What is polytechnic?
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What is Polytechnic?
Polytechnics are fairly new. They were established by the government in 1966 in order to concentrate in major colleges the large amount of work of university standard being done outside the university. Now there are 30 polytechnics in England and Wales, and 14 similar colleges in Scotland.
In many ways the polytechnics and universities are similar; for example, in much of the work they do. However, there are two important differences. Firstly, universities are autonomous bodies. Secondly, universities, being autonomous, award their own degrees. Most degrees in polytechnics are awarded by a national body called the Council for National Academic Awards. The Council ensures that the degrees awarded in polytechnics are comparable in standard to degrees awarded by universities.
Polytechnics are teaching institutes. They have more varied courses than any other higher educational institute. They provide courses for various levels from post GCE "A”-level to postgraduate level. Courses are also of various patterns: full-time, part-time and sandwich. The student has therefore, a wide range of choice, such as a pure academic study, a study of an applied nature or a professional qualification.
About two-thirds of Polytechnic graduates get qualifications in subjects of an applied nature and take their first jobs in the field for which they have studied.
Polytechnics have close links with commerce and industry. Many of them are vocational, that is, prepare students for technical jobs. They produce technologists, technicians and craftsmen.
At a polytechnic, as at a university, students come from different backgrounds, have diverse interests and follow a variety of courses. Students' life at a polytechnic is interesting and varied, socially, as well as educationally.
Polytechnics play a main role in higher education.
Task 1. Выпишите из первых двух абзацев все предложения, где встречаются слова с окончанием -s-. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются эти слова и какую функцию это окончание выполняет. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1 показателем 3-го лица ед. числа глагола в Present Simple.
2 признаком множественного числа имени существительного.
3 показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
Task 2. Образуйте вопросительную форму от следующих предложений.
1 Now there are 30 polytechnics in England and Wales, and 14 similar colleges in Scotland.
2 However, there are two important differences.
3 There are many varied courses for various levels in Polytechnics.
4 There are close links with commerce and industry.
Task 3. Составьте следующие предложения.
1 the polytechnics, ways, are, in similar, and, many, universities
2 play, in, education, polytechnics, a main, higher, role, education
3 have, with, Polytechnics. close, commerce, links
4 in polytechnics, most, are, degrees, awarded, by, a national, body
5 has, a wide, the student, of, choice, range
Task 4. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги.
1 … they were established by the government
2 … the large amount of work
3 … similar colleges in Scotland
4 … in many ways
5 … courses for various levels
6 … from post GCE “A”-level to post graduate level
7 … in subjects of an applied nature
8 … links with commerce
9 … for technical job
Task 5. Выпишите и переведите предложения с числительными и датами.
Task 6. Заполните пропуск соответствующей формой глагола.
1 Students … diverse interests and follow a variety of courses.
2 Polytechnics … close links with commerce and industry.
3 Students … therefore, a wide range of choice, such as a pure academic study of an applied nature or a professional qualification.
4 Teaching institutes … more varied courses than any other higher educational institution.
Task 7. Замените существительные на местоимения.
1 Polytechnics are fairly new.
2 The council ensures that the degrees awarded in polytechnics are comparable to degrees awarded by universities.
3 Polytechnic plays a main role in higher education.
Task 8. Дайте начальную форму следующих глаголов.
done, followed, were, varied, had, established, came, provided, awarded
Task 9. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от следующих прилагательных.
much, important, comparable, various, wide, close, interesting, good
Task 10. Сгруппируйте пары A - синонимов, B - антонимов.
1 major A branch
2 amount B job
3 work C like
4 similar D supply
5 vary E different
6 provide F obtain
7 various G change
8 get H main
9 field I quantity
1 full time A same
2 much B inside
3 outside C little
4 new D part time
5 various E old
6 different F similar
Task 11. Переведите третий абзац и ответьте на вопрос What is Polytechnic?
Task 12. Обратите внимание на перевод сочетания that is - то есть.
Many of them are vocational, that is, prepare students for technical jobs.
Task 13. Прочитайте следующую справку. Какая информация текста не нашла в ней своего отражения? В каких абзацах она содержится?
In 1966 a new form of higher education was established. Thirty of the technical colleges became “polytechnics” - more than half of them in cities with universities. They may devise their own courses and examinations for degrees awarded by the Council for National Academic Awards. Their courses (not all technical, and not all leading to degrees) are of many kinds, including part-time and “sandwich”. Their popularity is growing rapidly.
Task 14. Сравните The Polytechnic с Университетом. Подтвердите свой ответ ссылкой на текст.
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