-processing hadn't concentrated on the promotion of the production standards for the goods, it wouldn't have been able to satisfy the people's demands for some readily saleable kinds of clothing.
8) Provided you don't work hard enough, our office will never receive the funds required
6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should и would
1) Trade-offs should involve acceptance or choice of less in one aspect so that to get times more of a little later.
2) If there were no General Equilibrium Theory, our scholars wouldn’t have this widely applicable instrument of microeconomics.
3) The learning model of the economy should be constructed so that all unfavorable and non-economic factors are eliminated.
4) Don't be afraid of hiring these female-employees who are large family mothers as we would like to try and introduce some social security programs some time next year.
5) Experienced managers should expect profit’s coming only after certain decisive merchandizing policy changes brought to life along with considerable overhaul of the enterprise.
6) Market experts would study simultaneously every market for every commodity, if they applied the newly advertised digital computers.
7) If you would, without Adam Smith's works we wouldn't know about economics as a social science.
7. Переведите текст на русский язык
For any manager, regardless of the size of the business that he runs, or by which he
is employed, or its range of activities, a capable, loyal team of staff is of the utmost
importance if his department or section or business is to operate smoothly and efficiently. No matter how automated the business or part of it under his control may be the output of it will ultimately be achieved through the efforts of his subordinates. Machines, materials and even premises can be replaced but it is not at all easy to replace reliable and hard-working staff. It is therefore vital that considerable attention is paid to the selection and recruitment of the right staff. Equal consideration must be paid to the training of those staff members, and to their welfare and to their motivation, so that they will work well and willing and, will be sufficiently content in the employ of the business to stay with it. The last point is emphasized because the time, effort and expense involved in recruiting and training good staff are considerable.
Large businesses usually have a Personnel Department - headed by a Personnel (or Human Resource (HR)) Manager - separate from the line or operating departments, which is responsible for dealing with most, if not all, matters and problems relating to personnel throughout the organization: their conditions of work, welfare, recruitment, training, promotion, etc., and the maintenance of personnel records. In most cases the Personnel Department - and its manager - acts in advisory and service-providing capacities only. However, the personnel function has become so complex and specialist in many large companies that the HR Manager will often be at least a senior executive, if not a director, and may have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the organization with trade unions and staff representatives.
The term 'recruitment' refers to the first stage in the process leading to the filling of a vacancy which may arise either due to the creation of a new post, or because the present holder of it is leaving the employ of the business or of a section or department of it. In the latter case, it will first have to be decided whether it is really necessary to replace the employee (for example, could his duties be spread amongst others in the department who may not be fully occupied, perhaps due to a reduction in work-load or efficiencies brought about by organization and method or work studies (simply abbreviated to O&M))
And the opportunity might be taken to change the scope of the post, broaden or reduce the range of duties, etc.
The personnel policy formulated for a business should concentrate on two aspects: (1) those activities which can be governed by clearly laid down procedures, which are to be followed as and when circumstances required (including recruitment, selection, promotion and training of employees); (2) those activities which are aimed at creating and maintaining a good work climate and content workers.
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